‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean


Jean’s P.O.V.

We arrived at Jade’s house around six in the morning. As we walked in, I felt a feeling of home. I know this isn’t my house, but it’s all that I’ve got.

Now that I think about it I don’t even know why I’m here. Why did I run away from Brandon? Why do I make things so complicated?

I went up to one of the guest rooms and left Adie unpacking in the other one. I didn’t bring anything with me so I had nothing to unpack.

I took a shower and asked Adie if I could borrow some cloths. She let me borrow a t-shirt and some dickies. She also told me that we had to go shopping; I told her I had no money since I had left without even telling Carl, then she said not to worry about it, that she would take care of it. I really don’t know why she’s doing this.

I got dressed and went down stairs to Jade’s kitchen. I was really hungry, I hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Oh yeah I also wanted to eat because I wanted to keep my babies healthy. Hey, I just figured it out, moving back home is going to prevent me from having mood swings.

I went to the fridge, but there wasn’t anything in it so I decided to go to the liquor store that was around the corner.

I told Adie I would be right back and made my way to the store. As I walked down the street, I noticed that someone was walking behind me, but I had no idea of who it was. Then I thought, now I’m getting paranoid, so I just ignored it.

When I got to the store, remembered that I didn’t have that much money, so I just bought a bag of skittles.

I made my way out of the store and took a seat on the bus stop bench, to get a little bit of sun and fresh air. I sat there eating my skittles when someone sat next to me. It was a girl about my age or a little younger.

I didn’t know why, but I felt like I knew her. I looked over at her and was shocked. “Cynthia?” I asked.

The girl looked over at me, “Jean?”

“Yeah, it‘s me Jean.” I said getting all excited about seeing my sister. I don’t think I’ve ever been happy to see her in my whole life.

“Are you still living with you boyfriend Andrew?” she asked after we had talked for a couple of minutes.

“No, I lived a couple of months with Brandon.”

“Who’s Brandon?” She asked. I told her about how I had met Brandon in Kansas. It was starting to get late, so I invited her to come over to Jade’s house. She said she was surprised about the fact that me and Jade had still remained friends.

When we got to the house, I introduced her to Adie. Adie looked surprised that I had found my sister after so many years. I was surprised too. We talked for a while until it started to get even more late.

I stuck a hand into my sweaters pocket to find a red skittle. I was about to pit it in my mouth when Adie exclaimed, “What is that?” pointing at my hand.

“A skittle.”

“How could you eat that, you know that’s not healthy for the babies.” She said taking it away from me.

“What babies?” Cynthia asked.

“Oh yeah, about that, I’m pregnant.” I said a little sarcastically.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked getting excited. I told her it had slipped my mind.

“Mom is going to be so happy when she finds out.” She said giving me a hug. I asked her why would my mom be happy if she hates me more than anyone in the world.

The things the she told me were astonishing. I always thought I had a tough life, but I guess I wasn’t the only one.

She said that she had gotten cancer and went to chemo therapy. Luckily the cancer went away, but it left her scared for life. She soon started to hurt her self, because she felt a lot of pain. I didn’t know what to say.

In the end I just told her that she should never ever do that again. She said she was over it and she wasn’t going to do it again, but knowing her I knew she was lying.

She said she still lived with my mom and dad, because they thought she might hurt herself again. She gave me the address and told me to go visit her.

I told her that, that wasn’t going to happen, but she also gave me her phone number so that I can call her. She said that she wanted to know what my babies were going to be and that she wanted to meet the daddy.

I didn’t tell her what had happened between me and Andrew, but I did tell her that I was going out with Brandon.

Since we had moved away from Dr. Soliman we didn’t have a doctor to go to. Adie called him and told him that I was out of town. Dr. Soliman told her that we should go with one of his friends that was also a doctor that lived in L.A. The doctor had scheduled us to go in three months. That was the fastest appointment he could make for us.