‹ Prequel: Long Gone

Coming Clean


“I …I um, well,” He was lost, I can tell.

“Why don’t you come in?” I asked moving out of the way. He smiled at me and walked right in.

He set his bags on the floor. We walked into the living room and took a seat on the sofa.

We were both quiet and I was getting nervous, so I intertwined my hands an placed them on my lap. I also kept looking away form him.

“Jean, I really need to talk to you.” He said scooting a little closer to me.

“Yeah, I know.” I said, looking into his deep blue eyes.

I sighed before continuing. “Brandon, I’m sorry I hadn’t told you sooner, it’s just that-”

“I know,” he said taking my intertwined hands in his. “I should have been more understanding about the situation you were in.”

I pulled away from him and stood up. I took a deep breath and paced around the room. Finally I leaned against a table and folded my hands in front of me. “You must think I’m a bitch,” I said in a low voice.

Brandon got up and walked over to where I was standing. He leaned against me lightly and wrapped he’s arms around my shoulders. “Why would I think that?”


“Because, why?” He asked gently.

I closed my eyes tightly, “Because it’s not the first time I’ve been pregnant.” I waited for him to pull away from me and walk away, or shout at me, but he didn’t.

I waited a couple of more minutes, but the only thing I felt, him still hugging me and silence. I slowly opened my eyes to see him still there. He didn’t hit me or run away.

He kept one hand around me and placed the other on my cheek. His face showed no expression. Right now all I wanted to know was what he was thinking.

He turned his head to look at the front door and then looked back at me. I knew it, I knew it, he want to run away as far as he can from me.

“Jean, when were you pregnant?” he asked brushing away the hair that had fallen in front of my face.

“When I was with Andrew a couple of years ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I just shrugged as a response.

He nodded. “I see,” he said letting go of me. He turned around and placed a hand on his head and started to think. He nodded again to himself and slowly started to walk away.

This is it.