Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.


This feeling never leaves you alone
You pull the trigger on your own
You're hiding in your safe place
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly
all the way to the hospital
Now will you ever rest your head
You end up feeling mostly dead
Pretending you're the last one
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly
all the way to the hospital

I walked to my harzardez(?) room. Along the halls I caught glimpse of kids who were younger them me playing with blocks and with dolls. Others playing house and Legos. How can something so tiny be so affected to be here? Espically at a time like this, if what Mikey says is true how are they ever to be kids and really see life? There just locked up and missunderstood.

I shook my head as I walked down the hall. I turned a corner and headed towards the harzardest(?) waste that was my room. I walked with my head down and the swirling images of what was soon to happen. Only stupid me while walking with my head down I didnt notice I bumbed into someone, better yet I bumbed into two people.

"Sorry" I glanced up to see Gerard and a new kid. "Yo Raven, This is Jack. Um... hes gonna be... Well you know..." I got up slowly and shook hands with Jack who was about my hight and more mucles then I've seen on anyone. "I got ya..." He looked familiar but I let that feeling go.

"Where were you going?" Gee asked. "The Water foutian called my room." Gee laughed and so did I. "Wait you mean you share rooms with Lexie and Katlyn?" Jack asked. "Yea. Weird havent seen you around here lately. Where were you?"

"Well... dont take ya meds and they flip... so what they do is lock you up and keep you there till your sane... But yea so how are you?" Gerard laughed. "Thats Jack for you the rebal with out a cause ... or so he thinks." Jack playfully punched him in the arm and laughed alittle.

"So wait why is Jack here? Like here in this loony bin." Gerard laughed quitely. "I'm Scizo." I nodded my head.

So not only do you have friends that are nuts but now their two people?! Wow. Your totally going to be able to surivie this. Leave me alone you bitter bitch inside my mind.

"So I shall be getting back to the wonderful world of water aka my room. I'll see you boys later in the "Chill Zone"." With that we all nodded and went our seperate ways.

I walked down to my room, and opened the door to find the room torn apart with clothes and verious items. Inbettwen having to step on clothes and watching my step, Lexie and Katlyn where running back and fourth putting things in different places.

"Jesus, what happened? Every time I come back or wake up in this room, somethings always happing." Lexie stopped and placed the note book she was about to put into her bag on the bed. "Stop. Sit." She picked up the note book again just as Katlyn ran by. "Hey Raven Bye Raven." She had bags gathered in her arms coming out from what I guess was the closet I couldnt find before since it was set into the wall. Nice how I notice things arent I?

"SIT KATLYN!!!!!" She dropped the bags in her arms and sat straight to the floor looking at me. "Alright explain on this packing and fucking up the room mess of a thing." Lexie and Katyln exchanged glances. Lexie spoke first.

"Well while you and Frankie were staring off and we walked away. Mikey told us that something is happening. So we decided to go for a walk to see if Jack." I inturupted her. "I meet Jack a few minutes ago." She gave me an odd look than kept on I mummbeled a sorry.

"Well, on the way to see Jack was getting out which I guess he did. we walked by the suicidal watch part of the hospital. There was these two kids walking and the next thing we knew they were flipping out after they got their meds.

"Mikey looked off and said its starting. Gerard said he was going to get Jack out and that to pack and we'll meet up at breakfest to talk about this. So right now were packing. Go pack Raven." Lexie pushed me off the bed as Katlyn got up and started to grab her bags back to start packing them full of her stuff.

Ah... so the great disaster unfolds. You know .... Maybe... No I said to leave me alone why don't you comprehend? Fine have your fun trust me you'll need me... you'll need me alright "Yea yea yea..." I mummbled walking towards my dresser.

I grabbed my bags that was left next to the dresser and emptied out my drawers one by one. I started from the bottom drawer first. dumping all my stuff onto my bed and sorting it. I refolded everything after finding a black on black outfit to become one with the shadows when we escape.

When I finally got to the fourth drawer since I didn't dump it onto my bed. I put all the essentials in the little pockets that the bag had, except for one. That box my father gave to me. I had always wanted to open it but afraid to really look in it. I stared at it as if it would open its self and revel what was inside.

"What's that?" I looked behind me to fine Katlyn standing there looking at me holding a box. I laughed. "Its my dads gift he gave to me before he died." She sat next to me. "Did you ever open it?" The whole "open it" bothered me for no reason. It felt like I did a bad thing.

I shook my head no. "Why not?" I shrugged. "Never was ready too. He died so suddenly from cancer and I was only 10 it really hurt, we were close. I miss him so much I really needed him too about when I was 14 and he wasn't there." before I knew it tears were coming down my eyes. Katlyn just hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Wanna open it?" I smiled and shook my head. "I just don't know if I can? Would you help me like if I chicken out you can hit me and make me open it." She nodded her head. I took a deep breath and started to undo the wooden box's carved out latch.

"See you can..... WHAT THE FUCK..... MIKEY?"
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Tell me what you think?
Sorry haven't writen hope this makes up for it =]