I Promised Never To Love You Again

Meeting The Guys

“Oh my God! What’s wrong with her!” I heard Autumn’s cry.

“Nicky! Do something! Give her mouth to mouth!” Autumn continued, everything was faded and I heard the small whisper of voices.

“No, I can’t” Nick stated.

“Nick!” Autumn yelled angrily, I felt two warm hands touch my cheeks, and then Abby growled.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Abby stated, my eyes shot open and I saw Nick hovering over me breathing quickly.

“Touch me and I’ll cut your hands off” I hissed, Nick let go and Abby was standing there glaring at Nick with widened eyes and taking in everything. Autumn looked like she was going to black out herself, and Nick was extremely pale still breathing heavily.

“Are you alright?” Nick questioned.

“I’m fine, get off of me” I growled pushing Nick’s hands off of my face and sitting up.

“You fainted” Abby stated crossing her arms glaring at Nick.

“I know I did, I’m probably going to have a concussion by the end of this God forsaken day” I muttered bitterly under my breath. Nick stood up and extended his hand. I glared shooting him daggers.

“I don’t need your pity, I’ve had enough of it” I spat standing up myself. Autumn looked at everyone confusedly and then crossed her arms just shaking her head. Nick starred at me astonished and drew back his arm still starring at me.

“Alex, come on, we can maybe go somewhere and get an ice cream or something” Abby extended her hand wiggling her finger signaling me to go with her. I glared at Nick walking away with Abby out the door. The door slammed behind us and Abby starred wide eyed at me.

“That was vicious Alex, Nick’s face was priceless” Abby shook her head while we walked toward the elevator.

“Good, I hope he knows I’m not here to screw around, dumb shit” I growled hitting the down button continuously.

“Did you see the way he starred at you?” She questioned, I nodded hearing the beep of the elevator, I watched the silver doors pull apart while me and Abby walked in hitting the first floor.

“Yes I did” I stated crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

“It was the oddest look I’ve ever seen” Abby continued shaking her head and rubbing her chin.

“Abby! Can we please just not talk about this right now?” I yelled angrily, Abby shot her head up widening her eyes and raising her hand defensively.

“Ok, Ok, I’m sorry no more talking about the jackass” She muttered waiting for the elevator door to open.

“I can’t believe he was going to give me CPR” I shrieked angrily pointing a finger at her.

“And you were doing nothing about it! What if I didn’t wake up!? What if I woke up to his slimy lips on mine!?” I yelled viciously, Abby starred at me shocked and wide eyed.

“I didn’t do anything?! I was the one telling them it wasn’t a good idea! Autumn kept shrieking like a little banshee! Of course Nick was going to do it!” Abby screamed, the elevator door beeped and opened while I stormed out angrily.

“Look I’m sorry, it’s just all of this is collapsing on me, I finally move on about him and here he is dating my roommate” I shook my head rubbing my forehead; I could feel a major migraine coming on.

“It’s alright I get it, but what can you do about it?” I nodded while we walked toward the cafeteria which wasn’t the smartest thing because we didn’t have the slightest clue where it was at. We kept walking around like a bunch of idiots until we began to pace faster.

“This is stupid we should ask someone” I stated, Abby shook her head no and continued to walk fast.

“I’m on a mission I’m not asking anyone, we’re perfectly capable of finding this damn place” she growled, I heard a grunt and when I turned around to look at Abby she had bumped into a guy. He was kind of cute but not much of my type. Shaggy brown hair, dark chocolate eyes and tan skin. He smiled politely at Abby and then frowned.

“I’m sorry about that, I’m Joseph” He smiled looking down at her, Abby had a huge blush on her cheeks while she backed up from his chest.

“I-“ She starred up at him her mouth gaping open, she was completely speechless, so I walked over and patted her shoulder.

“Sorry she’s really sorry about that, this is Abby” I smiled, Joseph smiled and extended his hand.

“Nice meeting you” Abby took his hand and shook it smiling a goofy grin.

“And I didn’t catch your name” Joseph looked at me curiously.

“Alex” I smiled extending my hand, he took it and shook it smiling.

“Well I guess I’ll see you two around” He smiled waving and walking away.

“Oh Abby would love that” I called out childishly getting slapped hard by an angry Abby.

Joe turned around smirking; he then continued to walk forward.

“Wait! Do you know where the cafeteria is at?” Abby finally called out making Joseph whirl around and laugh.

