Live Pretty, Die Fast

Whoa, Those Eyes...

We left subway; we walked Jon home since he lived fairly close. Dasandra begged Ryan to stay, he gave in after the 1000th time. We all went back to Dasandra and Brendon’s house. Dasandra and Brendon raced into the bathroom. Either Brendon wants to get his freaky-deeky on. And I really didn’t want to be in the house when this happened. Ryan was just fixing to sit on the couch, I put my arm around his back and pushed him back up, we looked at each other and I motioned my head towards the door, he was confused. I pushed him forcefully to the door. I opened it and hurried out.

“Why have you pushed me out the house?” he asked.

“Well, I didn’t think you’d wanna hear and feel the house rock back and forth,” I rocked us back and forth in a swaying motion.

“Why—“ I wouldn’t let him finis.

“Ryan my God! They’re gonna have sex!” I nearly screamed at him, and got a glace from a nearby neighbor. Ryan made a ‘ew’ face. Which was hilariously cute I noticed my arm still around his back. He motioned to my arm, I smiled.

“Ryan, I would like you to know, I like to make things awkward, and also I am just this way.” He nodded, and sighed.

“You won’t sigh later on,” I sighed. “You know me now ya see—which obviously means, you will have a very interesting life.” I smiled to myself. I rested my head on his head, which was comfortable considering his head was soft with dove shampoo (Which sounds really weird), I could feel him tense. It doesn’t affect me like that, not anymore.

“Well, where would you like to go blossom?” I asked him.

“What the hell; Blossom?” I nodded my head, and I we walked to the streets of the sidewalk, I told him I wouldn’t dare walk to where my mind and (un)conscious doesn’t know. He agreed saying he heard some guy got lost trying to find the park, and that when he got their it was a shitty place.

“Okay, so since D and B are gonna be gone tomorrow. Wanna hang out?”


“I want you to hang your junk out!” I looked down at his pants. “Do you want to hang out with me, in a nonsexual way?” I asked him.

“Yeah sure,” I hugged him tight, his thin body was like a stick next to me, I wonder where all the places I could stick him, in a air vent, a hamster cage, a little baby coffin. I let out a long laugh, which caused him to turn his head, and bump his nose into mine. He just stared into my eyes. He had really honey brown eyes, which matched his look. So amazing. I smiled to myself while I was in though.

“What are you smiling about?” he asked as he turned his head away from mine. I grabbed his face and put it back to mine, so I could look better.


“I am looking here!” I softly yelled. He just stayed.

“Looking at what?” I grinned and giggled. I saw him smirk some. It made me chuckle,

“Your eyes idiot. So I am going to…stand here allllll night and look, damn you.” He chuckled a sweet chuckle.
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I'm gonna try to make the next one 1 and a half pages long, writen in small letters XD

yers yes you know teh drill...i know theers a bunch opf grammer errros and stuff but I'll try to fix them in a bit. Thxs... I do believe Spencer and Jon are still in need of girls so jump on that cuz tehy LONLEY!!!! Please be veryy despritive and stuff and very in depth with personality and history. Please and thank you