Insanity Line That Is Wearing Thin.


Before I cross my heart and hope to die at all
Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars
Before I close my eyes I'm gonna give it up
Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars
leave the lies to the liars
leave the lies to the liars
leave the lies to the liars
leave the lies to the liars
leave the lies to the liars

"So what?" Lexie said. I could hear the sirens blaring in my ears. "Look just pull over and see what they want, maybe its not for us but someone in front of us?" I said I turned to Jack that was deep in thought. "Fine but if its about us breaking out then I'm not going down that easily." He pulled off to the side as we did that the cops played copy cat by pulling over behind us.

"Fuck! Now what?" Jack said. "Be clam." The cop came over to the side of Jacks window then knocked on it to make him open it. He rolled down the window and gulped down every scared nerve in his body just like everyone else. "Yes Officer?" Jack smiled trying to breath smoothly.

"Sir, did you realize that by having that many bags in the trunk was blocking your mirror up their." He pointed to the mirror. "No officer, I'm sorry will move it now." He smiled. "I have to ask, where are you kids going?" He smirked as Ray and Mikey were taking down the bags and trying to re stacked them differently with out blocking the mirror.

"Well where.." Jack stumbled on his words. "Where going to a wedding. Those two over their are getting married" I pointed to Gerard and Lexie holding hands. They waved and smile. "So where on our to Canada for the reception, Where driving there as a last minute road trip." I shrugged smiling.

"Well isn't that darling. You guys can be on your way and make sure to check how your packing your things. Good luck and bless you all." The officer walk away as we waved and started to breathe again.

"Thank you Raven for pulling that off." We pulled out of the dirt road we had pulled over to and started for the high way. "What is was easy?" I smiled and pulled my blankie around my body hugging it for warmth. We drove for about 8 more hours as we switched drivers over and over again.

"I can't drive anymore Jack, you wanna drive?" It was about maybe 9PM we where only almost to the border of Ohio. We still had to go through Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, then finally end at Saskatchewan, in a small town of Moose Jaw where Rays aunt lives.

"No. I can't even look at the road I'm beyond tired." I looked behind me and everyone was either in small whispers and quietly sleeping. "I'm going to pull over and rest for the night." He nodded. I put all the doors on lock so no one would fall out in the middle of the night or open the door and fall into a ditch. I saw a small dirt road with a lot of trees covering the small dirt road.

Pulling in I saw that it was near a lake. It was to dark to tell but their was room enough to park the van here. I turned off the engine when I noticed their was no more room to go forward than to go through a tree.

"Where are we?" Frank asked half awake. "Where staying here for the night. You alright?" He nodded then looked back out the window. He was so quite. It wasn't like him. I needed to talk to him. "Frank? Wanna go with me for a smoke I don't think its safe if I go by myself." He nodded then pulled out his cigs from the glove compartment. I opened the door sliding myself out and onto a smooth dirt pathway leading towards the lake where Frank had met me.

"Thank god theirs some moon light to see." I agreed with Frank on. He handed me a cigarette and pasted me his lighter when he was finish lighting up. "About before." He started off. I sat down on what I could see was dirt and smiled up at him, patting the ground for him to sit with me.

Your in love with a kind of your own. How lovely. Crazy+Crazy really does make a great couple. Shut up. I wanna have sometime to get the know the guy it doesn't mean I'm gonna love him and be with him. God. Don't toy with me. I am your other half. Fuck, if I could I would be you. So as much as you want to lie about your feelings for Frank but you can't lie to me. I know the truth Believe want you want but leave me alone.

Taking in a drag. "About before what I said about being different. Just. Forget everything I said before." He stayed quiet. "Frank..." I was cut off by a rustling noise in the bushes. I threw down my cigarette. "What the fuck was that?" I got up and wandered towards the noise. "Who's there?" Frank was right behind me with a huge stick.

Hm... maybe bears like crazy people. This is not the time.

"Sorry. Sorry." A voice said coming out with a flash light. The voice sounded like someone I knew. "Mikey?" I called out. "Yeah, where the hell are you guys?" He pointed the flash light towards us. I shield my eyes from the light to see behind Mikey was Jack. He was so strange. Always making it awkward between everyone in the van.

"What are you doing out here?" They popped a squat next to us. "We needed a break outside. I smiled. We chit chat for about an hour until the boys got restless and needed sleep. We exchanged our goodnights and smiled. I sat out alittle longer in the moonlight. I need to know why I never wanted to open the box my dad left me. I pulled my lazy ass up and dragged myself to the car.

Frank and Jack were snuggled up against each other. My blankie on the other hand was all wrapped up inside itself, my box with in it's tangled web. I opened the door slowly and grabbed my blankie with out a sound. I quietly closed the door with no one waking.

I slowly tried to find where I was sitting again holding my bundle in a tight grip. Holding my blankie I unraveled it, revealing my box.

Your psychotic and pathetic you could never open that box. You couldn't when you were younger and you can't now. What makes you ever think you will. Your going to die with out ever knowing You know voice, the only good thing about you is that you push me over the edge to make me want to open this.

Suddenly I found myself going for the latch and slowly opening the top. Inside the box healed a note, a credit card and a neckless with nothing on it, just a plain chain. But something caught my eye. There under neath the blank neckless chain was a black cloth. Maybe it was just part of the box but my curiosity was getting the better of me.

Pulling the black smooth cloth was a hidden picture and locket, with a note. I quickly read the note.

I knew you would find this hidden under the cloth. Your very bright and I still can't grasp fully on why you wouldn't open this after I died.

Pause. How did he know I wouldn't be able to open this? He gave his to me before he died. I decided to put the note away. I opened what I thought was a locket to see it was a watch and a picture of my mother, my brother, my dad and me. It was our family picture for Henrys baptism. Henry was 1, I was three and everything then was better. Our family was one and nothing had torn us apart. Not cancer, not insanity not even crying could. Everything was perfect.

I wanted to cry and curl up into someones arms to let me know that everything was going to be okay, like when I was little and Henry was crying because it there was thunder. I wanted my mom, I wanted my brother, most of all I wanted my dad.

I sat there with my knees up and my box and blankie inclosed in my legs with my arms folded over like a seal and a pillow. I cried and cried. I just wanted to yell and scream. I was so tired of not being able to call my family, a family.

"Raven?" I turned my head and their was Frank. "Yea?" I whipped my eyes with my sleeve. "What are you doing up?" I smiled trying to play off my crying. "I can't sleep anymore and I thought I come out here to gaze at the moon, but on my way out I noticed that you weren't there." He sat down beside me. "Mind if I sit with you?" He was so sweet I couldn't just blow him off.

"Of course not." I smiled. "Hey are you crying?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to leave it off weird O.O
What do you think?
What song would you like me to use for the next chapter?