Trust me I know what happens next

No way

The street lights were the only source of light for a group of teenagers hanging out at the park of Green Point. At ages from fifteen to seventeen they were having the time of their lives. They knew they were being childish and from the side it looked like it was the beer’s fault. But it wasn’t. They were born carefree and Friday nights were made for them. They weren’t a particularly big group though. Four boys and three girls.

The girls – Lesley, Kate and Sarah – were at the swings laughing and talking about girls’ stuff. Lesley was green-eyed with blond hair with darker highlights and a pale complexion. With her high cheekbones and straight nose she was considered the pretty one and she was also the oldest of the girls; just turned sixteen. Kate had dark brown waves falling just below her shoulders which she often tried to straighten without much success. Her big hazel eyes lit up every time she giggled. When she was in kindergarten some children had made fun of her very rosy cheeks but her friends managed to convince her it was cute. Sarah’s hair was a lighter hair color than Kate’s and cascaded to the middle of her back in defined but messy spirals. She had gone through years of struggle with it to find what was the perfect product and care routine for her curls and was very proud of herself. Fifteen years ago God had created her with a heart shaped face and brown eyes that in her opinion could have arrived with a straighter nose and perhaps more defined cheekbones but those thoughts came rushing in only on bad days.

The guys were scattered about lying on the grass or sitting on the benches. Cody was the goofiest. He was always full of energy and cracking jokes. He had short brown hair and ice blue eyes. He had a few freckles. Joey was the tallest standing at 6’4 with beach blond longish hair. He wasn’t very muscular but still could beat up someone if he had to and for his seventeen years of life he had only done it once. Damien was well built with a straight posture. He had big brown eyes and full lips that were perfect for pulling off the puppy dog stare and often did. His hair was long and dyed black and could be considered an emo haircut. He had a habit of keeping to himself at times which gave him a mysterious look. Nick was quite pale and wore glasses with big black frames. He and Sarah were called the babies of the group because of their age – only fifteen. He straightened his curly light brown hair much to Kate’s objections. She always claimed he looked better with curly hair and he always answered with “You’re not one to talk”.

They would have probably stayed there until the brake of dawn if it wasn’t for the sprinklers to come on at 1AM sharp. Kate screamed and they ran to the woods as it was the shortcut to the parking lot. They headed for Cody and Lesley’s cars trying to avoid the water which was impossible. They managed to get there semi-dry except for Lesley who was one of the worst runners of the entire school.

“This is my favorite shirt!” she complained while trying to squeeze out the water. “Mom is going to kill me!”

“Relax, it’s only water.” Sarah put her hands in her hoodie’s pockets. She felt like something wasn’t right and that she found out what it was. “Oh shit, guys, I think I lost my phone while we were running! I’ll go look for it.” her friends nodded their heads and Lesley gave her the flashlight she always kept in her car. ‘Always prepared’ was her motto, too bad she didn’t have spare clothes. “Thanks. Wait for me”

The very second she went into the woods she regretted going there alone. The place gave her shivers and she discovered she hadn’t gotten over her childhood fear of the dark. Every weak sound scared her and she kept looking from behind her shoulder. Soon she began thinking that finding anything as small as a phone there was a lost cause but she refused to give up. Her parents always said she was no good with maintaining technology and she wanted to prove them wrong.

Suddenly she heard a sound like two electrified objects had collided. She turned her flashlight at the direction she thought the noise had come from. Even though there was nothing there her heartbeat had quickened. She took a few steps backwards and tripped. The fall was painful but she hadn’t broken anything. It somehow felt like it was different from other times she’d fallen, she got the feeling you get when the rollercoaster at the theme park gets to the top and goes down, like the air was cutting her stomach. She had dropped her flashlight but it seemed as if it had actually gotten lighter. She looked around and saw a street lamp that definitely wasn’t there a second ago. She certainly hadn’t been in the bushes before too. She was freaking out.

Then she heard someone’s steps. Thoughts of serial killers and rapists came rushing into her mind. It could be anybody, anything. She forced herself to look through the bushes to see who it was. ‘Just like those stupid main characters in horror movies bravely go to see what’s wrong and then BAM! Some maniac comes up from behind them with an axe and chops their head off! Idiot, idiot! Why did you do it Sarah?’ she thought to herself. Then she saw it was just some boy sitting alone on a bench that also shouldn’t be there. She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding in. She couldn’t shake off the feeling that something about that boy was familiar. He was dark-haired with a lame haircut that was completely out of fashion. From what she could see he was somewhat pale and wore mostly black clothes.

She wanted to move to see him more clearly but she stepped on a twig and blew her cover. His head immediately snapped in her direction and he got up.

“Shit. Now I’ll look like the serial killer.” she muttered under her breath. The boy was coming towards the bush and was soon looking at her straight in the eyes. “Hi.”

“Hi.” he was confused but he offered her a hand to help her up.

“I’m Sarah.” she knew it was incredibly awkward but she thought she’d probably never meet the guy again.

“Gerard.” and then it hit her – she was standing in front of Gerard Way, the lead singer of her all-time favorite band. He looked different, no doubt about it, younger, but she was sure it was him. But how?
♠ ♠ ♠
constructive criticism is welcome

English isn't my maternal language so there might be some grammar and spelling mistakes but try to ignore them, please :) . I'll try my best not to make them though