‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean


Like Adie had promised, today we were going to go shopping. Adie got up extra early and made coffee. I walked into the kitchen to find her leaning against the counter.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked her curiously.

“Stuff,” she replied with a smile.

“What kind of stuff?”

“You and Brandon.”

“Oh,” I said in a sad tone.

“I don’t get it, how can you and Brandon like each other, but yet your always fighting.”

“Adie I don’t want to talk about it-”

“Why? What are you so scared of?” She asked pleading me for a truthful answer.

“You want to know why?”

She nodded as her eyes grew wide.

“I’m scared… I’m scared of getting hurt again.”

“But Jean, Brandon isn’t going to hurt you, he might fuck up, but he’s not going to hurt you. You’ve taken chances before and did they do you any good?” I shook my head.

“Then take a chance with Brandon … he really loves you,” she said handing me the phone, “I’m going to go change.” With that said she left me alone in the kitchen.

I hate it when she’s right. I gulped the rest of my coffee and went into the living room.

I sat on the couch and took a deep breath before dialing the phone number. It rang a couple of times before Mike answered.

“Hey Jean, want to talk to Jade?” He asked cheerfully.

“Yeah, no wait no. I mean yes I want to talk to him, but not-” I was starting to blabber my thoughts, “Can I talk to Brandon first?”

“Brandon … He’s not home yet?”

“What do you mean ‘He’s not home yet?’”

“Sorry, I guess Jade hadn’t told you yet. Brandon left yesterday after midnight.”

“Where did he go to?” I asked worriedly.

“He went to L.A. looking for you.”

“wha..what, but why?” I asked confused.

“I don’t know, he said something about the ring and not giving up or something like that…Oh hold on,-” I heard the phone being moved around.

“Hey Jean!” Jade shouted loud into the phone I had to move it away from my ear.

“Ha ha, hey Jade.”

“Oh my god, you are not going to believe……Oww!” He whined into the phone.

“What happened?” I asked giggling.

“Mickey just punched me.” I could tell he was pouting even though I couldn’t see him.

“You idiot, she doesn’t know yet,” I heard Mike scold Jade in the background. “Sorry,” Jade apologized.

“I don’t know what?” I asked.

“Nothing, so how are you doing?”

We kept talking for about half an hour. When I hanged up, I got up and made my way up to my room. I guess I got safe this time, but I know that I’m not going to be able to avoid Brandon for a long time

When I was finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror, like I always do. So this is how you look when you’re two months pregnant. I smiled to me self.

As I closed the door to my room I herd the door bell. “I’ll get it!” I shouted and ran down the stairs.

Adie was at the bottom of the stairs. “Ha ha, slow down, your going to end up falling.”

“Ok, ok, chill,” I said and went to answer the door.

We weren’t expecting anyone. “I wonder who it is?” I asked my self in a whisper, before opening the door.

When I opened the door, I saw someone very unexpected. “What are you doing here?” I asked. The weird thing was that I had a smile on. Why was I smiling? Wasn’t I supposed to be mad at him