Status: Sorry for the long wait... I'll try to update over Spring Break though:)

Soft Moonlight.


Jayson’s Point Of View.

I flinch as I walk down the hallway, which is covered in red lockers and sparkly spirit posters. People stare as if I’m an alien. It may be because I’m glaring at the ground and cursing in French. But hey, people are weird.

I’m wearing my grey skinny jeans and Bring Me The Horizon shirt that says “Men’s Music, Girl’s Haircuts,” on it. My hair is perfectly straightened and slightly messed up from me playing with it all the time. I have a small line of eyeliner right underneath my lash line and my black bandana is placed on my head with bits of hair covering it.Ugly.

I bite lightly on my snakebites and look around me. Random people surrounding me are either staring at me or talking to their friends. I have about 30 minutes to waste before my first day at my new school starts. I might as well go look around and find my classes.

I start walking towards my first class, French, take out my iPod and start listening to The Fall of Troy. My hands instantly tap the beat of What Sound Does a Mastodon Make and I start mouthing the lyrics. I’m looking around at all the classrooms and figuring out which ones I need to memorize. Since I’m a junior all of my classes are on the second floor. Thank God, because I’m sure my legs would hurt if I had to run up and down those stairs all day. Some of the sophomores do because they’re taking junior level classes, and I seriously feel for them.

I start walking up the stairs, ignoring all the stares and glares aimed at me. Honestly, if people don’t like me, they can get over it. I don’t care. I continue walking up the stairs, staring at my converse. My hair is covering my eyes and I’m being ominous on purpose. People won’t talk to me unless they have a reason to, which is just the way I like it.

I quietly make my way around the hallways, finding all of my classes easily. Most people get lost in big places, but I used to live in Chicago, so I’m used to it. A got in a lot of trouble in Chicago though, because people thought it’d be fun to mess with me because I’m short.Five foot four to be exact. Honestly, I got in a lot of fights. I also won a lot of them.

I walk around trying to find my locker so that I can put away my bag and everything I didn’t need. When I get to my locker I turn the knob thing to put in my combination. I quickly open my locker and shove all my stuff inside except for a few pens and pencils. I slam my locker door shut and turn around, letting out a scream. What the fuck?

In front of me is a pretty redhead girl with bright green eyes.Pretty…If I was straight, I’d be all over her. She smiles at me and waves slightly. She’s wearing pale lime green skinny jeans with an All Time Low v-neck. She’s moderately skinny, but not anorexic looking. I raise my hand up and wave slightly.

“Hi, I’m Hailee! You’re new and I’m gonna show you around, okay? Now, let me see your schedule.” I look at her in bewilderment and slowly reach into my pocket to pull out my schedule so I can hand it to her. Wow, somebody’s hyper.She giggles slightly and grabs it, looking at it quickly before shoving it back into my pocket.

“We have second, fourth, and sixth together. You don’t talk much, do you?”She asks me, cocking her head to the side. She’s about five feet seven inches with her hair teased. She’s wearing normal black converse with neon green laces. I can tell she’s the girl that a lot of people hate because she can actually manage to be herself, no matter the circumstances.

“I’m pretty q-quiet most of the t-time.” I tell her, shaking my hair out in front of my eyes. I don’t like meeting new people. I’m really shy until I get to know the person pretty well. She squeals as I stutter out the sentence and hugs me.

“You’re so cute!” I smile softly at her and she lets go of me. We’re walking around the school, which is basically two giant squares put next to each other with another layer on top. I look around as she chatters on about each teacher I have and what to expect. I’m half way listening to her and I gasp lightly as I make eye contact with another human being.

His shadowy green eyes meet mine and I squeak a little bit. His black hair doesn’t completely cover hisbeautiful eyes and I can tell that he’s curious about me. Suddenly, he’s jerked from my view and I can’t look for him because Hailee pulls me down a different hallway, not noticing that I haven’t been paying any attention for the past few minutes or so.

Christofer’s Point Of View

It’s just another day of school, another day of people staring at me, and another day of Ashlee hanging all over me. I park my truck in my spot and take the keys out. I sit in my car for a while, letting myself relax before putting on my mask.

I jump out of my car and shove my keys into my pocket, looking around for Ashlee. When I feel something attach to my right arm I lean down and kiss Ashlee, letting myself linger a little to make her think I want her. Her lips taste like sticky lip gloss and I cringe at the taste. As we pull away I wipe at my lips with my sleeves, looking away so that she doesn’t see me do it.

We walk into the school and I let the stress re-settle on my shoulders as we walk into the cold hallway. As I walk down the hallway I see that people are talking about something, no, someone; probably a new kid.

As I turn to walk down the hallway I find my eyes drawn to a short kid, about five feet three inches tall. He’s wearing a Bring Me The Horizon tee and dark grey skinny jeans with neon green converse. His hair is straightened and I can see the hint of a bandana hiding underneath it. He’s fidgeting and looking around at everything. Suddenly his eyes are on me and I gasp as my green eyes meet his icy blues.

Something inside me starts making me hot and I’m sure my cheeks are turning red. Making me blush is no easy feat and this kid can do it with just a look! What’s wrong with me? Our eyes are still connecting and I can feel heat pulsating throughout my body and all I can think is, “I want him,” which doesn’t make any sense at all, because I’m not gay!

Ashlee then squeals and pulls me over to one of her friends, making me loose eye contact with thecutie new kid across the hall. I attempt to find him while half way listening to their conversation, hoping to find thehot new kid in the crowded hallway.

Ashlee punches me in the arm and I look at her with a confused and slightly angry look on my face. It didn’t hurt that much but there’s no reason for her to be hitting me. I don’t hit her, though sometimes I really feel like it. I’ll probably break up with her soon, even though we’ve been going out for about 7 months now. She annoys me way too much.

“Pay attention!”She whisper yells at me, giving me a glare. I sigh and pretend to pay attention to the conversation about hair and other girly things but my mind keeps on wandering to the new kid. His blue eyes are haunting me and I start picturing him with out his clothes. I then realize what I’m doing and I almost hit myself. I’m not gay!

He’s just a really hot guy. Straight guys can think that, right!? It’s not weird! Nope, not one bit! These stupid thoughts will go away!

I turn to Ashlee and tell her that I have to go put my stuff in my locker and that I’ll see her at lunch. I put all my shit away and walk to my first period class. I sit on my desk and turn to the people sitting behind me and start to make a conversation. Right when it’s actually getting interesting I look to my right and almost have a heart attack at what I see.

The new kid I saw in the hallway is sitting next to me, listening to his iPod and completely ignoring the world. I look him up and down and find myself staring at him until one of the people I was talking to says my name and snaps his fingers in my ear to get me to pay attention to him.

I think I have a problem.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
I worked pretty hard on it so comments/subscribing would be awesome. :]]
I'll start working on the second chapter tomorrow!
Escape. The. Fate♥