Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.

10:So I Thought.

All your twisted thoughts free flow
To everlasting memories
Show soul
Kiss the stars with me
And dread the wait for
Stupid calls returning us to life
We say to those who are in love
It can't be true 'cause we're too young
I know that's true because
so long I was
So in love with you
So I thought
A year goes by
And I can't talk about it

"No, no, I wasn't crying. My eyeliner was just irritating me thats all." I please hope he wouldn't realize that I was lying and won't say anything about it. unexpectedly he placed his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Raven, You couldn't lie to me. I'm very good with knowing when people are crying." How would he know so much about crying? I want to know more, only I hope it doesn't sound rude. "Really? Why would you know so much about cryin.. I mean if that doesn't sound rude." I was buried still inside his arm and against his chest when he lifted up my head to look me in the eyes.

"Their was a rough path with my mom and my dad. My dad was cheating on my mother. I was three when this happened. Every night I would hear her cry for some many different things. When ever I would see her crying I would try to comfort her but she would only say 'its not your fault' and once in a blue moon 'I was just cutting up onions'." He then turned to the moon.

"I would always blame myself for their split until I was 9 and my mom placed me in here. It was hard, my mother really didn't have that much money and she really couldn't 'help' me so she placed me in here with the little money we had. If it wasn't for my grandparents. I don't really know how we would have survived. My dad on the other hand was abit more distant with me. The only comfort between us where our love for music. He gave me a guitar when I was five. Since then that was the only thing we really had in common. Other then that everything just went to shit with him." He stared at that moon. I buried into him more and wrapped my arms around him letting the box, note, letter and everything else fall to the floor.

"I'm so sorry." Was all I could say or at least come to mind. I guess he noticed that the box had hit the floor. "Whats this?" He held it up and to examine it. "Its a box my dad gave me before he died." He opened it and took out the watch with the family picture.

"I didn't know you had a brother, my mom was pregnant when my mom found out my dad was cheating. She got over excited and the baby was born premature, 5 days later his lungs collapsed and that was the end of that." Frank searched the ground for more items. I grabbed the letter and note, quickly stashing it under my blankie for later.

"Why do you have a credit card and is this chain for your locket watch?" I really had no idea what the credit card was for so I decided to open the letter and find out.

"I really don't know to much about the credit card but the chain is for the locket watch" I slowly started to read the letter.

They're were things I could never tell you or ever see in you. I wanted to write you a letter explaining things to you that your mother nor anyone knew except my father. The voice in your mind is a trait from my father's side of the family. Our family you can say were a bit different than most. We never really fit in. We were an outcast to some. Only opened minded sincere people who listened. We were all special. Yes their was others just like me and you. All with different things. I myself knew things that were going to happen. That is why I never really told anyone about the cancer. I knew it was going to come. I knew about your mother not being able to handle the whole voice in your mind and she was going to send you away. I knew that you and some friends were going to run away. The credit card is for you to make sure everything goes smoothly. I left the serial number in the back on this letter. There is about 10,000$ on that card. I love you and Henry very much. I never ever once stopped thinking about any of you while Im laying here in this hospital room. I'm going to miss you dearly. The watch was mine. When I went to the hospital and knew your mother wasn't going to be able to handle you and you were to run away. I wanted you to remember better times like I did when I was sad. Every time I would have chemo all I held in my hand was that watch with our family picture. It never to make me smile. Please wear it proud to remember me. To remember every moment we all had together as a family and still have, even far apart.

Love always and even past the grave,
Your Father. XOXO

P.S. Please stop smoking. Your mother was right I wouldn't like to see you smoking nor would I agree with it. But hey if it makes you calm then go ahead. Good Luck.

Warm tears poured out of my eyes as I read each word. The words on the paper echoed through my head "Please wear it proud to remember me. To remember every moment we all had together as a family and still have, even far apart." I wanted someone to hold me and just wouldn't let me go.

Didn't know crazy ran in your family. Wow and here I was thinking you were the only one. Wonder what else in your family. Alcoholics? Drug Addicts?

I didn't even replay back but only cried harder hugging the letter close to my heart. "Raven?" Frank placed his arm around me cooing "It's alright. Every thing's going to be fine. I'm here." It was the only thing in the world I wanted right now (besides my dad) but I couldn't have felt more empty inside.