The Nobody Disease

TWO : Fresh From Renovo

It was so amazing. The history, the atmosphere, the kids. All in all, Sincorsim Academy was all the brochure said and more. Meagan knew she belonged here, with peers actually able to function at her brain level, and most of all, away from the middle of nowhere. Meagan had always known she was destined for greatness. Unfortunately, Renovo, Pennsylvania had never really been a place to fish out many high rollers. No, Meagan knew the only way she would get anywhere was to leave the first chance she got. And now here she was, ready to come out in the world among the world's next leading generation.

"Oh hello there," a blonde haired girl said, standing as Meagan entered the room.

"Hi," Meagan said. "I'm—"

"Meagan Miller," the girl grinned at her. "I know. Hi, I'm Jessica Rodriguez, your roommate."

"Hi," she said again, looking around the room. It was like any other dorm room Meagan observed. There were two beds, each against the opposite wall, two desks, one covered with things and the other empty, and two closets. The floor was covered in a pink rug, just as everything on the occupied side. She gestured towards the open bunk. "I guess that's mine."

Jessica smiled nervously. "Sorry. I got here yesterday. I hope you don't mind."

Meagan shrugged. "I don't care. I'm just happy to be here."

"Well, as part of the student welcoming committee, welcome to Sincorsim Academy and especially Dupart Hall," she said, smiling at her.

"Thanks," she smiled back slightly, thinking the girl was weird. Her smiles seemed either too genuine or too fake, like she was trying too hard. Meagan couldn't quite place it, but she didn't know if she liked it yet. "So um, what's life like around here?"

Jessica smiled again. "It's your typical boarding school really. People study a lot."

"Really," Meagan asked, surprised. That was not what she had imagined when she pictured boarding schools. Then again, she had never really been able to afford one, so she was going on what she read in teen books like Gossip Girl, and The It Girl.

Jessica's smile faltered slightly. "If you're not in the 'in crowd', it is."

"Whose the in crowd? What's life like for them?"

"It's Paulina Le Grange and her little minions. They all stay in this hall actually. On this floor," Jessica sighed. "You know, it's weird they put you in this hall. Not that I'm not glad or anything," she added quickly. "But freshmen don't usually get into this hall."

"Why not," she asked, surprised, and feeling slightly special.

Jessica looked at the door, as if checking to make sure no one was coming in before turning back to Meagan. "We're a bit notorious throughout the Academy. Just – be prepared."

She didn't seem to want to say more, so Meagan didn't push her. Instead she stood up. "So, it's like 12. Is there a lunch time?"

Jessica smiled again. "There's a cafeteria three buildings over. Come on, I'll take you."

They walked out the door, laughing. Meagan bumped into someone. "Oh sorry," she said quickly and then felt like putting her foot in her mouth. Meagan stood surrounded by the five most beautiful girls she had ever seen. The girl she had bumped into had dark brown hair, almost black, cut a bit above her shoulders. Meagan held her breath. She wanted to crawl back to Renovo. She had probably just upset the most beautiful girls in the school.

One girl stood a little ahead of the others, the clear leader of the group. Her hair was straight, brought down a little past her shoulders. All five girls were dressed in amazing clothes. Meagan felt she was in the presence of royalty. There was a weird look on her face as her eyes took Meagan in. It wasn't an angry look. It was a look of – approval almost. "Hi," the girl smiled.

Meagan let out her breath. The girl didn't seem mad. "Hi," she said timidly.

"I'm Paulina," the girl said. "Are you new?"

"Oh I'm Meagan," she said quickly. "Yeah I am."

"Well Meagan," she grinned. "Maybe we'll see you around."

The other girls laughed and the five of them walked off. Meagan and Jessica stood, staring after them. "Observe," Jessica said. "Paulina and her minions. That was weird though. She was actually – nice to you. She's never nice to new people – or to anyone outside her circle actually."

Meagan didn't say anything. Her eyes were still locked on the figures walking away. That was Meagan wanted to be. That was what she was going to be. Somehow, one way or another, she would get into the circle. That was her new purpose here. Now, if only she knew what she could do.