Sequel: Requiem of Revenge

When Three Becomes Two


Mike’s PoV

Blood oozed rapidly across Billie’s stomach and began to pool around my legs, making them damp. But I couldn’t care less.

This is just like my dream! I realized through my horror. My friend was dying right before me, and there was nothing I could to do stop it…

Time seemed to slow and nearly stop for me at that moment. Thoughts, plans, and anger whirled half-formed through my mind as I simply stared at the dark, dripping hole in Billie’s back.

Billie gave a weak groan of pain that stung me to hear. No…I started to feel as though I was in a daze. In the background, I heard Marcus screaming with laughter.

My friend hunched over, tensing the wires, trying to clutch his chest. Without thinking, without remembering what might happen to me if I did, I began to thrash frantically against my binds. I had to get out of here!

I heard a metallic scrape as I lashed my knuckles against the concrete floor, trying to break away from the ropes. Skin shriveled and fell off as it received the beating.

The dizzy feeling began to return. Marcus’ voice spun in and out of my head as a wave of nausea crashed over me. Stunned and numb, I realized what was happening.

I was having a panic attack.

My vision began to rotate before me, as did the ground beneath my body. Desperate to flee, I began to batter myself against the wires holding me down again.

Something in me must have broken them. There was a snapping sound, and I stood shakily on my own two feet. But not for long.

Before I could make my way out, my sense of balance convulsed again. I dropped heavily to the floor, fighting desperately with my own body to escape. My heart continued to pound, constricting and choking me between beats. It was becoming extraordinarily hard to even breathe.

“Blast it.” Marcus growled his voice no more than an echo bouncing off the walls of my mind, as he realized what I was trying to do.

“You aren’t going anywhere…”

An enormous force collided with the back of my skull. I fell to the floor, for good this time. Feeling the crushed bone crackle down my neck in tiny fragments, no more than a slight touch compared to the fiery pain that had been unleashed onto me, was sending me into weak spasms.

And now I was yelling too, not like Billie, who had gone horribly silent…

As I lay there, blood trickled over my eyes, stinging and giving my vision an eerie red hue. The world still spun, so out of place, and I felt so helpless…

This was it. My life was ending right here. I was going to die.

My eyes simply would not work—I saw black, then a blurred, faded snatch of sight, a tiny brush of sound, then darkness again.

Marcus stood in front of me with his gun…it cocked…I gazed helplessly, eyes rolling…

The scene vanished…

I opened my eyes, and a dim shape hovered over his head…there was a deafening crack, a splatter, and my face was showered with gore…

It changed again…

A limp weight the size of my own body was sprawled across me, pinning me down…it was dragged away by something I could not see…

A single voice, oddly familiar, shouted desperately between tearless, broken sobs:

“Oh, God, Mike, wake up! Wake up!”