Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.


Before I cross my heart and hope to die at all
Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars
It never used to hurt before it isn't funny anymore
Feeling so alone now,
Funny how you wish some way that you could die at the hospital
You're quiet on the car ride home,
You're waiting for your head to explode
You're hiding in your safe place
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly
all the way to the hospital

"All of your family they live in Jersey right?" Although I got strange looks their nods came. "Well I know I promised my brother that I would write to him and when the words out that we all escaped.... I just do not want my brother to worry. I'm basically all he has." They all went quiet.

"I understand my sister might worry" Came from Frank. "Yea we should at least say bye even if we don't like it." Katlyn said. I nodded. "I have a plan." I drove to a deserted lot it was covered head to toe in trees and moss. "Look we'll park here and make ways due. We'll split up and meet here in about an hour. Then were off to freedom, sounds good?" There were murmurs of yes all around except for one. It was Lexie

"Um.. Can I stay here?" She asked almost whispering it. "Why?" She looked around shyly while everyone else was climbing out the car. "Not really. I don't think my family would want to see me." I climbed into the back next to her. "Love of course they do they haven't seen you since when? Come on love if anything you can come over to my house and say a quick hello?" She nodded and followed me out the car.

Thank heavens we were close to my house, Jack lived pretty close by. All four of us walked towards the same streets till we came to Averting St. "Well I'm over this way." Pointing to the left of him. We waved good bye and made up Averting St. I looked up at my window that was above my mothers garden arch way which was made up of wood and Henry's, My mothers, and my own favorite flowers. They were roses, butterfly kisses, and Morning glories plus bleeding hearts.

"So I'll meet you in about ten minutes?" She gave me a mild smile as katlyn was already across the street and through her old bedroom window. Lexie walked slowly to her house as I found a crack in the wooden arch that I would use to escape and smoke a cigarette.

I looked towards the left and found the small three inch spot and stuck my foot into the small crack and started up the wall. I reached the top when Katlyn came climbing out of her window slamming it and running towards my house.

"What happened?" She wailed her hands and murmured things that couldn't be understood. It was that mixture of crying and English. I told her to put her foot in that crack and climb up behind me. I opened my window as I waited for her to make her way up the arch. I climbed into my bedroom waiting. It was still the same as I left it only their was a surprise in my bed. Their laying in my bed was Henry sleeping away. I walked over to him and stroked his hair.

"Fucking bitch." Katlyn spat as she climbed through the window. "Shh's. Henry's Sleeping." She walked over slowly and brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh My God. Look at him I haven't seen him since he was a baby, god do I sound old." She half laughed. I smiled. "So why where you crying?" She looked towards Henry.

"I went into my old room and although my mom never came only my dad to say hello at the institute." She looked towards the window. "Anyway that doesn't matter. I went to my old room and instead of my old room their was a new baby crib and new baby things. Then to my horror just as I was to leave the room my mother walks in with a baby around her waist.." I put my hands to my mouth.

"I'm so sorry I thought you knew." She waved her hand around to hush me. "Don't give it a second thought. But that wasn't the worst part, she tries to hug me. The bitch actually tries to hug me. I'm institution for how many years and now she loves me? So I just ran." She sat on my floor which made a quick thump and waking up my sleeping brother. I wondered over to comfort Katyln till Henry spotted me.

"Raven?" He asked sleepy. "W-What are you doing here?" He rubbed his eyes and crawled out of the bed and towards us. "Who's this?" he asked half curious and half knowing.

"This is Katlyn you don't remember her she left when you were about a three years old. Um... Henry you can not tell mom we were here. Their was something going on with the institute so..." He made this motion with his hands to continue on. "Well... Were on the run." He was shocked. "Henry you can not tell mom. I love you but you just can't. I'll write to you but I have to go." I gave him a long hug and started to tear up.

The crazy ones always fuck their family over by saying 'they'll come back' for who ever and never do Shh's I will come back. I'm all he has and I won't desert him. I promise. I won't.

"Raven before you go please be careful." He was on the verge of tears. I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as I nodded and hugged my brother good bye. Katlyn was out the window first. "I promise I will write and I will try to visit you love." I climbed out after her and made my way down the arch. I whipped my face as Lexie came out her window the same time.

"Ready to go?" She nodded silently. "What happened when you went in, was everything alright?" she nodded. "As always their was no one home." I hugged her. As we walked along the street making our way back to the car it dawned on me my brothers face. Burning into my memory how I might never see him again. I wanted to cry and throw a fit like a little kid wanting a toy. I wanted my brother and I wanted to be normal. I really wanted to make sure he was alright.

He was really all I had left. My mother never wanted me, she only put up with me till she could get rid of me. My dad died. Friends psh. I never had any. Everyone was afraid of me and now with all these new people I met how could I trust them with all I've been through. Sure out of all people me judging people? I was the biggest hypocrite ever.

You couldn't fool me. Why won't you ever let me take over. Wow you almost sounded sincere but I am not buying it. Leave me alone. Fine but you'll be crawling back to me Yea Yea Yea. Just shut up.

We reached the trees. I pulled the one back leading to the van. Mikey, Gee and Frankie were back sitting in the van. "Wheres Jack?" Aiden asked. Gerard was smoking a cig as Frankie and myself joined him. "He's around that tree." Aiden shrugged. "Doing what though?" The boys laughed. "Go find out." So I did. I went behind the tree and there was Jack draining the lizard. "Oh My God. I am so sorry" I squeaked, then cupped my eyes.

"Its alright. We ready to go?" I smiled and turned around. "Yes." I heard his zipper zip up and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Eww... Can you wash your hands?" he laughed. "Do you see a sink?" I shook my head. "No but." I went to the van and got out a water bottle. "Here will this work?" He nodded. "Welcome." I said as I got into the drivers seat. I waited for everyone to settle in.

"Now were off, but where are we going to stay....?"
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