Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.

11: So I Thought..

On my knees
Dim lighted room
Thoughts free flow try to consume
Myself in this
I'm not faithless
Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose
Ignorance is bliss cherish it
Pretty neighborhoods
You learn too much to hold
Believe it not
And fight the tears
With pretty smiles and lies
About the times
A year goes by
And I can't talk about it

"Love?" I woke up not even noticing I had fallen asleep in Frank's tight embrace. My blankie was over my head blocking the blaze from the rising sun. "I'm sorry Frankie I didn't notice I fell sleep on you." He smiled than sipped something from a cup. Coffee maybe? Also his arm was still carefully placed around me.

I adjusted to the light and sat up straight. "What time is it, and where is everyone?" I glanced back to see the van still parked from last night, undisturbed. "It is about 7 am and everyone is still sleeping." He smiled this engaging smile I couldn't help but smile. Still their was something still unclear. "But how did you get... well what ever your drinking."

Frank laughed lightly and smiled. "I guess your a heavy sleeper not to hear when Jake asked me before if I wanted coffee?" I shook my head. I saw a smile play upon his lips. "Okay smarty pants, wheres Jake? Shouldn't he be up then?" I felt a slight chill and pulled up my blankie to wrap it around my arms when I noticed Frank just pulled me into him more.

"Cold?" I nodded. "Here." He took my blankie and released me from his tight grip, but when I went to sit up he only pressed me down harder with my blankie on top of me. "Better?" I was quiet. "Well?" I decided to turn the questions onto him. "You still haven't answered my questions." Frank smirked.

"I was getting to that. He was up before when he went to get coffee." He held the cup up as he said coffee. "Then when he came back, he feel asleep in the van." I nodded and took his coffee out of his hand. "Now your coffee is mine." I smiled and took a few sips. "Bitter." I looked into the tiny drinking hole and saw all black. "Yea. Don't like black coffee?" I shook my head passing the cup over to him.

"Wow. Your really missing out on good coffee" I laughed. "Yea right." My sides started to ache when I realized I didn't know what time it was. "Frank?" I looked over to him. "Mhm?"

"What time is it?" I heard crunching sounds of leaves and tried to peer over Frank's arm. "Its about the be 8 in the morning?" There was a pause and I still couldn't see. "Hey Gerard." Frank said with out hesitation. "How do you always know?"

I wonder if not only is your lover boy psycho he can read minds too? I guess I have to give more props to him. Shh.

"Good morning. How was it sleeping out here?" I shrugged. "Wasn't all to bad." I smiled at Frank but he was lost again in his mind. I wonder if I should shake him out of his mind. "Since its 8 A.M I think we should go get breakfast and hit the road faster. Remember we still have the cops on our ass." I nodded pushing Franks arm off a bit and grabbing my blankie. Frank finally realized and grabbed my box and letters. I had forgotten I had even read the letter.

When I stood up all the memories of last night flooded back to me. Suddenly I was falling backwards fast when I felt an arm wrap around me pulling me into their chest.

"Raven? Raven?! Fuck Gerard go get water from inside the van. I think last night just hit her." I tried to push off Franks chest. "I'm okay don't worry. I'm just alittle light headed." In a split second Frank pulled me out of his chest looked to my face then threw me over his shoulder.

"Well I don't want to take any chances. I'm going to drive. I think you should lay down." Gerard opened the car door while I protested against Frank having to carry me to the car. I could walk.

Can't walk? If you need help you know I'm always here. No. Aghh I have enough problems. Leave me alone.

I was placed down softly and was leaned against Jack. It didn't even phase him. I looked around and noticed no one was up except me, Gerard and Frank. Speaking of which Gerard went back to sleep while Frank got into the drivers seat starting the car.

We must have drove for about a half an hour before I started to noticed that my eyes were border lining closing. "Go to sleep. I'm alright driving by myself." Frank said before I noticed I was pinching my palm to keep me awake.

"But I don't want to, I'll feel bad if I were to. No ones up with you." I sounded weak trying to protest something I knew I wanted to do. I finally gave in when Frank stopped at a stop light and pulled out head phones sticking it into the radio and putting them on.
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Sorry its a wee short.
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