‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean

Good News

Jean’s P.O.V.

I guess now was the right time to tell him. He took my hands in his and asked, “What’s wrong?” I didn’t want to look at him because it would be kind of stupid to tell him that I was pregnant, but his eyes, god if you look at them, you just can’t look away.

“Brandon, the reason I didn’t want to go to the doctor was because I already knew that I wasn’t sick.” I said still staring at him right into his eyes.

“How did you know?” When he asked that, he looked so innocent, but was he dumb enough, not to know that I was pregnant.

“Brandon I’m pregnant.” I said really fast and looked away. I also tried to pull my hands away from his, but he didn’t let go.

I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t, so I turned to look at him again. I was confused; he had a big smile, going from ear to ear. “That’s so great, why didn’t you tell me!” He said pulling me into a hug.

“I wanted to make sure that the babies were real.” I said as he let go of me.

“Babies?” He asked as he pulled away from me. “Yeah, there twins.” I said holding up two fingers.

“Oh my fucken God!!” he shouted so loud I think the people that live around the corned herd him. At that point everyone came running into the living room “What? What happened?” everyone asked gathering around me and Brandon.

“Could you believe it, I’m going to be a dad!”

“A what?” asked Mike looking at me then at Brandon. Shit, I didn’t get to tell him about the part where I still don’t know who the dad is.

“A dad?” asked Billie.

“Yeah, of twins.” He also said holding up two fingers like I had done before.

“I’m so happy for you guys.” Jade said walking over towards me and giving me a hug. Hearing that from him made me happy. At least I know that he’s on my side.

Everyone congratulated us, including Mike. At first for some reason I didn’t like the idea of me and his brother already having babies, but a while after the big commotion, he asked if he could talk to me. I said “Sure.”

He told me that he was happy for me and that if I ever needed anything he was going to be there like Jade has been for the last few years. Right after I had finished talking to him, Brandon came to talk to me.

He was really excited and I was too. I never thought he would take the news so well. I guess the bad experience with Andrew had me terrified.

After everyone finished talking about the babies and stuff I got tiered so I went up to my room. I thought I might get some sleep for tomorrow. I still work at Hot Topic.

After I came out of the shower, Brandon was on my bed. He looked like he was asleep. I took a seat next to him on the bed and started to untangle my wet hair.

“Jean?” Brandon said with his eyes closed.


“Don’t you think your parents should know that your pregnant or something?” he asked now opening his eyes.

“They don’t care about me.”

“But that was years ago, maybe they realized that you were a great person and-” he really wanted me to go see my parent’s again. He kept talking to me about how I should go check up on them and see how they’re doing, but I just don’t want to. They hate me especially my sister, Cynthia. I let him talk for a while ‘till I thought that maybe I should go give my parents a visit and prove to them that I’m not worthless.

“OK, I’ll go, but only if you go with me.” I said cuddling up next to him on the bed.

“Why me?”

“Do you want me to go to my parents house and tell them, ‘Oh hey mom, dad, sis, guess what I’m pregnant?” I said sarcastically.

“I guess your right.”

“Dam right I am-” I was about to also say something else, when Brandon kissed me. Every time I kissed him and he kissed me, I felt complete. We continued to kiss until we both fell asleep in each others arms.

**********The Next Day**********

I woke up to find that Brandon wasn’t by my side. That made me feel lonely, but I knew he had to get up early, ‘cause he had to go to work.

Ever since he came out of rehab, he got this new job, that’s kind of the same to the one he had, but even better, because he didn’t work near any girls. I know, I know I sound like the jealous type of girlfriend, but I’m not, it’s just that, that was the only job he could work for.

Anyways, back to me. I got up dressed; you know the usual and went down stairs.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Jade, Mike and Adie talking. “Hey you guys,” I said waving at all three of them at the same time. They all said hey back to me. I sat with them after making myself a cup of coffee.

They all looked at me with a concerned faces. “What?” I asked . Jade and Mike looked at Adie. They didn’t say anything. So I got up grabbed my bag and left for work. I wonder what they were thinking.