“I’m headed over there right now if you two want to come with me”

Abby nodded quickly grabbing my arm and dragging me behind her. We walked beside Joseph talking and laughing with him. He talked about the teachers we had, and if they were any good. He also told us funny stories and incidents about what had happened at our new school. He seemed like a really nice guy and if Abby was starting to crush on him I’d be totally cool with it.

“What’s up Joe?” A boy walked by giving Joe a high five laughing.

More people kept saying hi to him which made me and Abby stare confusedly at him. Another guy walked up slapping him hard in the back.

“Yo Joey!” The boy laughed, Joe chuckled and me and Abby smiled.

“Wow Joe didn’t know you were so popular” Abby laughed, the guy who was walking with us starred at her widening his eyes.

“Of course he is, he’s the most popular guy in this whole school” He slapped Joe once again making him growl.

“Don’t over exaggerate” Joe stated shaking his head laughing with Abby.

“I’m not! Ok babe look Joe is prime rib, top of the school, he’s on the varsity track and varsity cross country team, and on top of that he has the lowest record times for all of the running records” The boy laughed motioning his hands. Joe rubbed the back of his head getting an awed look from Abby.

“I don’t like to talk about my sports stuff, when I meet someone I want them meeting Joe, not Joe the athlete, you know Alan I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t call her babe, her name is Abby and she’s new here” The guy I now knew as Alan smirked raising his hands defensively.

“No problem bro, sorry Abby, I’m Alan” He extended his hand which she took shaking it and smiling. Alan then turned to glance at me and smile.

“You’re awfully quiet, what’s your name?” He questioned, I laughed and starred up at him, he was also pretty cute. Shaggy dirty blonde hair with light blue eyes. He was about the same height as Joe, but way more built.

“Alex” I smiled extending my hand, he smirked shaking it and laughing.

“Alan here is on the football team” Joe rolled his eyes laughing at Alan who smiled in a cocky way.

“Yes I am, during offense I’m the best full back, on defense I’m the best nose guard on the whole god damn team, and in this damn school” He laughed making me crack up in hysterics, I really liked this guy, he was the joking type of cocky and that type of guy I always got along with. Now I understood why he was so built, the full back and nose guard were the most powerful positions on the team, they did most of the tackling and clearing for the quarterback, so it made sense.

“So I’m guessing you really like football” I laughed Alan nodded running his fingers through his hair and giving me a crooked smile.

“I want to get a college scholarship” He stated, Joe nodded and laughed.

“And Alan’s motto is, you’re only the best if you think you’re the best” Joe laughed hard while Alan punched him hard.

“Hey and that motto is going to get me to Notre Dame” Alan crossed his arms looking at me and smiling.

We walked into the cafeteria and I sighed in relief. There were billions of options, from Panda Express, to McDonalds, to Burger King; I knew I was going to love this place, even if Nick was going here.

We walked over to a large table and all four of us sat down.

“So you two are new here?” Alan asked resting on his hand, me and Abby nodded.

“Anyways, let’s go grub I’m starving!” Alan complained standing up and pushing in his chair. We all nodded and ended up buying some McDonalds which the boys refused to let us pay for, when we walked back to the table it was like both Joe and Alan had become our best friends. They were both really sweet guys; even if Alan could get cocky he was just messing around.

We sat for about an hour talking and laughing trying to get to know each other when Joe received a text. He frowned and rubbed the back of his head, he then stood up from the table sighing.

“I’m sorry, I just got a text from my brother, it’s an emergency, I’ll have to catch up with all of you later, Abby and Alex is it cool if we exchange numbers?” Joe questioned, we both nodded swallowing our food and telling him our numbers, Joe then gave us his number while we put it in our phones.

Alan also got up along with Joe and smiled at both of us.

“Is it cool if I jack your numbers from his phone?” He asked laughing.

“Hell like we care, knock yourself out, what’s your number?” I asked standing up taking out my phone. Alan told me his number and then smirked walking away with Joe.

“Joe is such a cutie!” Abby squealed once they were out of hearing range.

“And Alan was really checking you out!” She continued nudging my shoulder, I laughed eating a few fries and blushing a light pink, what was so bad about crushing on a new guy? I did move on about Nick.
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Hey guys new update!!!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Please commetn or message feedback is always nice! And if you like the story enough go ahead and subscribe! :D If you like this story you might like another story me and my bestfriend gigglygirl are typing FALLING IN LOVE WAS NEVER PART OF THE JOB! Check it out if you interested! Anyways! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!