Live Pretty, Die Fast


I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, damn I hate that thing. It was playing my favorite song though, and who doesn’t like to wake up to your fav song? I laid there for a moment taking in my awakening. And thanking God I didn’t get woken up by screaming and arguing about useless things. I embraced that moment too, I tiredly got off of the couch—I saw it was very dark, I guess the blinds work really well here. I touched the cold floor, and winced as I did it; I finally got up and stretched. I felt my back pop, it felt really good too. I turned the volume up a tad on the radio, and sang along to the song.
“I’m gonna tear you ass up like we just got married and you’re all mine now. Tonight is the night we’ve been waiting for all our lives, or maybe just for tonight.” I sang still as I made my way to the kitchen, since Spencer told me he was stocked, that’s what I could count on him for, stocked refrigerator. I opened the door and looked down; I saw waffles…bleh, grapes. Who in the hell would eat grapes in the morning…hmm, ewie! Hash browns!
I grabbed those suckers like I had no business with them. I stuck my finger in the plastic wrap and pulled it open; I grab 2 and popped them in the microwave, no time to cook when you’re hungry. It dinged. I slid my fingers in and grabbed the bowl they were in, I got a fork and sat on the couch I slept on last night and wrapped my blanket around me, there was a TV in the room too, so I flipped it on and click it on to the cartoon network, I loved it. In the morning they played the old cartoons like, Tom and Jerry, Freakazoid, and various stuff people like me like. I got done with my hash browns and put the dish in the sink. Spencer said he’d see my bright ‘n’ early, so probably about 10:00 AM. No one knows. I decided to take a shower; I don’t need to be stinky. I let the water heat up; I jumped in, washed my hair, and shaved. It felt really good to take a shower without it being over in 9 minutes do to the fact my mom had to get her whore ass ready for work (Hint Hint. Prostitution Hint ‘Hint) I hoped out and dried myself off, clean towels mhmm. I got dressed in some cut off skinnies and a black tank top, and it didn’t have spaghetti strings either. It was more fitting for me it had think strings, I put on my black and white(reversible) belt, by the time I looked at the clock it was 9 o’clock and still no Spencer, I shrugged it off. Since it was technically daylight, I stepped out of out apartment and saw the sidewalks of Vegas, it’s not what I imagined it to be, I didn’t imagine all the fancy stuff. But it wasn’t that bad to be honest. At least it was better than living in the hell hole for 18 years. Thank God Spencer was my family (now). I walked around a little, without getting lost because I know I didn’t need to get lost in a town I don’t know about, I looked at my watched and noticed it was 10:30. I rushed back to the front door of my apartment, I ran up the flight of stairs and I saw a back at my front door at the apartment. I saw them trying to get the key into the hole.
“Ah, dammit.” I knew that voice, I went running up the stairs to my apartment door.
“Spencey!” I yelled. I saw a face turn around and smile at me. He held his arms out and I ran into them, he put his arms around me and hugged me tight. I hugged him back.
“Hey Lilith how’s it goin’?” he looked down at me. I wasn’t that short but he could turn his head down at me.
“I missed you Spence, it was hell living with my God awful parents.” I blabbered to him.
“I missed ya too. I know its hard living like that Lil, that’s exactly why I wanted you to come to college here. So I can be the over protective cousin you love.” He smiled at me, yes we all far-to-well know he’s over protective of me, but I love him for it. At least he actually cares about me.
We departed; he turned back around trying to get the key back in the hole. I saw him fighting with it; I giggled and put my hand up to my mouth. He turned around.
“Oh you think this is funny?” he said pointing to the key hole, then the key fell out. I chuckled.
“Yeah and there’s a reason,” he raised an eyebrow at me.
“How so?”
“Well, first of all that’s the wrong key.” He glared at me; I went over there with my key and unlocked the door. I turned around and saw him still glaring at me, he walked in.
“You didn’t do anything to the place? It’s just boxes everywhere.” What was I supposed to do, decorate the shit for him?
“Well duh! I came here yesterday went to sleep and—“
“Sounds like you.” He interrupted me.
“Let me finish!” I stomped my feet to the ground, he knew how I hated interruptions. “And that’s it, besides I’m not gonna do everything for your lazy ass.” And said and smirked at him.
“Whatever, any who — you can go get settled into your new room, and I am going to eat.” I rolled my eyes at him.
I wonder how long it’ll take me till I have the perfect room I’ve always wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song by: The Starting Line - Bedroom Talk.
I see we have two subbers, yay! Thank you all.
And comments are my lovers XD
Quick note: Later in the story we need girlfriends for Spencer and Jon, now we want the reader involved. You can pick their names and personality's, and super-detail on the personality's and everything. Thank you.

orignally posted by my revamped tho