‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

"The Talk"

Frank’s P.O.V
The shocked look on her face was priceless.

“Happy birthday Kayla, just promise me next year you’ll turn up not smelling like sex.”

It had never happened before, well me finding out anyway.

No-one noticed, except Gerard, who had shot me a worried look after he had hugged her.

I suppose now was a good time for us to knuckle down and give her ‘the talk’.


Gerard flopped onto the sofa, beside me, and looked around they room.

“17 years old and she still can’t help making a mess.” He commented with a hint of laughter in his voice.

“Yeah, it’s better than you making a mess. You’re what? 57?” I teased and he pouted.

“57 my ass…” He answered. I prodded his arm.

“I know, sorry, that was a bit flattering. Everyone knows you're really 64.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from me.

“Don’t talk to me Iero.” He insisted. I giggled at his childish behaviour and wrapped my arms around him.

“Hey, it’s Mr Iero to you.” I whispered and kissed his neck.

“Stop that, we need to talk to our daughter remember?” He asked. I sighed and released him.

“Come on then.” I said and stood up, making my way upstairs.

Michaela’s P.O.V
I didn’t feel 17. I just felt the same as I did when I was 16.

I flicked my eyes across my bedroom to the clock, it was no wonder I didn’t feel any different. I had only been 17 for 2 hours.

I jolted out of my thoughts as someone knocked on my bedroom door.

“Come in!” I called, moving my hand from Freddie’s head and looking over at the opening door. Frank’s head popped round.

“Hey dad.” I called and he smiled, pushing the door open wider and revealing the fact that dad was standing behind him.

“Can we talk?” He asked. I nodded and patted the empty bed space beside me.

They both walked over and sat down. I was slightly worried, they rarely sat me down and spoke to me together.

Frank broke the ice.

“Listen, about what I said to you earlier…I probably shouldn’t have said anything at the time.” Frank explained apologetically.

“But I…we…feel like we should talk now.” He added and looked at my dad.

I nodded and sat up slightly.

“Okay, what’s to talk about?” I asked. Dad looked awkward and Frank bit his lip ring.

“About what actually happened.” Frank mumbled. I sensed this was a conversation dad wanted to avoid.

“What did happen?” Dad chipped in.

“When? Between me and Max?” I asked. They both nodded.

“Look, no offence, but I don’t think that’s really any of your business.” I mumbled.

Frank looked at dad with a knowing look.

“Baby, I agree, but we’re worried. If you and Max are doing…you know…I think we can at least get a head’s up on it, in case an accident happens.” Dad explained and Frank nodded.

“We don’t really want to know. I’m not saying you will, but if you get pregnant, at least it won’t come as such a shock.” Frank added.

I felt a little hot around the ears and I could tell dad did too.

“Did anything major happen between you and Max today?” Frank asked. I knew what he meant by ‘major’ and nodded.


“Dad, I’m not stupid. We used protection.” I explained, cutting dad’s sentence off.

Dad opened his mouth to speak, looking uneasy, and Frank placed a hand on his arm instead.

“It’s okay, go start cleaning up and I’ll be down in a minute.” Frank said softly and dad nodded.

I knew he wasn’t comfortable with the talks we have, so Frank stepped in where necessary.

Frank sighed as dad shut my bedroom door.

“He does care, you know how he gets though.”

I nodded at Frank.

“You’ve got to see it from our point of view. Sometimes we don’t want to see you as who you are right now, we see you as the innocent little girl we used to take touring with us.” Frank explained.

“It’s hard for us to get used to the idea of you almost being an adult. We know what the world is like and that’s what scares us the most about you growing up.”

“I know, and I understand, but you should let me get out there and experience that first hand.” I replied. Frank nodded and reached a hand over to stroke Freddie.

“I’m not denying that, I’m just telling you to be careful and respect yourself.” He explained, before kissing my head and saying goodnight.

“Goodnight dad.” I replied as he left.

That went better than I thought it would.

A/N: I know I promised exciting things, so stick with me, I'm pre-writing more chapters and we skip ahead a few months in the next one...

...comments anyone?