Accidentally Almost Over

Chapter three

I race down the halls, where would he be? Think Brenton, think! The Weeping Willow! He’ll be there I just know it. I keep running through the school; the principal steps out of his office seeing me running through the halls, but I didn’t have the time to stop. I pushed through the glass doors and I seen Sky. His head in his hands just sitting, it lifted as he heard my footsteps. The look that crossed his face was that of a deer in head lights. At that moment he….

~~Sky’s P.O.V~~
I was gathering my thoughts when I heard footsteps. Oh, first hour over already, wow time flies. I almost had a heart attack when I looked up to see Brenton. I’m not ready to face him. I bolted. I ran, I’ve been told I’m quick and when I looked behind me Brenton was nowhere to be found. I ran all the way around our school to the back play ground.

It never had much play equipment but there were woods in the back, I aimed on hiding there. By the time I reached the tree-line I could see Brenton in the distance. I hurried into the woods to hide but I never saw that sharp rock and everything went black…

~~Brenton’s P.O.V~~
God that boy can run. I panted trying to keep up. I knew he was heading for the woods but did he remember…

I ran through the trees, branches lashing my arms, “Sky!” “Sky!” no answer. I went a little farther seeing a small frame on the ground and a dark pool around it.

‘Shit, shit, shit!’ I run to his form,”Sky, Sky can you hear me?”

His eyes were glazed but he mumbled one thing, “I didn’t remember Bren…” and he was out cold.

He didn’t remember that when we were in fifth grade we were playing tag, I ran back here, tripped, and gashed my left arm on this very rock, I still had the scar. We vowed never to come back here again.

Fuck! I gingerly laid his body down, jerking out my cell phone, calling 911.

“911, please state your emergency.”

“Eh, I’m behind East Community High School and I have a boy whose lost a lot of blood. Please get someone out here!” I rushed out.

“Okay Sir someone’s on their way, Calm Down. Can you tell me what happened?”

“We were running and he hit his head on a sharp rock.” I said, holding Sky’s limp body, the tears now running down my face.

“Is he conscious Sir?”

“No, he’s not, I here sirens. Thank you so much.”

“You’ve done very good, go flag down the ambulance and show them where he is.” I ran from the trees waving my arms. All kinds of medical personnel came rushing toward me. I pointed them I the direction Of Sky unable to speak. I stood outside the wooded area. I didn’t want to be in the way. They rolled him out on a stretcher. I asked if I could ride with him in the ambulance, but some rude person shoved me away and they all rushed off.

I ran to the front of the school, only to run smack in to Tobie.

~~Tobie’s P.O.V~~

God first hour was boring, but I can’t wait to see Sky again. I walked out the doors headed to the Great Weeping Willow, but Brenton turned the corner just as I did and we both ended up on the ground. “WTF, Benton.”

“Look, what’s your face, I really don’t have time. I have to get to the hospital for sky.” He said dismissively. After I got to looking at him I saw tons of tiny cuts on his arms and he was crying.

I assumed the worst, “Y-you, what the hell did you do to sky?”

“I didn’t do anything, dip shit, and if you even remotely care at all you’d let me go, or come with me, or something. I have to go his life is in the balance.”

“Wtf are we standing here for then?” He rushed off and I followed him, I may not like him, but I’m worried about sky. What the hell is going on?
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I'm sorry I haven't updated, I have no excuse other than my laptop burned up in my house fire, but that was months ago, sorry ppl... plz comment I would love it.