‹ Prequel: Forget Me, Not

You Promised

I don't want another fight

Quinn and I were cuddling in his hotel room’s couch when someone knocked.

“It must be Bert.” Quinn said getting up. I looked at him for a moment.


“Yeah. He came yesterday.” I nodded. So what if I still had gotten over our little talk? The guy fucking threatened to break my neck!

“Hey. I want to know if you wanna go get some coffee, my hotel room is becoming too small too fast.”

“Hey, Bert. I can’t now, I have visits.”

“Oh?” I saw his head the moment he pecked inside the room looking for the said visits. “Frank?” He whispered. Well… not really… I could still hear him.

I know Quinn answered him but I couldn’t hear because he was actually whispering in the right tone. A moment later Quinn came back.

“It was just Bert.” I nodded and gestured at him to come back to the couch.

“Everything you say, very time we kiss I can't think straight, but I'm okay-” I picked up the phone. Quinn was smiling at the song.


“Frank? Hey! It’s been a long time!”

“Hum... yeah…”

“Oh! I forgot! It’s Mikey! I just heard you’re back in town and I want to get the band together. Nothing special just so we can hang out a little. What do you say?”

“It sounds great. Hum, listen, Mikey? Can I bring someone?”

“Sure! Who is it?”


“Quinn Allman?”


“Of course you can bring him! It’s been a long time since I last saw that fucker!” I smiled. I missed Mikey’s cheerful personality. I think you can say he’s the opposite of his brother.

“Great. Is Bob gonna be there too?”

“Sure! A band reunion isn’t a real one without Bobert! So, I’ll see you and Quinn… what about Saturday? In my house at 1 pm.” He said and hung up. I might as well have a lot to do on Saturday and not being able to make it. He didn’t even wait for me to tell him if it was okay.

“Saturday you and I are going to meet my band.” I told him.

“Your band? As in Gerard and the others?”

“I made my choice. He doesn’t matters.” I insisted. I guess I should start to train it; I’ll need to be persuasive with Ray and maybe with Gerard, if he’s on his good days and decides he loves me after all. I’ll need to convince him that he doesn’t matter anymore; I need to convince him and myself.

“But you love him.”

“And I miss my band too. Can’t I do anything without having Gerard interfere with it?”

“You can and should but are you able to?”

“I was able to chose you and block him out wasn’t I?”

“It seems so, but were you really?” I got up.

“I’ll prove it. See you on Saturday.” I said getting out; I didn’t want to get mad at him again. I didn’t want another fight.
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I went shopping today. I hate malls, they're full of people, though there was this one mini city made of Lego. Man I loved it, It even had a train XD

Frank Iero.