Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.

2:Desert Song..

Well tonight, well tonight will it ever come?
Spend the rest of your days rockin' out
Just for the dead
Well tonight,will it ever come?
I can see you awake anytime in my head

I glanced around the room. I found the top bunk of the bunk bed empty. I threw my stuff up there as my mom and the doctor talked outside the room. I saw a letters on the bed under my own. It read Lexie. I really hope it is her and Katlyn that is here. There was another bed on the other side with purple sheets. It also had a letter on it.

I got hopes up. I just had a feeling that they were here and I would get to see them. The doctor came back in.

"Wheres my mom?" He looked back to the door. "She had to go. By the way I am Dr.Chris. I know your dads name is Chris. I understand completly if you dont feel like calling me Dr.Chris. If you want though you can call me Dr.C?"

"I like Dr.C better. Sounds more... Friendly." He nodded. "I hope you felt that way because here at the insitute we like everyone to feel like family, or very close friends. Even with the doctors, and phycologist." I guess this whole staying in a phyc ward is going to be intresting.

Raven this man doesnt think of you no more then what your mother did. He just thinks your nuts and all you need is meds.

Fuck! Why now? I fought away this voice in my head.

"So... Since your not anything out of the ordinary here where starting you off in friendly stage. That means you get to all stuff from your parents with out it having to be checked. You get to wear whatever, have objects like sissors, Lighters and all that other stuff. Also you get to walk around the primiter of the ficility. Inside and out. But there is a safty line that is all barb wires so you cant escape. Plus get to go to the 'Chill Zone' Its more of a hang out but we call it that. You might get to meet new friends." I nodded.

"I guess I will leave you to unpack. Your Roommates are on Friendly stage too so you might see them around. but if not you will definatly see them back around 5. Right before dinner."

"Alrighty then. Um... When do we go to dinner?" He looked to his watch then back at me.

"Around 5:20. Dont worry you'll know the guard tells everyone when dinner is." He opened the door and walked out. I guess nothing better to do then to unpack.

There where three different dressers all where a different color. One was Red, The second was Blue and the third was Purple. I looked at the beds. My bed had no covers on it. The one I guess under me who might have been Lexie's was blue. So that means then this was her dresser and the purple dresser was oviously Katlyn. I guess the red one was my own to use.

I opened the first draw to find nothing in it. I put my Sketch pad, Note paper, pens, pencils, Tooth brush, Pads, Floss, Tooth paste, Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Soap, Cigarette carton, Lighers, Photo ablum, and box of stuff that my dad gave me before he died in the first draw.

Since there was four draws I thought I just leave that stuff in there. The second draw I put my tops in. The third draw pants and skirts. The last draw I saved for my undergardments. I had only my two dresses left. I dont know why I brought them but I thought they would come in handy. There wasnt a closet so I placed it inside with my skirts and pants.

Its odd I never open the box my dad gave me. Not even after he died. I just could never open it.

thats because you are weak. I can open it for you. Let me help. I just want to be me for a bit. When I am me agian I can help you do things. Shut up. I told that voice.

"Dude he wouldnt... Hi" The door opened and in came two girls. One with bright pink hair and the other with brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Raven... You guys must be Lexie and Ketlyn right?" They nodded.

"Um... Hi I'm Lexie" The one with Pink hair raised her hand. "Random question you cant be the Raven who was 5 when did witch Craft?" I nodded. Lexie came running foward.

"OH MY GOD Have We missed you." Katlyn fell to the floor crying. I hugged Lexie with all my might. "I missed you too. I really thought I never see you agian but here you are!" Katyln got up and joined the hug.

"How have you guys been?"

"Where good... They say where getting better." Katlyn and Lexie pulled out of the hug.

"So why are you here?" I pointed to my head.

"Voices... My thinks its better for me to come here and seek help." They nodded.

"Ah... Well at least your here with us!" I nodded. "So what stage are you on?"

"Friendly stage." They smiled.

"Great come on we'll show you around." They linked arms with me and dragged me out the room. We walked to a room that said 'Chill Zone' So I guess thats what Dr.C was talking about. Inside was kids my age sitting around talking, giggling. Some by themselfs others not so much.

They dragged me around in there. We stopped at this girl. Katyln asked her a question but I couldnt hear her. The girl pointed off to some where. Katlyn nodded then pulled me off agian.

"We have some very special people we want you to meet. One of them is attually like you." Lexie said. Katlyn dragged me up to three guys. Two where talking the other was laughing.

"Hey guys, Remember we told you about our friend? The one that was like Frank?" The one that was laughing stopped.

"Guys this is Raven. Raven the Guys, Mikey" Lexie pointed to a tall boy with Glasses. "Gerard his brother," She then pointed to a boy alittle shorter then Mikey with black hair in his face. He gave me a smile and a wave. "And this is Frank." She Pointed to the last boy. He was about my height, his hair was cut in like a side mohawk. he gave me a smile that showed off his lip ring I smiled back.

