‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

You smell like me

A/N: Readers of The Sword and the Faith and Stronger will know all about my sonic troubles...

...for those that don't, basically this stupud caterpillar kept killing me, so I came online to update!

Michaela’s P.O.V
I pushed open the front door slowly, a mixture of happiness and guilt washing over me.

I was late, I knew that and they definitely knew that. I walked into the house quietly and kicked off my shoes, beckoning for Max to follow.

He shut the door with a louder snap than I wanted him to, and I turned to face him.

He grinned at me, shrugging his shoulders and leant in to kiss me gently.

“You smell like me.” He whispered into my ear and I smiled.

“And you smell like sex.” I answered. He laughed slightly.

“I know, that was the fun part.” He mused and I let him go, so I could walk upstairs.

Michaela!” A loud voice called and I froze with my foot on the bottom step.

Oops, busted.

“Y-yeah?” I answered, shooting a worried glance over at Max as I took my foot off the step and turned towards the source of the noise.

“Where have you been?” Frank appeared from the kitchen, his arms folded across his chest.

“With Max.” I answered truthfully.

“Okay, well get into the living room, your dad wants to lecture you.” He explained, nodding his head to the closed door beside him.

I groaned and dragged my feet towards the room, with Max and Frank right behind me.

My sweaty hand gripped the metal door handle and I pushed it open, only to be deafened with a loud;


I gasped and looked around the room at the people there.

Alyssa was there, restraining an excited Freddie, who managed to escape her and bound towards me, jumping up at me. Dad was there, along with Mikey, Ray, Bob and my grandparents. Practically the whole family had turned up, along with a few other of my friends.

I stood there, a smile forming on my face as my dad scooped me into a hug and planted a kiss on my cheek.

This was quickly followed by a repeat of his actions from everyone else.

Frank was last to hug me.

“Happy birthday Kayla, just promise me next year you’ll turn up not smelling like sex.” He begged into my ear and I felt my entire face burn.

Damn him.

How did he know all this stuff?

Tee hee, now you all know what she promised...
