Live Pretty, Die Fast

I’ll Steal Your Mascara And Eat It!

We finally made our way out the door, so we could go eat at subway or something I don’t remember what they say. Brendon had his arm around Dasandra and Spencer was skipping with Jon (I thought he was never weird?!) and I was walking next to the Ryan guy. He had his hands in pocket looking down, I don’t know why he was looking down. (Maybe he’s British?).

“I call water gun fight!” I yelled. (random I know)

“I second that!” Brendon yelled. I jumped up in a cheer, and hit Ryan on the shoulder. He looked at me oddly. And I just looked right back.

“Okay just let me get my staple gun,” I said reaching around in my pockets of Dasandra’s pants.

“Wait, what the hell, you said water fight. And now you’re looking for a freaking staple gun? In your pants?!” I looked up to see Ryan babbling. I shook my head, he needed to slack it a little.

“Ryan you need to slack it a little.” he slowed his pace tad and looked at me.


“It means I’ll steal your mascara and eat it!” I yelled at him, he winced and looked at me boisterously, I just widened his eyes and kept walking by me. I giggled at how he is so serious about everything. Serious people get on my nerves a lot. That why I like Dasandra and Brendon and my CuzCuz Spencer. We kept on walking, and then it got me into an idea. Many, many ideas on how I should cause Ryan embarrassment make him want to beat the shit out of me. I started making a mental list on what to do, I couldn’t forget this it just seemed like it would be good, he was just the type of person I wanted to make angry with me. I don’t know him that good. He could just be acting like that ’cause he doesn’t know me that well, but I like someone to open up with me better than that. I didn’t talk much (know that fact I was still planning my work) I thought of a few more things. We finally reached the subway. Jon picked out the table we should eat at, and they went an ordered and Jon went to the bathroom (Heaven knows why…) so I was there with Ryan, he sat on the right side, I decided I didn’t want to sit in the set, but something more. While Ryan turned his head to see who was coming through the door, I climbed on the table and sat right in front of him, he turned back around and took his head back a bit. I smiled at him and placed my hands under my chin so they were resting on my elbows. He had his hands in his lap—questioning me. I could tell.

“What are you…?” he couldn’t didn’t finish.

“You got a really round face, and your hair fits you well. Whoa you have teeny tiny lips,” I put two of my fingers together show him how small they were, I saw him roll me eyes. “And you like as skinny as me, whoa how do you do it? You’re not anorexic right? I hope you’re not, you too cute for that,” I pinched his cheek, I heard him groan at me. “Hope you don’t mind Ryan but, I’ll take a set.” I moved down from the table, and sat in front of him. With me face really close to his, I put my hands in his hair (I always love to play with hair, it’s my thing)

“Heehee, you have really soft hair, what do you use in it?” I asked him. He didn’t move his hands from his sides, he probably found this awkward but I found it normal

“I uh…uh use dove?” I nodded. And turned back around so I was sitting by his side. I put an arm over the back of the chair, everyone came back over. I saw Brendon eyeing me and Ryan suspiciously.

“I’m the man in the relationship,” I answered, and they all laughed. Ryan gave me another death glare, but I heard him chuckle. I was gonna make him open up to me if it broke his legs or not, I got Spencer too, when I first meet him soooo many years ago, and Dasandra did in two seconds and so did her lover.
So it’s only time.
And yes I’m still thinking of more things to do to precious Ryan.
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Okay I pretty much lied, it's shorter than the other, but I felt like I should post it. 'Cause it has more action. I think XD

yes this was reposted by me not written