‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean

Just Leave

Jean’s P.O.V.

As I fell to my knees I heard Brandon run towards me. “Are you ok?” he asked. I ignored his question and told him to leave me alone, but he didn’t. Instead he helped me get up and took me to the bed.

“Why do you even care?” I asked him as I sat down.

“Because I don’t want anything to happen to our babies.” He said taking a seat next to me.

I don’t know why I said this, but I just blurted it out, “What if they’re not even yours?”

He gave me a confused look and then asked, “Are they?” I didn’t answer, because I didn’t know what to tell him.

“Jean you better tell me.” He started to shout at me. All this shit was getting to my head. I was starting to panic.

“I don’t know,” I shouted getting up and walking out of the door. Tears were running down my face, I knew I shouldn’t have told him. I walked down the stairs looking for Jade.

I hate Brandon and I wish I would have never met him.

I went into the living room and found Jade standing next to Mike. Mike saw me crying and asked what had happened, but I ignored him. Jade looked at me crying and received me with a hug.

I told him that I wanted to go back home. Back to L.A. where I knew I would be away from everybody. He asked why, but I didn’t tell him. Mike said he would leave us alone so that we could talk and left to the kitchen. Jade asked me again, why did I want to go back home.

“Because,” I said now calming my self down.

“Because, why?” he asked pulling away from me.

I told him about what the doctor had told me; that I shouldn’t alter me temper, take care of my self and all that crap. Of course he knew that, that wasn’t the only reason I wanted to back home, so he just stared at me until he got everything he wanted to know.

I told him that I didn’t know who my babies dad was and that I had just told Brandon the worst way possible. He told me that he would buy me a plane ticket tomorrow, but I told him I wanted to go home today.

We kept arguing until he gave into me. “Fine wait here,” he said and went into the kitchen to talk to Mike. As he left someone came down the stairs. It was Brandon. I couldn’t bare to look at him, so as he entered I look away from him. I was sitting on the couch now. He took a seat next to me but didn’t say anything.

We sat there in silence until Jade and Mike came back into the room with Adie. “Ready to go?” She asked.

“What?” Both me and Brandon asked confused.

“If you’re leaving, I’m leaving with you.” She said signaling me to get up.

“Your leaving?’ Brandon asked also getting up. “Yes she is,” Mike said answering his question.

“Why are you going with me?” I asked Adie.

“Because I’m going to make sure that your going to be ok.”

“But I don’t even have a place to stay.” I said making her understand that I had nothing.

“Yes you do. You two,” Jade said pointing at me and Adie, “Are going to stay at my house.”

“But-” I don’t know why, but it’s a habit of mine to argue with people.

“No buts, you are staying at his house. Got that?” Mike said ,more like and order than a question.

“Ok.” I said and made my way towards the front door. Not for an instance did I look back at Brandon, because to me, him letting me walk away like this, made me think that he doesn’t care about me or,… or… the babies.

Brandon’s P.O.V.

This can’t be. First she tell me that the babies might not me mine and now she’s leaving like I don’t mean anything to her. She can’t leave me, what if the babies are mine I want to be a part of their lives. What am I saying, I would want to be part of their lives even if they weren’t mine. I watched as Jean and Adie left with Jade o the airport.

Mike stayed at home with me. At first he just stared at me, but after a couple of minutes he sat next to me on the couch and said, “I can’t believe your going to let her leave just like that….. I thought you actually cared about her….and the babies.”

“I… I do care about her and the babies...” I said looking at him. Mike must be really ashamed of me right now, cause he didn’t even look at me when he talked to me.

“Are you going to let her go because she doesn’t know who the babies dad is?” He asked still looking away from me.

“No, I don’t want her to leave.” How he could think that about me. I really don’t want her to leave.

“Then why are you here?” When he asked that, it hit me hard. Why am I still sitting here instead of being at the airport with jean?

I sat here on the couch thinking and thinking for a couple of hours. I actually wanted to ask her to marry me and all I did was sit here and let her walk out of my life.

Jean’s P.O.V.

Jade dropped us of at the airport. He gave me some money, the key to his house and a letter, but he told me to read it after I was on the plane.

I gave him one last tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. He said he would call tomorrow, to see how it went. Billie came with us to say his goodbye to Adie. I still didn’t see how they could care so much about me. Billie wished me and my babies the best.

Just before letting us go on the plane, Jade and Billie said that they all were going to come and visit us soon.

As me and Adie took a seat in our seats I looked out the window and waved goodbye at the guys. The plane was getting a little cold, so I placed my hand’s inside my sweaters pockets. I felt something, then I remembered about the letter Jade had given me.


I hope your making the right decision on choosing to leave.

I’m sorry I had hurt you the day you told me Andrew had killed

your baby a couple of years ago I just hated the fact that you

never told me. Remember that no matter what you do with

your life I’m always going to be there with you even if you fuck

up like you have done in the past. No one is perfect


As I finished reading the letter one last tear ran down the side of my face. I wasn’t crying because I was sad, but because I loved Jade a lot. More that anyone in the world.

“Are you ok?” Adie asked placing a hand on my lap.

“Yeah” I said and smiled at her.

Pretty soon I fell asleep.