"So how is everyone?" I asked. they all shrugged. "Same shit different day, ya know." Mikey said laughing.

"Nice! Oh by the way Raven. Mikey can 'see' stuff so yea he'll either laugh or just stay really quiet and stare. So if you see him laughing randomly just dont think hes nuts or anything." I nodded. We started to talk about things. Untill I was brought up on why I was here.

"So what brings you here to 'we-need-help-but-we-attually-dont-need-help' phyc ward?" Frank asked. Great just ask the one question that will scare you away, But maybe not, they did say before I'm like Frank so...

"I sorta hear a voice inside of my mind. It wants to take over me. yea I know I sound like a totally crazy person but I'm not. Only thing thats really bad about me is that sometimes I cant control when it trys to take over and I become viloent with out trying to be. So just to warn if I start to swing at you, its not because I want to its because I cant control myself." I looked down to my shoes.

"Dont worry the same sorta happens to me. But it doesnt get voilent. I just sorta yell at myself." I smiled and looked up.

"Sweet so I'm not alone!" I gave him a high five.

We were sitting on the grass talking about how they dont know what there going to do when they get out of here, they joked and laughed. It was nice. I never really had friends back at school.

Thats because you would always push them away, or others thought you to be too crazy to be friends with. Can you please just shut the fuck up. I want to have one normal day to talk with people and not hear you.

"Hey are you okay?" Frank poked me. I looked up.

"Yea.. Sorry." He smiled. "Ah no proplem, so as I asked when did you get your lip percien(sp)?" I touched my lip totally forgot about it being there.

"um... like three months ago, you?" He laughed.

"I got this done I think two weeks ago. The same day that Katlyn got her belly button periced and Lexie got a tattoo."

"Dude let me see!" I poke Lexie. She gave Frank the death glare. "I'm totally going to kill you Frank you do realize this." He nodded. Mikey and Gerard started to laugh.

"Hey wait what about Mikey and Gerard?" Gerard laughed hader. "He hates Needles" Mikey pointed to Gerard. "and I just didnt know what to get so I'm going to wait untill I know."

"By the way Raven Call me Gee." I nodded. This big guy came walking towards us.

"Hey Dennis." The big guy I guess was Dennis. He was buff wearing a security guard outfit.

"Yo. So whos the new girl." he pointed to me.

"I'm Raven." I smiled and waved hello. "Hello." He waved back. "So whats up Dennis?" Mikey asked.

"Time to go to dinner." Mikey jumped up. "YAY!"


"Dude I'm still hungery" Mikey said as we where sitting on the floor in the 'Chill Zone' for a skinny dude boy could he eat alot.

"Mikey you just ate three bowls of spigetti." he shrugged. "So..." We laughed at him. I rubbed my eyes. I was getting pretty tired. It was fun to hang out with them but I think I needed sleep.

"Well guys I shall see you's in the morning. Night!" I gave them all a hug. "Hey Raven we'll catch up with you later." Katlyn said smiling. I nodded walking out the room and down the hall.

So did you have your fun tonight? Well its time for me to have my fun. Just for once at least. No you will not. Not today never. Cant I just ever be me?

But your not you. Your not alone. Its me and you. Your never going to be alone. please not now. I felt hands grab me and I felt like I was being pulled. I slamed aginst the wall then fell hard. just then it stopped. I got up and ran to my room. I threw on the light switch and shook my head.

"I just need sleep." I told myself. I got out some pj's threw them on fast. Then it hit me I dont have any sheets on my bed. I looked around then under the beds. There I found in a box that said 'Matching Bed covers for room 387'. I pulled out the box to find it to be bigger then what I expected.

I pulled opened the flaps and pulled out two pillows with Red covers. A Blanket also Red. Two Sheets and as you guessed it where Red. I put together all those to make my bed comfy. when I finished it dawned that I didnt look for the bathroom when I got here. I climed down the bed pulled out some socks from my draw, I put them on so I could go find a bathroom. I noticed I forgot to folded my cloths, so I did. I placed them neatly on top of my dresser.

I got my tooth brush and toothpaste out and headed out into the hall. The guard Dennis was walking back and fourth I decided to ask him where the bathroom was.

"um... Excuse me Dennis?" He turned around. "Hello Raven, Whats up?" I smiled.

"Wheres the bathroom." He looked at me strangly.

"Raven theres one in your room." I was confused. I guess I didnt notice it.

"Oh. I'm a fucking idiot I didnt even notice it." He laugh. "Usually people dont. Come on I'll walk you back." Dennis walked me back to my room. Right next to Katlyns Dresser was the door to the bathroom.

"Thanks." He walked towards the door.

"No Problem. Night." I waved him good bye.

"Good night Dennis." I went inside and looked around. It was bright Yellow. What a strange color. Oh well. I set my tooth brush on the sink. I ran the water it was cold. I splahed it on my face to make sure all of this was real....

* should I still keep going? Comment please!*