‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean

The Doctor

Jean’s P.O.V.

A week has gone buy since Brandon saw me puking. The last few day he has been wanting to take me to the doctor, but I refuse to go ‘till yesterday. I told him I would go, but only if Adie goes with me. He said he didn’t care with whom I went as long as I went to the doctor, period.

I asked Adie if she would go with me and she gladly accepted.

I had been wanting to tell Adie about me not being sick, but I was just hadn’t found the right moment to tell her. I wanted to tell her, but I was afraid that if I did, she would get over excited and everyone would find out.

Adie said she was going to take me to the doctor she has been going since she was a little girl. She said that it was one of the best doctors in town and that every time she got sick, her doctor managed to make her feel better.

Mike insisted that we didn’t walk, so we left in a taxi to the doctor, even though it was only a couple of blocks away.

After about five minute in the taxi I finally decided to confront Adie with the truth.

“Adie.” I said looking out the window.

“What’s up?”

“Can I tell you something?” I said now looking at her.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I’m not really sick.”

“Your not?” She asked razing an eyebrow. “How could you not bee sick? Brandon clearly saw you puking the other day,” She said making sense of things.

“Adie I,... I think I’m…-” I still wasn’t sure about telling her. I mean she’s eventually going to find out when we get to the doctor. It’s just that I have never told anyone I’m pregnant. I didn’t even tell anyone the last time I was pregnant.

“Oh my god your pregnant!” She exclaimed, finishing off my sentence.

I smiled when she said it. I guess she took my smile as a “Yes Adie, I am pregnant,” ‘cause she gave me a hug.

“How many months do you have?” She asked.

“Two months…. I think,” I think she figured out that I still wasn’t telling her something.

She rose her eyebrow again like she had done before, “What’s wrong? You don’t seem so happy?”

“I am,” I said putting on a smile.

“Ok, I don’t think your telling me everything, but I believe you.” She said giving me another hug.

“When did you find out?” she asked getting excited again.

“Well I’m still not sure, but I have the same symptoms I had last time I was pregnant.” I said placing both my hands on my stomach. I hadn’t really thought about it. I was actually pregnant. Wait what if Brandon doesn’t want a baby? What if it’s not even his?

We arrived at the doctor’s office shortly after all the commotion in the taxi.

The doctor’s office was a bright blue color. There weren’t many people waiting to be seen by the doctor. Adie told me to take a seat and that she would take care of the rest.

I was happy that Adie was happy for me. I just hope that Jade and Brandon are too.

Not telling Adie, about me not knowing who my baby’s dad is makes me feel bad inside. So I decide to tell her, ’cause I know that no matter what happens she’s still going to be by my side.

After talking with the lady at the desk for a couple of minutes, she finally took a seat next to me.

“So, when are you going to tell Brandon?” I heard her ask as she took a seat.

“That’s the problem; I don’t know when to tell him.” I said throwing my hands up in the air, showing my frustration of thinking about it to much.

“Ok, calm down,” she said placing a hand over my shoulder, “Just tell him when you think the time is right.”

I looked at her for a couple of seconds. “Adie, I don’t think I want to tell Brandon.”

“Why?” She asked confused.

I placed both my hands under my chin and placed my elbows on my lap. “Because I’m not sure who the dad is…..”

“How could you not know who the dad is?”

I turned to look at her, “ You know what happened between me and Andrew. What if the baby isn’t Brandon’s and he doesn’t want me to have it-”

“Jean, how could you think that about Brandon? If he loves you, he is going to love that baby like if it was his own. And besides, don’t you think it would be better if you tell him now and not after the baby is born?”

I let out a long sigh, before answering her question, “I guess your right, but it’s just that I’m afraid that something will go wrong like it did with Andrew.”

“Does Brandon even know that you were pregnant with Andrew’s baby and that he killed it?”

“I don’t think so, I don’t remember telling him.” I said looking at Adie. All she did was stare at the wall in front of us. I wanted her to tell me what to do. I wanted her to tell me that everything was going to be ok.

“Jean Jones?” Someone that looked like a doctor called from the door to the right of us.

“That’s me.” I said getting up.

“Want me to go in with you?” Adie asked also standing up. I nodded as a reply. “Ok.” She said following me.

The doctor took my height, my weight and my blood pressure before taking us into a room that had two chairs, a bed and a desk. He told me to take a seat on the bed. Adie took a seat on one of the chairs.

“Hello Ms. Jones, I’m Dr. Soliman. What happens to be the problem today?” The doctor asked cheerfully.

I tried to explain the reason why I was here, “Well I’m not really sick it’s just that I have been having pregnant symptoms again and I wanted to make sure-”

“Again?” asked the doctor, “You’ve been pregnant before?”

“Yeah, …… but I lost the baby.” I said shamefully.

“Well lets take a look,” he said signaling me to lay backward onto the bed. “Were going to make sure this baby is born safely.”

“Yeah, let’s make sure of that.” Adie said looking at me and giving me a sympathetic smile.

After a couple of minutes the doctor had hooked me up to a couple of machine I heard tree beeping sounds. “Do you hear that?” Dr. Soliman asked.

“Yeah.” I said getting excited.

He pointed at the TV monitor thingy. “One of those beeps is your heart beat and the other two are you babies.”

“Babies?” I asked confused.

“Yep, you have two little hearts in your tummy.” He said pointing at two white spots on the TV thingy. I was guessing he was pointing at the babies’ hearts.

“Oh my god they’re going to be twins.” Adie said getting up and walking over to the side of the bed to take a look at the babies.

“Yes, they’re twins. The only problem is that they’re still to little, so I wont be able to tell you what their going to be.”

I didn’t care if the doctor couldn’t tell me what they were going to be as long as they were ok. Now I don’t care if Brandon wants to recognize these babies as his own. Knowing that I have two living things in my stomach, made me happy, beside I know that no matter what, Jade is going to help me through this.

“Please try to not alternate your temper,” the doctor said snapping me back into reality.

“What?” I asked, startled.

“You said that you have lost a baby before, right?”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t because I had problems conceiving.” I said trying to make him understand that I lost the baby because of Andrew.

“I see, but just to make sure that the babies stay healthy, don’t make any aggressive movements or anything like that, ok?” I guess he understood what I was talking about.

“Ok.” I said.

I got all cleaned up while Adie waited outside for me. She said she was going to call the cab so that we could get home faster. Adie promised that she wouldn’t say anything about the babies, ’till I told her it was ok.

I decided to take her advice and tell Brandon about me not knowing who the babies’ dad is.

The doctor scheduled me to come back in a month in a half so that he can check up on the babies. As we walked out of the doctor’s office, we saw that the cab had arrived. We go in and made our way back home. As the cab got closer and closer to the house I started to get more and more nervous. I looked over at Adie, who gave me a slight smile. She placed a hand on my lap.

“Don’t worry; it’s going to be ok.” She said as the cab stopped in front of the house.