
Hostage, part 1- the only

This story features me (Michelle) and the guys of green day. So anyway, yeah. They've rented out a house for the night in Adelaide, Australia (my home town). The story takes off from when they arrive at the house.

"Whoa, nice house," Tre complimented.
"Agreed," Mike added.
There was an odd round of silence.
"Say... before we settle in, how about a walk?" Billie Joe suggested.
"Good idea!" Michelle smiled. She glanced over at Mike and Tre, whom exchanged glances.
"We'd rather stay here," Tre urged. Mike nodded.
"Okay," Michelle sighed, shaking her head helplessly, and then reaching for her coat.
"Back soon!" Billie Joe called, slamming the front door shut.

He and Michelle travelled down Christie Road in silence.
"A nice town, Adelaide is," Billie Joe shakily started.
"Really? Thanks. Some people say that Adelaidians are paranoid, but they're just up themselves," Michelle giggled.
"Heh. That's true," He responded. They were on East 12th street now. It was really dark, so it was difficult to determine who was around them, except for a few hazed, orange street lights, which reflected on bystander's figures.
"Geez it's freezing," she hoarsely stated. Billie Joe smiled as he took off his- or really Tre's oversized leather jacket and gave it to Michelle.
"This jacket smells like marijuana," she commented, totally disgusted. Billie Joe sighed, his warm breath turning to a puff of white fog.
"You know what Tre's like," He muttered. She shuddered as we walked past the street punks, who were staring at us, their darkened eyes shining with raging and violent hatred and jealously as they went by.
"Maybe we should go back." Michelle suggested.
"Yep," Billie nodded. As they turned around, a street punk confronted them.
"Yes?" Billie Joe politely asked. The guy reached out and grabbed Michelle.
"Money, cigarettes, booze or her life," He threatened.
"I don't have any money or cigarettes on me," Billie Joe apologised.
"Booze then," The punk suggested.
"No booze, either," He sighed. Michelle squeezed her eyes tight as she felt the punk's grip around her neck getting tighter. The punk, still holding onto her neck with one hand, reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of broken glass and held it up to Michelle's neck.
"How about now?" He asked. Billie Joe looked around nervously, then he pulled out a *cigarette* from his pocket.
"Here, it's all I have," He whispered cautiously.
"Why thanks," The punk smiled. By that time, Michelle and Billie Joe were already running back towards the house.
"We're in for it now," Billie Joe puffed.
"What do you mean?" Michelle questioned.
"That cigarette was just a rolled up piece of paper," Billie Joe replied.
"He doesn't know where we're staying," Michelle relaxingly laughed.
"Yes he does. That piece of paper had the address and phone number of the house we're staying in," He told her, "Street punks aren't as dumb as you think," He added.

"Ah." Michelle whispered. She and Billie Joe stopped at the front door of the rented house.
"Mike, Tre" Billie shouted between breaths.
"H...e's!!" Michelle stuttered, tugging on Billie's shirt. He turned towards the rod, and saw that street punk jogging down the footpath, the half burnt piece of paper that saved Michelle's life, in his hand.
"Guys! Open up!!" Billie Joe screamed, bashing on the door with his fists. The punk had now crossed the road and was now walking down Christie Road, the street their house was on, a look of anger on his face.
"MIKE, TRE COME ON!!" Michelle screamed, joining in, banging on the door with Billie Joe.
The punk was now on their drive way.
"HEY!" He called.
"HELP US!" Michelle cried tears of panic streaming down her face.
Michelle and Billie Joe backed up against the door, causing it to open; they ran inside and locked the door. Michelle gave Billie Joe a hug, burying her head in his shoulder. Her sobs continued for a few more minutes.
"It's okay," Billie Joe whispered, rubbing her back, "Do you want a tissue or something?" He sweetly asked.
"I'll go find them," She volunteered.
Billie Joe walked down the hallways, looking for Tre and Mike. Suddenly he head Michelle squeal. He ran back into the lounge, to see Michelle passed out on the lounge floor. Billie Joe ran to her side and shook her about. Then he peeked into the drawer that Michelle was looking in.
"Euw, a dead pigeon," He said in disgust, closing the drawer and kneeling back down.
"Aww what a shame, she passed out," A sarcastic voice said from behind them. Billie Joe turned around- it was the crazy gutter punk dude.
"Just back off, OK?" Billie Joe snapped, getting up and walking towards the guy.
"Now way, I won't stop till she's dead," He growled.
"Whatever you do, don't hurt her," Billie Joe screamed.
"I can do what I damn well want to!" The gutter punk shouted.
"But she didn't do anything!!" Billie Joe cried, "I'm the one who lied, you should want to kill me!"
"The thing is, I want to kill her first, so you could see the death of a friend right before you very eyes," He hissed.
"You're evil," Billie Joe cursed, as the guy walked out.