All these thing keep popping up in my head. Why does Brandon want me to go talk to my parents? I know it’s not because I’m pregnant and it’s not like I need their support. Something was up and I want to know what it is.

I got to the mall a little early. It was still closed, so I sat on the floor leaning against the building waiting for Carl to come. Me and him had become real cool friend.

As I waited for him, I got lost in thought. I didn’t even notice there was a guy sitting next to me. He was tall. Ok so he was sitting down, but he looked tall to me. He had blond hair and dark black eyes. I guess his blond hair wasn’t his natural hair color. He wasn’t skinny or chubby. I tried to remember the fact that I was with Brandon, because when I looked over at him, he smiled at me. His smile reminded me of Andrew………….. Oh my god, did I just think that?

I smiled back at him. I was about to say hi to him, when I saw Carl come up to us. Then I remembered, Carl had told me that there was going to be a new guy working with us. The guy next to me got up. I tried, but my tummy was hurting, so I struggled a little until the guy offered me a hand. “Thanks. “ I said, as I got up.

“Hey you guys” Carl said, opening the gate. “Jean this is Zack, Zack this is Jean.” He introduced us. And we shook hands. I was suppose to come to work yesterday, but since I was going to go to the doctor with Adie, Carl gave me the day off.

I showed Zack around, just like Carl had explained to me a couple of months ago, when I was new.

I left him in the back moving some boxes around. I was at the front at the cash register when Carl came up to me. There hadn’t been any customers, since we had opened.

“So how did it go, yesterday?” I didn’t know how to tell him, so I just said it straight to the point. “I’m pregnant.” He got so excited. He was acting the same way like Jade does when he gets excited. Oh yeah, he got more excited when I told him they were going to be twins.

After talking for about two hours with him, he left me in charge and went on his lunch break. Zack had finished moving the boxes he had been moving, so he came and sat next to me at the front. “Are you from around here?” He asked me. I told him that I wasn’t and that I was from L.A.

I kept talking to him. I found out that he wasn’t from Kansas either, he was actually from L.A. too. It was all going cool, until he asked me why I hadn’t come to work yesterday. I wasn’t going to lie to him, so I told him the same thing that I had told Carl, but he didn’t take it in an excited way, instead he looked kind of sad, so I asked him what was wrong. He said nothing was wrong, but I didn’t believe him.

When it was time for me to go home I went to the back, to sign out and as I did, Zack told me that someone was looking for me at the front.

I didn’t have a clue about that person, but as I made my way to the front, I saw that it was Brandon. I ran towards him and greeted him with a hug. “Ready to go?” He asked. I nodded.

“Bye, Zack,” I said as we left the store.

“Who’s Zack?” Brandon asked. I told him that he was the new guy and that he was also from L.A. I also told him everything that I knew about Zack. As we entered the driveway, I noticed that Brandon hadn’t said nothing and kept looking away from me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, but he didn’t answer.

I think I knew why he way acting the way he was. When we got out of the car and went into the house he went up to his room and shut the door. I followed after him, but he just ignored me.

I guess I shouldn’t have told him about how cool I thought Zack was. I didn’t mean to. I was just happy to talk to someone that came from the same place I did.

I tried to open his door, but he had locked it. “Brandon, could you open the door?” I asked standing by the door.

He didn’t say anything in return so I asked “Please?” after about a minute I heard the door being unlocked from the other side. I tried to open it again, and I was successful.

As I went into his room I saw him standing next to his window. I walked over to him and placed a hand over his shoulder, but he brushed it of. “Brandon, What’s wrong?” I asked now standing in front of him.

He looked away from me and still didn’t say anything. “Brandon” I cooed pulling him into a hug. “I’m sorry, but I don’t see why your mad?”

He finally gave in to me and let me hug him, but he didn’t hug me back. “If you like him so much, why don’t you go hug him?” he said sarcastically in a low voice that I barely heard him.

Now I was mad. I let go of him. “If I liked him more than you I wouldn’t be here, you idiot!” I said and headed for the door, but as soon as I started to walk away, I felt the pain in my stomach I had felt earlier today.

“Ouch….” I said as I fell to my knees with my hands on my stomach.