‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


A/N: This is kinda long and kinda sappy, but it fills a gap and now I know where this story is going...
...so bare with me and things will get more interesting and the whole Matt situation will develop!

Gerard’s P.O.V

I woke up early on Christmas morning, a thing I hadn’t done since Michaela was a lot younger.

I don’t know why I woke up that early, but the over-powering sense of love I was feeling made me feel dizzy and I couldn’t get back to sleep.

Instead I kissed Frank’s head and climbed out of bead shakily, before going to the bathroom and doing my usual morning stuff.

As I went through my routine of brushing my teeth, showering and getting dressed, my mind wandered back over the memories of every Christmas I had had with Michaela.

A huge smile erupted on my face as I pulled my t-shirt over my head and thought about her first ever Christmas, the first Christmas I had shared with Frank after we got married, the first Christmas the three of us had shared as a family and the previous Christmas.

I sighed in content and traipsed downstairs for breakfast, it was early and I knew I wouldn’t last until dinner without eating every scrap of chocolate in the house, so breakfast was a must.

*Time lapse*

Frank dropped heavily onto my lap, as I sat on the sofa and Michaela frowned.

“Finally! You take so long Frank!” She whined and I laughed, poking Frank, who pouted.

“Well, I’m sorry. If your father didn’t demand that I make myself look good, I wouldn’t take as long.” Frank explained with a grin. Michaela rolled her eyes and I pulled him closer to my chest, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah, so can I open my presents now?” Michaela asked. I thought for a second.

“Only if you throw us a present.” I told her and she dived under the tree to find a present for Frank and myself.

She threw them across the room and they landed with a satisfying thud on the cushion beside me. I ignored them as Frank nuzzled his face into my neck and I looked on as Michaela grabbed a present of her own and studied the label.

She frowned at the faded red snowman paper and shook the small box. I shrugged mysteriously at her and she rolled her eyes.

“It doesn’t say who it’s from, just that it’s to me.” She explained.

“Just open it, we can figure out who it’s from later.” Frank demanded and slid off my lap, lying flat on his back, beside me, with his legs draped over mine.

Michaela picked at the tape on the paper and ripped it off. Inside was a deep red box and she prised it open carefully.

She looked from the, now, open box, to me and back again before pulling out its contents.

She held in her hand a silver chain, and hanging off it was a silver fairy.

“It’s so beautiful, where did it come from?” She asked and skilfully un-clipped the chain and placed it around her neck before successfully re-clasping it.

“It was one of the last things your mother left for you.” I explained and her eyes had a hint of sadness and she looked into my eyes, wanting an explanation.

“She left it on your first Christmas, with a note, requesting I give it to you. I wanted to keep it safe until a special day.” I explained and she smiled softly.

“Thank you.” She whispered and flipped the red box shut and turned to the tree for another present.

Michaela’s P.O.V

I had always loved Christmas. And who wouldn’t? I got to spend the whole day with both my dad and Frank.

Frank, it sounds so weird to keep calling him that. He’s basically like my second dad.

Anyway, we were all so happy together and I had just received the last thing my mom had left to me, which made my day even more complete.

I turned back to the Christmas tree, and brushed my finger over the silver fairy. I smiled softly and reached out for another present.

At least that one had a sender. It was from Frank.

I turned back to face dad and Frank with a grin on my face.

“This one’s from you, Frank.” I explained, resisting the urge to call him ‘dad’.

He rolled his eyes and grinned.

“I know, I did all my presents in different paper to your dad.” He told me and I started pulling the paper off the squishy package.

Something black fell onto my lap and I seized it and un-folded it.

It wasn’t a new thing he had given me, in fact it was very old and I looked down at it in shock.

I gaped at him and he grinned.

“You gave me your favourite hoodie?” I asked quietly, focusing on the black hoodie on my lap. It was the very first My Chemical Romance hoodie they had made for merchandise and, since I was a baby, I had loved it.

Frank had snatched it from the box of hoodies in the van and apparently, it had grown on him. So he had kept it, for himself, ever since then.

I wasted no time in pulling it on and zipping it up halfway. I leapt over to Frank and hugged him.

“Thanks dad.” I mumbled and my eyes snapped open as I realised what I had said.

I let go of Frank, whose eyes were as wide as mine, and I turned to look at dad, who was smiling proudly.

I smiled and looked back at Frank, who was grinning and pulled me into a hug.

“Sorry d-…Frank.” I mumbled.

“Hey, it’s okay… You can call me dad if you want to. You are half mine after all and I love you like any father would love their daughter.” He told me and I nodded.

“Dad?” I asked and turned to look away from Frank and look at my dad.

“You don’t mind me calling Frankie 'dad' do you?” I asked and he shook his head, smiling.

“Baby, I’ve been wondering how long it would take you to call him that. But could you call him daddy Frankie or something? Calling us both dad would be too confusing.” He explained and I nodded.

“Can I open more presents then dads?” I asked with a grin and they nodded.

As I dragged another present from under the tree, I had a strange feeling wash over me. Like I was complete now I had started calling Frank ‘dad’.

I could get used to feeling like this.