Don't Make This Easy, I Want You to Mean It.


The pounding in my head was nothing out of the ordinary for a Sunday morning in Lutherville. Everyone who was anyone on my scene was suffering through the same thing at this time every weekend; I was just one of many with the complaint. The only difference, of course, was the single arm around my waist belonged to someone different than those of anyone else on my scene. I'm not saying this arm had not been around many people I knew (it had), but this week it was over my waist, holding me as close as the sleeping form next to me could. Of course, in the state he was in, that wasn't a very strong grasp. This wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for either of us, it was exactly that; ordinary. Or so I had heard last night. His reputation matched up to mine. It was always the same every Sunday morning unless someone we knew dragged us out of there before too many mistakes were made. The clothes littering the floor were a mixture of mine and his flung in every corner of the room. His arm took nothing but a gentle lift to remove, something that made him only pull tightly on the covers and roll over, exposing my flesh to the cold morning air in October. I sighed and slid silently off the bed, in the house I didn't recognise even remotely. My clothes were on and I was out of the door before even 5 minutes had passed, already well on my way back to the apartment I had recently started sharing with my friend. It helped me to avoid any unwanted questions from parents about where I had been, which suited me just fine.
"Jasey! You did it again! I can't believe you! Weren't you trying to stay sober this time?!" Marissa scolded from the sofa, in front of the TV. No doubt she was hungover, too, but that didn't stop her from bitching about me. She was a much better drunk than I. I can't recall a single time she had a one night stand. She could actually stop herself while she was drunk. Obviously Alex and I could not.
"I tried, I failed. Cute guys trying to get me drunk. You know I'm a sucker for a pretty face," I smirked, sitting down next to her, not even bothering to check what was on the TV.
"Who was he this time? Same as usual?" By 'same as usual' she meant some random I've never met or heard of before, who was nothing to cause a stir with anyone. Somehow I still managed to cause a stir in the Monday morning gossip run.
"Umm, basically. I've heard of him before, but I've never seen him around."
"Give me a name, or did you not catch it?"
"Oh, ha ha. You know I always get the name at least," she just looked on at me expectantly. "Does the name Alex Gaskarth ring any bells?"
"GASKARTH?! Are you fucking shitting me?! Was he like actually there when you woke up?! He's never there when a girl wakes up!"
"I'm an early riser, remember? Now quit shouting, you're killing me here."
"You mean you walked out on Alex Gaskarth before he got the chance to do it to you?" She asked, at a much lower sound level.
"Yeah, I suppose you could say that," I shrugged. Why was she making such a big deal out of this? It was nothing unusual. So I hooked up with a guy with a reputation, it's not that different from any other time.
"How are you so calm? He's going to have gone insane by Monday morning!"
"And I care why?"
"Because he's Alex Gaskarth!"
"Will you quit telling me his surname over and over?!"
"Sorry, but he's Alex G-"
"I give up!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air and getting up. "I'm going for aspirin, and if I hear his surname one more time, I'm throttling you with the TV cable." By the time I returned to my seat next to her, she was rambling on to herself about the infamous Alex, whom I had walked out on without a second thought. "I give! What's so special about this boy then?!"
"He's like the king of one-night stands. He leaves every morning before his latest conquest even has the thought of waking up. Nobody, and I mean nobody, leaves Alex; he leaves them. What you've just done to him has never been done to him before; you're the first that's left him. He's the lead singer of All Time Low, you remember them?" I nodded. How could I not? Jack had forced me to listen to him practising alone, causing me to love his band almost as much as he did. I had both of their CD's. "Well, that and his so-called charm are what he uses to get girls. His reputation is the same as yours, only now you've scarred his clean record, and it's going to drive him insane until he finds out who you are."
"How the hell do you know this?!"
"Like I said, he's the king of one-night stands. The girls in the halls at school do nothing but swoon over him. They talk about him like he's a God."
"He sounds like a male version of me," I stated cockily.
"He pretty much is. I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be pretty damn interesting. The King of one-night stands is going to breakdown over some unknown girl, who happens to be the Queen of one-night stands."
"You make me sound important."
"Sweetie, no boy wakes before you. It makes you the same as him, only he plays on it and you don't." I smirked.
"Monday sounds like a lot of fun."