‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

Questions and kisses

A/N: Just to let you all know that this will be my last update until Monday. I'm going to visit my Uncle tomorrow and then on Sunday I'm going paintballing...

...but this isn't the end of the story, you'll just have to wait a few days until the next chapter :)

Frank’s P.O.V

I sat beside Gerard on the couch, trying to calm him down. He stared blankly across the room and didn’t say a word for ages.

I told Michaela to leave the room, so I could talk to Gerard. It turned out Michaela could have stayed after all, Gerard remained silent.

“Why?” Gerard’s croaky voice muttered. I pulled him to me and he rested his head on my shoulder. “Why did he come back?”

“Gee, I really don’t know.” I replied truthfully.

You see, that was the killer question; why had Matt returned?

We hadn't seen or heard from Matt since the day Melissa died. He knew Gerard was there when she shot herself. So, what if Matt had returned to make Gerard pay for not stopping Melissa from doing it?

Michaela’s P.O.V

I launched myself onto my bed, deep in thought. That was the first time I had seen both dad and Frank like that at the same time.

“Michaela?” Max asked as he sat down. I looked up into his dark blue eyes which were full of concern.

“I’m really worried, Max.” I said, propping my head up on my hand. “They’ve never done that before.” Max grabbed my hand and my heart fluttered.

“What do you recon’s wrong?” He asked. I thought for a moment and sat up.

“I don’t know. Dad was fine until I mentioned Matt’s…name…” I trailed off a sudden understanding flooding over me.

You know on cartoon’s where they get an idea and the light bulb appears over the character’s head? I felt like that. I almost looked up to see if there really was a light bulb.

“Oh my God! It’s him!” I whispered, staring at the My Chemical Romance poster on my wall. Max stirred beside me and I pulled my eyes from the poster to look at him. “Matt Pellissier was the original drummer of My Chem.!” I explained and slapped my forehead.

“I thought Bob was?”

“No! Dad told me years ago that their old drummer, Matt, left after a year and a half. I don’t know why I didn’t realise before!” I said, laughing at my stupidity.

“Kayla, your brain is half the average size of a normal human’s brain. It takes you a little longer to figure things out.” Max said, grinning. My heart fluttered again and I nudged him.

“That’s not fair!” I said, pushing him as he began to laugh.

“The truth hurts doesn’t it?” He laughed. I pushed him harder this time and laughed as he disappeared over the edge of my bed with a loud thud.

Hey!” I yelled trying to grip the quilt as his hand found my ankle.

It was no use.

I fell straight on top of him.

His arms wrapped around my waist and I tried to push myself up and get some air. I admitted defeat and collapsed onto his chest, trying desperately to stop laughing.

I felt his arms loosen their grip on my waist and I pushed myself up so I was looking down at him. A small smirk was etched onto his face and my heart started to beat wildly.

I felt my soul get lost in his eyes and barely noticed his finger push loose strands on my dark hair from my face.

“I really like you, Kayla.” He whispered.

His face inched closer to mine and our lips met. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. His gentle touch was mesmerising. I pulled away and looked down at his smiling face.

“I really like you too.” I whispered, before pushing my lips roughly onto his and falling under his spell again.