The Nobody Disease

PROLOGUE : Forewords

Sincorsim Academy prepared young people to be the bright, beautiful, successful, wealthy, and affluent leaders of tomorrow. But outside the classrooms, there was a whole different world. Friday night parties happened every night. Lies, deceit, and competition went hand in hand with friendship. And it was more about who you knew rather than what. Meagan Miller was a small town girl from the middle of nowhere. From the first steps she took on the centuries old steps to Sincorsim Academy, Meagan vowed to do anything to be one of the populars. She wanted to be one of those pretty girls that all the boys followed, the ones that were invited to everything, and had people basically worshiping the land they walked on. Yes that was what Meagan was going to be. And she was going to do anything to get it. But nothing in her life had prepared her for the girls of Dupart Hall.