‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


A/N: This will be my last update until next Tuesday because I'm off to Reading festival tomorrow morning and it's kinda hard to update when you're stuck in a tent in a muddy field for 4 days...
...if I get inspired to pre-write more chapters later on, I might post one of them tonight. It just depends how creative I get...

Frank’s P.O.V

It was horrible seeing Gerard like that. I knew that hearing Matt was back in town was eating him up inside and had brought back painful memories.

I had forced him to try and get some sleep so I could explain things to Michaela for him.

I sighed as I walked back into the kitchen and sat down.

Michaela looked at me expectantly.

“You seriously don’t know why Matt left the band?” I asked. Michaela shook her head.

“Dad just told me they had an argument and Matt left.” She answered. I laughed.

“They had more than an argument, Kayla!” I said and launched into an explanation of the day Gerard broke Matt’s nose.

Michaela sat there in shock and Max grinned as I finished speaking.

“Matt actually said that to dad?” Michaela asked. Anger flashed through my body again as an image of Matt popped into my head. I nodded.

Dude, I can’t believe your dad actually broke his nose! That rules!” Max laughed.

It was actually a laughable situation; Gerard was always adamant that violence wasn’t the answer yet he had broken someone’s nose.

“No, Max, it doesn’t.” Michaela told him.

“Kayla, are you actually saying that your dad shouldn’t have done that to Matt?” Max asked and looked across to her. I suppressed a grin as I saw the way he looked at her. I could tell her really liked her.

Michaela sighed and looked from Max to me.

“I didn’t mean that. It’s just…dad never does anything like that…it’s just...weird to think he actually broke Matt’s nose…even if he did deserve it.” Michaela replied.

“Can you blame him, though? Matt just told him to…you know…molest…his own daughter.” Max mumbled. I smiled slightly and decided to butt in.

“Michaela, Gerard never hurt anyone before. You know he prefers to scream his lungs out than actually hit people. Matt deserved it and your dad was just defending you.” I said and watched as she sighed in defeat and left the kitchen with Max in tow.

Max was right, it was cool. If Gerard could win one over Matt then it was a good thing.

Saying that though, Matt didn’t usually handle defeat very well. He would have seen Bob in the band and watched as we grew.

I could sense something was going to happen, I just didn’t know what it would be or when.