Is it true love, will you be my happy ending?

Chapter Nine

Gerard P.O.V

Our eyes connected. It felt like I was bringing him closer to me, I could feel something. He came next to me and sat down on the bed, still looking right into my eyes. He looked so beautiful, his head tilted to the side. I removed the pillow from my lap, now not caring If he saw how excited I got. He looked down and up again smirking as he placed his hand on top of mine. He moved closer to me, I couldn't resist pulling him closer and seconds after our lips were connected. We were just getting more into but then who managed to fuck it up as usual. Mikey.

COFFEE'S READY!!!!!!!"I heard him yell..why did he always have to be there. I loved, of course, but sometimes I do need a little big of privacy. Especially when I have a hot boy in the room, who I'm madly in love with and we just kissed.

Frank sprung of me as Mikey entered carrying the coffee's on the only tray we actually have in this house.

I couldn't help but whisper in his ear. I silently said that we would pick up where we ended later on. Frank looked shocked like I he didn't believe what I'd just said. But as I slipped my hand behind his back and slipped my hand up his back his expression changed. An amazing smile lay on his face as he looked at me. I turned away picking my coffee up from the tray and then went back to my orignal position. Frank got up and leant against the wall slowly sipping his drink, giving me a little look with his eyes every time. What a fucking tease!! I wanted him to be right next to me right now but I was going to have to wait.While Frank was giving me sexy looks, Mikey's phone must of gone off because when I looked where he had been sitting no one was there.

"What you need help right now, can't you ask Ray to help you with homework, why always me?!"We heard Mikey moan down the phone.

"Um..fine then. Just leaving now, you owe me Bob!"He said placing the phone back into his pockets.

"Gee, Frank, I gotta go help Bob with his shitty homework, don't know how long I'll be, you two will find something to talk about!" He shouted as he grabbed his coat from the rack.

Well I don't think we really need to find something to "talk" about.

"We will, see you tomorrow then!"Frank shouted, grinning as he twirled his tie around his fingers. The door slammed.

As Franks body stood up my eyes followed. I jumped as he unexpectedly jumped with full force on my bed. He laughed by the expression on my face and then pulled me down so I was lying right next to him.

I leaned him to kiss him passionately but as I did Frank sat up and pushed me onto my back.

"Excuse me, Mr.Way, If there's any kissing going on, I'm the one who starts it!" He said with a stern look on his face.

He turned over and kneeled on the bed. I watched as his face got closer and closer to mine. When his lips finally reached mine after what seemed to be ever, it felt amazing. Are tongues searched each others mouth, sometimes colliding together. He stroked fingers down my chest as I moaned. But Frank's teasing wasn't other with yet. As he continued stroking me all the way down my body more moans came out. I reached out to his shirt to pull him on top of me. But he grabbed my hand and put his on top of me on the bed.

"And also Mr.Way, If there is any unbuttoning of any shirts going on, YOURS IS COMING OFF FIRST!!!!!"

This is going to be fun.