Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.


Before I cross my heart and hope to die at all
Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars
It never used to hurt before it isn't funny anymore
Feeling so alone now,
Funny how you wish some way that you could die at the hospital
You're quiet on the car ride home,
You're waiting for your head to explode
You're hiding in your safe place
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly
all the way to the hospital

"I'm sorry we gotta go." Mikey ran through the door with Jack and some lady. As I closed the latch on the wooden box I quickly stuffed it into the small pocket were my blanky was. I had actually forgotten about it.

how could you forget about that thing? Little miss baby. You carry that think like a love sick puppy and its bone. Shut the fuck up I spat at my own self.

Mikey and the lady ushered me and Lexie out while Jack helped Katlyn out with her stuff. When I got outside I asked what had happened.

"Someone got in with a gun and started to kill people that were on the "list"" Jack answered me. "Wait what list?" I looked around and all I heard was a gunshot which scared me shit less.

"Remember Mikey's vision? Well it started that day and well... they made a list of people from the oldest people being here to the youngest. Youngest goes first so that way the older ones can become slaves to them." The lady who I didn't know started to look around.

"You can ask more questions later right now I have to get you outta here. Gerard and Frankie are already in the car to get out in." She started to walk as she talked. She waved her hand for us to follow.

We walked about ten minutes and was back to were I first came in yesterday. I could see the van parked out side but I couldn't tell Gerard and Frankie were in it. Surprisingly no guards or anything were roaming the halls.

All of a sudden as we were passing through the threshold and into the van Gerard popped out and scared the living shit outta Katlyn which set her off into a flip out fit.

Don't they just look like fools? the voice sounded a bit British and stupid so I brushed it off I didn't need it at the moment.

Gerard and Jack tried to calm her down as the mysterious lady put our bags in the van. She handed Jack the keys and a black bag.

"Bye guys please write or call. Jack there's a cell in that bag it has my number its under Carol call me please?" Jack nodded and we all said our thank your's as he handed me the keys and I started up the car. I took off down the drive way as I heard screams still coming from the institution.

"So off to Canada?" Everyone said Yup and then cuddled in more to the car getting comfy for a long ride to Canada. Jack decided to climb up front with me. There were three rows of Seats, and he climbed all three just to sit up with me.

"You know I could have pulled over." He smiled. "Well I didn't feel like telling you too." I laughed "Yea Yea Yea you just wanted to show off." He smiled and looked out the window. Guess everyone feel asleep since I heard nothing.

"Wow that was pretty disturbing." Gerard said. Frankie stood quiet as I looked to the rear view mirror. "Yea it was. Why don't you guys take a nap were only just starting to head outside of Jersey. Relax we got about maybe a day or two more driving ahead." Gerard slid down onto the window and curled up like a cat.

"Frankie you feeling alright?" He snapped out of where ever he was and smile. "Yea" He laugh then feel quiet again. "Wanna come sit up here with me since I need someone to talk to and you the only one not asleep?" He smiled.

Such a skank like you always were. Never could just be by yourself even for an hour. Well I wouldn't be this way if you didn't make me. How proud I am but I would be prouder you know if I would just take over for a few. NO. Stop it hes getting closer the front stop it.

Since the van was like from the 60's it was alot more room with a lot of seats and could hold up to three in each row even the front.

Frankie reached to the front when Jack woke up. When Frankie was about to slide in Jack stole his spot. "Hey what was that about?" Frankie asked slipping into Jacks old seat by the window with out ease. I was going slow so I wouldn't crash it was about 2 o'clock in the after noon and not a driver in site, still have to be careful.

"Oh well I Probably just gonna go to sleep anyway." With that Frank nodded of into the window and snore.

"So what was that about you making Frankie go sit over there." Jack looked at me seriouslly then looked away again. "Its just I don't want you to be alone and I knew Frankie was going to fall asleep you need someone whos up as you drive, which by the way once we hit pennsivaul I'll drive if you like. Got my lisenes last year."

"Hey its up to you man." he smiled and said yea I'll take over from then. "Well take turns." I nodded. With that it was off to Canada with out looking back but I just knew something was missing we had to do something before we left. I saw a the highway enterence but I stopped short and woke up everyone. Thank god no one was hurt though.

"RAVEN!? WHAT THE FUCK????" Katlyn screamed. "Sorry, guys we have to do something before we leave." Gerard looked a bit pissed. "What?".....
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I dont really think anyone else is reading this but me so yea... I'll keep it short. either you can comment this or it will be the last of this story why continue if no one is reading?