Status: Sorry for the long wait... I'll try to update over Spring Break though:)

Soft Moonlight.


Christofer’s Point of View

I hug Jayson and run my fingers through his soft hair. I resist the urge to kiss him on the forehead and walk away to my second period class. I didn’t mean to show him my affection towards him so soon, but the blush on his face made it worth it.

I internally sigh as I make my way to second period. He’s just so cute! Honestly, when I first saw him I just wanted to hug him and never let go. I can’t believe that I’ve only known him for 2 days and he’s already got me falling head over heels for him.

Throughout second period I can barely pay attention. Jayson keeps on running through my mind and finally I just give up and let myself daydream about his beautiful eyes and adorable habits. My favorite habit of his is when he chews on the tip of his pen and gets this confused look on his face when he’s trying to figure something out.

The bell rings and I jump up to head to third period, which I have with Jayson. When I get to the classroom and see Jayson laying his head on a desk. I slam my shit onto the desk next to him and grin evilly.

“Hello, Buttercup!” I scream into his ear, making him scream and look at me like I’m crazy. I grin and wave at him, while he glares in reply. He drops his head back on the desk and groans while I laugh at his misery.

“You’re evil! Shut up!” Jayson yells at me from his arms. I poke his head repeatedly, trying to get him to look at me. Finally he looks up from his desk and I grin at him. I can tell that he’s getting annoyed by me, but it’s so much fun torturing the shrimp!

He glares at me even more and I slap a hand over my mouth. Hehe, whoops, didn’t mean to say that out loud.

“Don’t. Call. Me. Shrimp.” I back away from Jayson slowly, trying not to get into his personal space. He lies his head back down on the desk and I reach over and pet his hair. He groans and leans his head into my hand, letting me know that he forgives me.

“What’s wrong, babe?” I ask him, letting a gasp out after my slip up. I leave the question out there and Jayson turns his head to me. I let my hand fall by my side and wait for his answer.

“I have a headache.” He pouts, looking at me with his hazel green eyes. I pout with him and start petting his hair again. He just groans again and lets me continue petting him. What!? I have a hair fetish!

Throughout third period Jayson and I pass notes and talk about different things, though mostly music. I found out that he plays bass and a little bit of drums, but he can’t sing worth a shit. Somehow that doesn’t surprise me though. He seems more the type that wants to jump around and do random shit on stage rather than sing into a mic.

I can tell that Jayson is starting to feel better by the way his expression looks more excited and bright. He’s actually smiling and laughing. I stare at him as he reads my note and smiles, before taking his bright purple gel pen and replying before putting it on my desk.

The bell rings and Jayson and I both groan loudly. We have every other class together, so I’ll see him at lunch, but I wish we could just hang out all day. Oh well, we can’t always get what we want I guess.

Before we part ways I hug Jayson again, letting my fingers linger in his hair. His hair is really soft and when I’m this close up I can tell that he dyes it black. I think his natural color is a dirty blond. He shivers before we part and I make my way to fourth period. This should be interesting.

I walk into the classroom and sit in the farthest corner away from Ashlee. When she walks in the room and doesn’t see my stuff near her desk she gives me a questioning look. I walk over to her and shove my hands into my pockets.

“Ashlee, we’re over. To be honest, you’re a bitch and a whore, and I’m not putting up with your bullshit anymore.” I tell her this then turn on my heel to start walking back to where I put my stuff down. She screams and I can feel her and her “friends” glaring at me. I can hear Ashlee stuttering and trying to get me to pay attention to her, but taking a move out of Jayson’s book; I shove my earbuds into my ears and listen to my music. I now get why he does this so much. Ignoring the world gives you a lot less headaches.

I hear Ashlee start tofake cry and I just roll my eyes. She’s such a fake bitch. Why did I go out with her again?

Jayson’s Point Of View

I head to my fourth period class with a blush on my face and my hair covering my eyes. I’m trying to hide the fact that Christofer makes me feel this way. I have fourth period with Vincent and I sit next to him and sigh.

He gives me a questioning glance but I shake my head, telling him that I don’t want to talk about it. This class period I actually attempt pay attention and try to keep my mind from straying to Christofer and how amazing he is. He probably doesn’t even like me that way, so I really need to stop thinking like that! Plus, he’s got a girlfriend; A very pretty one, which is a much better catch than me.

I let my head hit the desk before attempting to concentrate on my work again. I can’t help but think of his smile and how cute he is when he’s disgusted by one of my perverted jokes. I know we’re gonna be great friends.Even though I wish we could be more.
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I'm so sorry you guys.
I'm gonna try to update more but school sucks and I had some drama problems. -rolls eyes-
I love you guys sooooo much!

Escape. The. Fate