She Loves Him

She Really Does Love Him

Ally's P.O.V.
Will just hit Brendon in the head with a bat.Brendon is laying on the ground in a lifeless lump.I fall down beside him and check for a pulse..His pulse is kinda weak and his head is bleeding.Will came over and tried to pull me away from Brendon.
"You fucking did this to him!!"
"Look at what he fucking did to you and me!!"
"I don't care!!I LOVE HIM!!"
Then Will fell to the ground.I just sat there for a minute.Then I slowly walked over to him.He was bleeding a lot.He was cut really deep.I was scared to check for a pulse.But I had to.He had a pulse but it was very slow and very weak.I ran out of the room and grabbed a phone.The I dialed 9-1-1.
"I need a fucking ambulance!!!!!!"
"Calm down ma'am.Where are you?"
I gave her all the information and she said an ambulance was going to be hear soon.I hung up and ran back to Will.I really don't want him to die.I think I love him.I sat beside him til the ambulance came.A cop came in and asked me a few questions.You know the basic stuff and what happened.I told him everything that happened.When the cop walked away a paramedic cam over to talk to me.
"Is he gunna be ok?"
"He should be ok but we're not sure because he lost a lot of blood.He may make it or he may not.We're not sure,but what happened to the other man?"
Oh yeah.Brendon.I wasn't really sure.Everything is pretty much one big blur.
"I don't know what happened to him."
Ok ma'am.Thank you."

**Sorry it's so short it's late and I'm tired and I have no pre-written material.**