‹ Prequel: Forget Me, Not

You Promised

Just Quinn

“Quinn?” I heard Ray ask.

“Quinn?” This time it was Gerard who asked.

Well what could I say to that?

Quinn’s head appeared in the living room, looking around; when he saw me he came in and hurried to me to hug me.

“Frankie! I missed you so much!”


“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “For what said. Can we talk?” I looked around, Bob and Gerard were looking at us, and not only them, but me too were confused.

“It’s not a good time… Can you wait a little?”

“Of course. Do you want me to come back later?”

“If you don’t mind...”

“No, it’s fine.” He assured smiling. “See you later.” He kissed my cheek and left, not giving me a change to at least take him to the door.

“What the fuck was that?” Ray asked.

I looked at him without knowing what to say.

“Yeah, Frankie, what was that?” Gerard asked, his voice sounding poisonous while saying my name.

“It was just Quinn.” I said shrugging, now that I think about it, it wasn’t such a big deal. Well, not a big deal they need to worry about anyway. If anyone, I need to worry about it, and I’m pretty sure I need to.

“Yeah, it was just Quinn that obviously still has feelings for you.” Gerard said.

I don’t know about you but Gerard’s mood swings really start to piss me off…

“And you are obviously jealous.” I said calmly. I was letting the anger rise, but inside me, up to now I was controlling myself just fine.


“No!” I mimicked making my voice higher. “No I do not have feelings for Frank even though I get bitchy every time someone talks about him dating or having someone loving him other than myself! But no, I really don’t have feelings for him!”

While I spoke my mind in my little rant, Ray had left the room. He should just leave the house, no, no, the fucking planet! If it wasn’t him showing up uninvited I would still be happy and living with Vincent, by this time me and Quinn would be together again and we would be fucking happy!

Fine, blame it on Ray.
No actually, yes I’ll blame him, as I said before; I need someone to blame and he’s just right there in the right place, so yes, it’s his fault now.

“I don’t have feeling for you! Actually I hate you!”

“What? Did you decide that now?”

“No, I’ve decided that a long time ago and I should have never doubted that decision!” He shouted. “I’m leaving.” He informed me.

I stood there watching him walk away. I got the feeling he was walking out of my life. I wasn’t sure if it was forever, but I felt like I couldn’t risk it. I knew I couldn’t lose him.



“I’m sorry.” I said and this time I really meant it. I meant it for everything I’ve ever said and done.

“It’s okay.”

“No it’s not. I’m starting to get feed up with this. Minutes ago you said it was okay and now here we go again! I want it to be okay, but definitely okay, not an okay that will last minutes.”

“I know… I’ tired of this too… but Quinn’s here now. What’s the deal with all of this? I though you were over. Are you gonna go back to him?” He sat down.

“I don’t know… But what’s it to you if I’m going back to him anyway?”

“I just… I want you to come back to me, not him.” He admitted.

“Now?” I whispered.

“I don’t know.” He said not looking at me.

“Then you should make up your mind.”

And that was it. He nodded, got up and called Ray, informing him they were leaving.

I said what I shouldn’t and now I’m regretting it. Who’d tell I don’t wanna be alone? Well, I don’t. I’m gonna call Quinn.
♠ ♠ ♠
What was I thinking when I decided to start another story? No, really, what? Now the updates won't be as frequent and you know how frequent they were already... and school's driving me insane, literally, but don't worry I'll eventually update and comments make me want to do it faster... I'm just saying...

Frank Iero.