Live Pretty, Die Fast

"Ryan, I Would Have You to Know,"

It had been about at least 30 minutes, and I was wondering if this ‘friend’ was every gonna get here so we could go out. I looked to see Spencer lightly dosing off, I couldn’t control myself. Right when his eyes closed I knew what I needed to do.

“Spencer!” I jumped in his lap and his head hit mine in a fast motion. I stopped and rubbed my head were he hit. That shit hurt right there. I guess I should’ve thought of a better plan. I heard Brendon and Dasandra having a giggle fit over there. I turned around and looked at them.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Spencer asked. And I wondered why he’d ask; I mean c’mon! We went through this, this morning.

“I have ADD.” I told him and rolled over on the other side of the couch, and saw Brendon looking at me strangely. And no it wasn’t the good strange it was the ‘what-the-fuggly’ strange.

“You have add?” Brendon asked me. I shook my head, he wasn’t the smartest guy in the world was it?

“No stupid, she has A.D.D. like how you and I have A.D.H.D.” Dasandra told her boyfriend, I nodded my head. I should’ve known they had ADHD I just wasn’t the surest of it. We sat there for a little while longer, with Spencer still almost dying to close them eyes (that I made him keep open, because I would get extremely close to his face when he closed them). I thought this person was never gonna come so we could go it was getting on my fucking nerves. I looked at the clock, we have been here for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Dasandra went to go get a drink, and I asked her to hand me her phone since I never really played with a sidekick before (note: ask Spencer to buy one for me), I opened her messages (since I’m oh-so-nosy) and read her newest one.
Ryan: Hey DaDa, sorry I’m a little late, I feel asleep. Yes I know I know I’m lazy. But I was tired, I didn’t sleep to good. But shall be there shortly. XX.
I hit reply ’cause I was bored.
DaDa: Ryan hurry get over here as fast as you can, something wrong with Brendon, I don’t know what to do!
I smiled evilly at the message as I looked over it and hit ’Send’. about 8 minutes after I send that message, and everyone was watching TV. We heard bounding on the door. Brendon got up and opened the door. And I saw him be attacked by this guy, I just sat there confusingly.

“Whoa, whoa, dude what?!” Brendon was now on the floor with some dude.

“Brendon I got a text from Dasandra and she said something was wrong with you!” the guy said looking at Brendon. I giggled to myself a little loud, it caused me to get looked from Dasandra and Brendon and Spencer…and now that guy.

“Ryan I didn’t send anything,” that’s when I fell off the couch, I laughed out loud at this. They all looked at me.

“I-I-I-I’m s---sa-sorry, ha, ha!” they all gave me strange looks ¾ I whipped a little tear out my eye and straightened up. “I’m sorry dude, I sent the text t you, because your slow ass wouldn’t hurry. And I was desperate ¾ ‘cause I’m hungry.” he looked at me with wide eyes. Dasandra jumped up and grabbed my hand, and gladly skipped me over there to this Ryan guy. She came to a hult and hugged Ryan as soon as Brendon got up.

“Ryan this is my best friend in the whole wide ga-high-ent biggy world. Lilith.” she hugged me, I giggled.

“Nice to meet you Ryan…” I stuck my hand out, as he did his. Buuut…Dasandra decided we didn’t need hand shakes, she pushed us together so we were hugging. Me and Ryan got a little wide eyed, but soon got over it and he patted my back and I did his. It felt a little different to tell you the truth, he felt really skinny. It was a little funny, he was almost as thin as me, but I’m a girl. Spencer got up and came over by us, and gave Ryan one of those man hug things, from now on we will call it Zi-Manny-Huggle.

“Ryan I know you’ve already meet her but, this little ADD child by me is my cousin.” Ryan looked from me to Spencer and nodded.

“You two look…nothing alike,” he told us, I rolled my eyes. We don’t except for the lips.

“Ryan I would have you to know that…we have the same lips.” Ryan looked at me a little confused.

“Me and…you?” he asked I thumbed his nose.

“No me and Spencer!” I pulled Spencer’s lip and Ryan through us a weak smile, I found it hilarious, that’s how it is when I meet people. They get that impression. I find it aw-mazing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will have to make the next chapter some how longer.
I see we lost a subber
But hopefully people will find it and enjoy it.
And I don't know if Ryan is actually gay or not but, in this story of ours he is straight

once agin by cowrite and once again reposted by me...o yea bout nore above. If he is gay the RYDEN ALL AORUND....