He looked down at Michelle and burst into tears. He knelt down next to her.
"Wow what the hell happened?" Mike asked as he entered the large room via the back door.
"Check the first drawer," he replied, hiding his teary eyes with his hair.
"Argh!" Mike replied, jumping back. After recovering from the shock he came closer to Michelle and Billie Joe.
"Maybe we should get some help," Mike suggested.
"Why?" Billie Joe questioned.
"It could be serious or something," Came Mike's reply. Billie Joe placed a tissue over a now- bleeding bruise on Michelle's neck.
"She'll wake up soon," He said to himself. Mike smiled at Billie Joe.
"You really like her, don't you?" He laughed. Billie Joe nodded.
"So does Tre," He snorted.
"Don't we all?" Mike asked.
"There's a pretty obvious answer to that question," Billie Joe joked.
"She's a really sweet, funny girl," Mike said. Just then, Tre walked in.
"What the fuck happened?" He questioned.
"Look in the first drawer," Mike quoted, pointing at the drawer with the dead pigeon in it.
"Sick!!" Tre cried, after looking in that drawer.
"Thought so," Billie Joe muttered. Tre glanced at another of the bruises on Michelle's neck.
"Shit, what happened there?" He asked, eyeing the bruise.
"When Michelle and I were walking down East 12th street this gutter punk grabbed hold of Michelle by the neck and asked us for a cigarette. I told him I didn't have any, so he grabbed a piece of broken glass and threatened to stab Michelle with it. I pulled out a cigarette, gave it to him and ran. He vowed to us that he wouldn't stop bothering us until Michelle was dead. The cigarette was really just paper rolled into a tube, but the sad thing is that it had the address of this house on it." Billie Joe explained.
"Wow." Tre replied, "Just wow." Mike nodded. Billie Joe looked down at Michelle's still body again.
"She doesn't deserve this," He winced. Mike rubbed Billie Joe's back, trying to comfort him.
"We won't let him get to her," Tre told them.
"Face it Tre, we're never gonna stop him," Billie Joe sighed, burying his face in his hands.
"That's pathetic, Billie," Tre frowned.
"We can stop him, we can stop him!" Mike chanted, getting up and making an invisible conga line, leading it around the room. Tre joined in.
"C'mon, it's boosted my confidence level!" Tre called, gesturing him to join the line.
"Way to encourage me, guys," Billie Joe laughed, then finally getting up and holding onto Tre's shoulders. Almost immediately after Billie Joe had joined in, Michelle started to move. They didn't notice. When she finally had the energy, she said something.
"Mind if I join in?" She weakly giggled. Mike, Tre and Billie Joe all glanced over at her.
"You're okay!!!" Billie Joe smiled. Mike and Tre exchanged glances.
"And THAT didn't encourage you?" Tre skeptically asked. After about 30 seconds of struggling, Michelle managed to get herself on her own two feet, and made her way towards them. She grabbed hold of Billie Joe's shoulders. Billie's body suddenly relaxed as she touched him, her warm breath breathing down his neck.
"That guy's like, physco." She whispered to Billie Joe.
"Yeah, when you passed out, he suddenly appeared at the corridor, even though everything was silent, and the front door was locked, and Mike and Tre were at the back." Billie Joe whispered back.
"He's probably a poltergeist," Michelle told him. Tre let out a huge snort.
"TRE!" Michelle and Billie Joe said in unison.
"Poltergeists, Pfft," Tre doubted.

