‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


Gerard’s P.O.V

We sat in silence the whole way home. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence but I felt uncomfortable.

I knew I had to justify my actions, or rather my lack of them, but I couldn’t think of the right words.

“Kayla…?” I asked as we pulled into the driveway. She paused, halfway through un-buckling her seatbelt, and looked up at me.


“I…um…” I sighed, deciding to just speak my mind.

“I’m sorry I acted like a twat to you. I just couldn’t help but feel Matt had come back to get revenge on what I did to his nose.” I told her. Freddie whined from the backseat at our lack of movement outside the house.

Michaela clicked her tongue thoughtfully for a moment before answering me.

“It’s alright dad, I think I understand…”


“But it still upset me that you weren’t talking to me.” She answered and my heart plummeted. I think she saw it in my eyes because she pulled my hand off the steering wheel and into her hand.

“I know you had a lot on your mind dad and it’s okay, I understand, really I do.” She told me and smile weakly.

“I shouldn’t have shut you out like that baby.” I told her and pulled her into an awkward hug.

“Did you shut Frankie out?” She asked cautiously and I sighed before nodding slowly.

“I suppose that’s why I cleared the air with Matt, so I could get everything out of my mind and re-focus on you and Frank.” I told her and fiddled with my silver wedding ring as I did so.

“At least you’re back to normal now…” She paused as a smile formed on her face. “Well, you’re back to how you were before at least.”

I released her and faked a look of shock, looking over the seat to where Freddie was sitting in the back.

“Freddie…kill!” I ordered and pointed to Michaela. Freddie barked and jumped over the seats to lick her face.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

“Dumb dog.” I mumbled and shut the door as Michaela let Freddie out of the car and slammed it after herself.

Frank’s P.O.V

I stood in the kitchen, waiting nervously as they entered the house. Freddie was barking and Michaela and Gerard were laughing. I poked my head through the door and saw Michaela trying to wriggle away from him as he tickled her to the floor and Freddie licked her face.

“Gee, what the hell?” I asked, slightly amused as he stood up and smirked down at Michaela.

“What?” He asked innocently and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and opened my arms for him, which he entered quickly and tightened his arms around my back.

“You can act innocent all you like Gee, but that’s just too normal for you.” I teased and he fake sighed.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” He asked and I heard Michaela giggle from the hallway floor.

I fought everything I had to not answer that and shrugged instead.

“Dad, you’ve never been normal and you never will.”

“Hey, just because I apologised doesn’t mean I can’t take it back!” He teased and pulled away to grin at her. I smiled at them both and watched as Michaela pouted and bounced to her feet, taking Freddie upstairs.

“Love you too daddy!” She called from the top of the stairs and Gerard shook his head.

“You made up then?” I asked as he walked past me into the kitchen.

“Yep and I managed to clear the air with Matt…” He told me, wrenching the fridge open and pulling out a bottle of water. I looked at him, confused.

“You saw Matt?” I asked, leaning against the table as he took a swig of the water and shut the fridge door.

“Yep, at the cemetery. He was talking to Kayla and things were said.” He explained to me.

“You didn’t break his nose again did you?” I teased and smirked. Gerard shook his head.

“Actually, no I didn’t. We just talked and it made me feel bad for everything I had said and done.” He told me and shoved the half-full bottle of water onto the table and smiling at me.

“He made me think about us.”

“What about us?” I asked nervously and bit my lip ring.

“How glad I am that Mel walked away. I just started to think about what would have happened if she had never walked away, I probably would never have realised how much I love you.” He told me and I couldn’t help but smile at his sweetness.