Live Pretty, Die Fast

Either Live or Die

~Lilith's POV~

"O hell" I mumbled as i fumbled with the radio. Damn traffic.

I sighed loudly and impatiently tapped my fingers. Its been a long day. More like a long week. I was currently on my way to my new apartment in Las Vegas (with my shipped belongings that had arrived shortly before my plane landed.) Why you ask. Simply because in 3 short months I would be a student at Las Vegas college. I had traveled form my home town of Jackson, Mississippi. I planned on going into music management and why travel so damn far? One word


Yes my awesomest cousin, my sanity, er what's left of it anyway. He had convinced me to go to college out here, away from the house of hell I lived in. You know the house that always smells of cheap perfume and women? The one with the 'Mother' (referred to as the womb by said offspring) that's never found and the 'Father' (know as a sorry excuse for a Sperm Donner) that brought home quick fucks at all hours of the day. The house with the constant sound of screams of pain and agony from the womb as the offspring quietly hid in her room, the door locked, the lights off, and the overwhelming stench of alcohol and sex dripping off the Donner as he pounded on the door? Yea that house. A house where childhood is cruelly ripped away and the harsh world is expose. Where a child's eyes witness the evils no one should ever bear.....A place where innocent is just a happy thought on a cold day? Welcome home....

I had originally planned to go to New York but Spencer, being the over protective figure he is, talked me into coming here... The only good thing was it was cheaper, the bad? It was closer to home.

Soon as I graduated I got the hell outta dodge. I honestly wasn't leaving much behind, ahouse roof, friends that never existed or had left for college as I did, and just maybe some of the ghosts of my childhood. Truthfully I just had a few pieces of a mangled heart and enough strength to hope for better days......... depressing aren't I?

I finally pulled up to the apartment me and Spencer where planning on sharing. He hadn't bother to move is stuff in yet coughcough*cause he's lazy*coughcough. The air must be smog polluted here. I got out to take a quick serve. It wasn't run down but not the finest. It was in a semi good part of town, which is apparently hard to find. It had two bedrooms so I was fine with the place. I headed back to the truck and began moving my stuff up in.

A good hour later I had finished moving the boxes in and was contemplating on unpacking them or passing out. decisions decisions. My phone began to ring....

Fall down sick, I'm not insane. Are you feeling gross? Are you full of shame?

"Hello?" I answered tiredly.

"Lilith where are you?" asked a hyped Spencer. I bet he was standing there with a shit eating grin figuring he could get off not packing for a while longer since I wasn't due for few more days.

"Some place I call our apartment" I replied.

"Already?" he asked the sense of freedom gone from his voice, "You weren't suppose to be here till next week!"

"Yea well you know how it is so pack already and get your arse down here," I said. I'm never in a good mood when I'm tired...

"How the...never mind I'm almost done I'll be by bright and early tomorrow ok?" Spencer asked as he begin to shuffle things around.

"Ok Spence" I yawned.

"The fridge is supplied, as are the cupboards, and the electricity got turned on last week." he continued. I rolled my eyes. Same old overbearing overprotective Spencer.

"K, night"

"Night Lilith and be careful, don't go outside to late and...."

"Night Spencer," I interrupted and hung up.

Mmm sleep sounded so good right now and it was only 6 o'clock..... Imma going to blame it on the time change. Spencer said early which translate to 1 or 2. I grabbed some random sleeping clothes from a box and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

A tired, pale skinned girl, with sleepy emerald eyes, and jacked up black hair stared back. I groaned and pulled my hair in a ponytail before smoothing out my shirt as my hand ran over a small piece of jewelery. I looked down to find the cold piece of decorated metal piercing my bellybutton. The most daring thing I'd ever done and a reason I don't drink anymore.

I sighed and layed down on the couch after grabbing a blanket and pillow, to tired to deal with making a bed. Soon as my head hit the pillow i was gone with the comforting thought tomorrow will never be like yesterday
♠ ♠ ♠
Ringtone is by Aiden: Scavengers Of the Damned

Chapter Tittle goes to Kill Hannah: Kennedy

Comments are smexy XD

and let us know of any errors thanks