‹ Prequel: Forget Me, Not

You Promised

Couple of the month

I knocked at his door.

“Ready to go?” I asked when the door opened. Only it wasn’t Quinn.

“Frank!” Bert exclaimed stepping aside. “How are you?”

“I’m just fine. You?” I asked getting in.

“The same. Quinn’s getting ready. You might want to sit down, he’s gonna be long.” Bert smiled. I raised an eyebrow.

“How long?”

“He just got out of the shower.” I threw myself in the couch.

“I’m lucky being late has gotten cool.” Bert chuckled and sat next to me.

“Listen, I really don’t like to play this role but I feel like I should…” I cut him off guessing what he had to say.

“I know, I can’t hurt Quinn unless I want you to break something important to me. Like my neck.”

He smiled and nodded.



I stopped the car in front of Mikey’s house and we got out. I walked to Quinn and took his hand in mine.

“Are you sure? I don’t think this is a good idea.” He said stopping me from ringing the doorbell.

“Why not?” I asked looking at him.

“Well mostly because of Gerard.”

“If I recall correctly you said that I should live my life without letting Gerard interfere with it, didn’t you?”

“I said you should, but I don’t think I can do it. We both know you’re not ready for this. You still love him!”

“But I love you too, and I’m dating you, not Gerard! And why do you think I brought you with me? I need you here because you’re right; I’m not ready for this. Actually I should have never come back, I was perfectly fine living with Vincent and Ray had to come and fuck everything up. Quinn, can we just go back?” I let myself panic. With everything Quinn said I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to do the easier thing; run away.

“What? Now?” I nodded. “No. We can’t just run away!”

“But I wanna go back.” I whined like a little child. I could even feel my eyes water.

“Aw, come on, don’t cry baby.” He cooed wrapping me in his arms. I relaxed against his warmth.

“I’m sorry I’m acting like a baby.” I said, and I knew I was being one. There’s really no denying.

He realised me from his arms and looked at me.

“It’s fine. Everyone breaks down sometimes.”

“Yeah, the problem is that I do it all the time.”

“You have a lot to deal with.” He argued.

“And whose fault is it?” He fell silent. I guess I won this one. What an amazing prize I got wasn’t it?

“Everyone makes mistakes.” He said when I though he didn’t have anything else to say. When I though he didn’t have any other reason why I should be forgiven. Now I see why he loves me, he can always find a reason why I should be forgiven. Not that I’m complaining.

I wasn’t gonna argue. This was a war I didn’t want to win.

“I guess they do.” He smiled and took my hand.

“Let’s go.”

I nodded and rang the door bell.

“You’re late! Unbelievingly late!” Mikey exclaimed right next to my face and took a step back. “Hey Quinn.”

“Hey Mikey.” Quinn said holding back a laugh.

“I’m sorry we’re late.” I said.

“No problem.” He smiled and hugged me. “God, I missed you.”

“I missed you too Mikey.”

“Come in, everybody’s here! Do you want coffee? I sure do.”

“No thanks. I’m fine.” I said.

“Me too.” Quinn answered while we walked in the living room. The rest of the band was there absorbed in some kind of conversation.

“Hello there.” I said. Ray and Bob answered me but not Gerard. I decided to ignore him and leaded Quinn to the couch.

It didn’t take too long to catch up on the conversation and I easily took a part in it, but when I looked at Quinn he looked uncomfortable, I felt sorry for him, the occasional looks from Gerard were even getting to me, I could only imagine what he was feeling.

I decided to wrap my arms around him to try and make him feel better. He smiled at me and laid his head in my shoulder. In that moment Mikey came in with a mug in his hand.

“What did I miss?” He asked. “Hum… Why are you cuddling?” He asked when he saw me and Quinn. I was gonna answer but Gerard beat me to it.

“What? You didn’t know they were together? They’re like the couple of the month.” He said with venom on his voice. What was I waiting for anyway?

“Really? Congrats!”

“Thanks.” I said. “Gerard, I think we need to talk, no?”

“No. I’m tired of our talks. There’s no need for words. I got it.” He said sounding sad. I knew for sure that it was a mistake coming today when I felt the need to hold him to take the sorrow away.

“We still should talk.” I was digging my own grave.

“Okay.” He agreed.
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Merry Christmas! This is my gift to you! We're still half an hour away from the 26º so it's still a christmas gift.

Hope you like it.

Frank Iero.