Live Pretty, Die Fast

Everywhere I Go

I made it home sometime yesterday, because all I did when I came home was…go to sleep, I was extremely bored. Spencer was already asleep (Like the party-pooper he his) he wouldn’t even celebrate. (Now I don’t know what we would celebrate but it was something trust me. I was applying my eyeliner and a little poof to my hair. Since I just got done blow drying it, I had to make it look good. Pssh a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I put the final stroke of my eyeliner on and checked myself in the mirror. Damn if I don’t be looking good. I giggled to myself. I put my rainbow contacts in. They just went with everything trust me. I looked down at myself.
Skinnies with skulls on the pockets and a solid black tank with some creepers, I got a ring from my phone.
everywhere I go, bitches always know that Charlie Scene is got a weenie that he loves to show. Bitch.

“Hello?” I asked.
“Hey, I remembered.” Ryan said from his phone. I smiled to myself, hmm him getting to know me, me this outta be good.

“Okay good, I know you know where I live. Soo just meet me outside.”

“O-“ I hung the phone up, I smiled to myself. I didn’t have to wait for him to say okay. Spencer was still passed out on the couch; I patted his head and went out the door. I leaned against the railing looking at the pretty clouds.
Ew that one looks like a heart, and that one a turkey. Hmm that sounds good actually—

“Hey,” I was cut off from my turkey day dreaming.

“Hey RyRy,” I went over and hugged him. Putting my arms under his so he was just left there stunned. He finally but his arms around my back and patted me, I laughed because I could clearly see he wasn’t used to this very much. I let go and looked up at him. He had black skinnies and a green V-neck.
I didn’t show any shy of looking at him up and down, I think he was a little amused by it myself.

“Looking hot my friend.” I said giving a thumbs up, he chuckled and let out a ‘thanks’.

“So what should we do?” he asked looking a little out of his place or something. He didn’t seem comfortable about just hanging, he needs to be more looser.

“Ryan, you can be more looser with me—I don’t like tight wods ya know?” I told, he chuckled at me.

“So what do you wanna do?” he asked. I put my hand up to my chin and thought for a second.

“Let’s just get to know each other, that seems best. And who knows I could have deep dark secrets only you should know,” I laughed at myself. He raised an eyebrow at me. “So do you know any good, forest-y places?” I asked.

“This is Vegas, the best we could do is go to a park kinda place.” I nodded. He lead the way, while he was walking I bumped hips with him, he looked at me and smirked; and bumped with me, we did that for a while. Till I almost knocked him into the ground—so I just had to contain myself and get over it. We made it to the little park and there was a tree, and a lake by it. I totally forgot about him and ran to it. And laid down in the grass and let my fingers trail in it. It was actually warm. That’s so different to me.

“What are you doing?” I turned over and looked at him.

“I forgot now, I’ll tell you later…if! I think of it.” He nodded. He sat in front of me, and shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay Ryan, it’s time to play Many, Many Questions. Start with anything, and everything. I don’t care if it’s a perv question or not, I am ready!” I said insanely. I saw him turn a bit red when I said ‘perv questions’

“Umm, what’s the most thing you wanna do the most?” I looked at him in the eyes.

“I waaant…someone to tell me I’m cute and not just—ya know in a I am only saying this so I can get in your frilly tutu.” He laughed at me.

“You’re cute, there, and I don’t want to get in your frilly tutu I smiled.

“Why thank you. Now your turn,” he nodded. “What do you want then?”

“I want to meet someone new,” I rolled my eyes, and picked up his hand and shook it.

“There you meet someone new.” We laughed. I lay on the grass once again. I glanced up at him and saw him looking at the lake. He was right up top from me, I don’t even know if he knows I’m laying like this.

“Okay then Lilith, what you regret the most.” I stiffened.

“My family,” I simply said, he looked down at me and furred his eye brows. I turned onto my side. My head was touching his knee, he didn’t move it though, I was playing with a blade of grass and I felt a hand on my shoulder rubbing it. I turned my head and looked at him.

“Don’t worry; you got a better life now don’t you?”

“Yeah.” I smiled. He took his hand off my shoulder, and placed it in his lap. “SO what about you, what you regret?”

“Me, well, my dad isn’t very supportive of me. So I guess I regret my dad. For being judgmental of me—I guess it’s not actually a regret.

“Good enough of a regret to me,” thinking of how my dad treated my mom, and me.

“Ryan…do you actually wanna hang out with me, or is it because you have no one else?” I asked.

“I actually—want to get to know you a lot better, you seem different.” I smiled to myself, I think that little word actually made my day. Which might be a weird way to put it, I got up and sat behind Ryan, I didn’t think he knew what I was doing though. I put my hands in his hair. It was soothing for some reason.

“What are you doing?” he asked, like it wasn’t obvious.

“Playing with your Dove shampooed hair,” I smirked.

“Nice. It’s like a massage.” He made me giggle. I played with his hair, running my fingers through it. And twisting it, I think I did it a little too tight. Because he flinched his head away. I stopped what I was doing and put my back against his, I laid my head against his shoulder. We started pointing at clouds. I found one that looked like a tulip. And he found one that looked like a wooden leg, I found that funny. Then my phone went off.

Everywhere I go, bitches always know. That Charlie Scene has got a weenie that he loves to show. Bitch. I looked at the caller ID and didn’t recognize who it was so I ignored it.

“What the hell kinda song is that?” Ryan asked laughing.

“It’s my most favorite thank you, and it’s by Hollywood Undead.”

“Now it’s gonna be stuck in there!”

“Deal with it!” I told him, and went back to looking at the clouds.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this one longer like I said, love me for it!
Song is by Hollywood Undead - Everywhere I Go.