Suddenly, there was a round of loud crashes, coming from the kitchen. They all rushed towards the kitchen's doorway, Mike, Tre, Billie Joe and Michelle stared in horror as plates flew everywhere, glasses falling to the ground and smashing, knives flinging themselves against the walls, chairs tipping over and cupboards opening and slamming themselves at their own accord.
"Look out!" Tre cried, as a plate flung in Michelle's direction. He tacked her to the ground as the plate flew overhead. There was a knock at the door, so Billie Joe and Mike went to answer it together. Billie Joe cautiously opened the door. It was a lady, about their age.
"Yes?" Mike politely asked.
"Hi. I'm Scarlett, and I live next door. I heard all this crashing and stuff so I just came over to see if you needed any help," The lady replied in a sweet voice.
"Oh everything's under control," Billie Joe reassured her. Scarlett stared down the hallway as a chair flew across the room, and Tre shoved himself in another direction.
"Looks like Tre's having a good time," Mike muttered to Billie Joe. Billie snort- laughed.
"Err... are you sure?" Scarlett asked. Mike grinned at Billie- and Billie grinned back.
"You wanna come in for a while?" Mike asked her.
Scarlett gave him an unsure look.
"What?" She questioned.
"Well... it would be nice to have someone else to talk to," Mike smiled. Scarlett hesitated, and then nodded to herself.
"Okay," She agreed, stepping into the house.
"You see, this may sound weird to you, but this gutter punk dude is after our friend, Michelle, and all of these weird things have been happening," Billie Joe explained, as they walked into the lounge room together.
"Okay... ." Scarlett uttered. She was interrupted by Tre.
"A little help here!!" He cried, shielding Michelle form yet another flying object. Mike grabbed onto Michelle's arm and pulled her into the lounge. Tre followed.
"What the fuck happened there?" Michelle breathlessly asked, getting up and wiping some blood from her scabbed face.
"This is freaking me out," Tre shook.
"I'm gonna die," Michelle moaned, plonking herself down on the couch. Mike sat down next to her. Then he leaned over, wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"No need for the cheesy shit, Mike," Michelle laughed. Billie Joe looked around nervously.
"Tre, Michelle, this is Scarlett. She lives next door," he introduced. Scarlett gave them a friendly. Michelle managed a small smile, and waved me back. Tre gave her a Tre Cool grin. Mike handed Michelle a few tissues for her bleeding cheek, and Billie Joe coughed as an odd round of silence filled the room. Scarlett peered into the kitchen.
"What are you gonna do with that?" She asked, pointing to the piles of rubble in the kitchen.
"I say we blow the fucking thing up, and then make a run for it," Tre told them.
"Nah," Mike corrected, "I say we get the police."
Tre gave him a look.
"Mike's right. Michelle can't avoid this for the rest of her life." Billie Joe agreed.
"AKA 3 hours," Michelle muttered under her breath.
"So what's the phone number, so we can tell the police?" Tre dumbly asked.
"I think the police would know their own phone number," Mike snapped.
"Triple zero," Michelle groaned.
"Okay thanks Michelle," Tre sweetly replied, dialing 000.
"Mike, can you please come in the other room/" Billie Joe asked. Mike followed him out of the lounge.
"What??" Mike moaned.
"This is kinda obvious, but Tre is crazy about Michelle, so maybe we could take Scarlett somewhere and leave them to their own devices," Billie Joe slyly chuckled, watching a cheeky smirk appear on Mike's face.
"Good idea!" He jumped.
"Scarlett, come here!!" Billie Joe called. Scarlett walked towards them, leaving Michelle all alone.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Mike and I were wondering... maybe us 3 could... Uhh... " Billie Joe started, but stalled on a reason.
"Go out to dinner!" Mike finished.
"Yeah, go out to dinner," Billie Joe quoted.
"Okay, what do you want?" Scarlett questioned slowly.
"Well... we've just began to realize that Tre really, and I mean REALLY likes Michelle, and we thought that some time alone together would be good." Mike admitted.
"Okay, that sounds fun, but maybe we should stick with them till the police come," Scarlett suggested.
"Yeah. Anything could happen while we're gone," Mike agreed.
"But what can the police do about paranormal activity? It's not like they can stop it," Billie Joe queried. Scarlett nodded. Almost immediately after that, Mike rushed into the lounge, snatched the receiver from Tre's hand and hung up.
"What's the big idea?" Tre questioned.
"The police will just make it worse," Mike firmly whispered.
Tre glanced over at Michelle.
"What should we do with her?" Tre questioned.
"I don't know," Mike sighed, biting his lip.
Michelle looked up at them, as Mike approached her.
"Michelle, sweetie, Billie Joe, Scarlett and I are gonna go somewhere. Tre will stay here with you," He softly smiled. Michelle slowly nodded, before turning to Tre.
"Is that okay with you?" She asked.
Tre nodded.
Mike walked out of the room.
"Let's go," He laughed. Him, Scarlett and Billie Joe walked outside and down the street, leaving Michelle and Tre alone together.
"You'll be okay," Tre hoarsely said to Michelle, sitting down next to her. Michelle buried her head in his shoulder.
"I don't think so," She winced.

Mike and Billie Joe walked alongside Scarlett. They kept a sharp look out for the gutter punk.
"There he is," Billie Joe worriedly stuttered, pointing to a guy sitting on a park bench, "Scarlett, go back and warn Tre and Michelle."
Scarlett nodded, and rushed back towards the house. Mike stiffly marched up to the guy. Billie Joe followed.
"Cut the crap, man," Mike snapped.
"What the fuck?" The punk questioned. Then he saw Billie Joe approaching.
"Like he said, cut the crap!" Billie Joe yelled. The gutter punk rose to his feet.
"What the hell are you talking about?" He yelled, pushing Billie Joe in the shoulder.
"Quit fucking around with our lives!" Mike shouted, shoving the punk into the wall. The gutter punk fell to the grassy ground, as Mike and Billie Joe ran back towards the house.
"You had to do that, Mike," Billie Joe puffed as they ran towards the door.
"It had to be done" Mike told him. Scarlett opened the door as Billie and Mike rushed up the driveway.
"Geez, that was scary," Mike breathlessly spoke. They headed towards the lounge, where Tre and Michelle were on the couch. Michelle had a look of piercing fear on her face, and Tre was fast asleep. Mike knelt down next to her again.
"Hey Michelle, he's gone now, everything's fine," He smirked. Michelle un-tensed herself and looked at him properly- then she pulled him close and kissed him. Billie Joe covered Scarlett's eyes with his hand.
"What the hell are you doing? I'm just as old as you!" She muttered, trying not to spoil the moment for Michelle and Mike.
"I like doing this," Billie Joe whispered back.
"Your hands smell like shit," Scarlett insulted.
"I'm doing you a favour here. Watching Mike kiss someone makes my insides go all sour," Billie Joe laughed