‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


Michaela’s P.O.V
I removed my hands from around Max’s neck, as the sound of dad calling out Frank’s name hit me hard.

I grinned at Max and stepped around him, hearing laughter coming from inside the house. I pushed open the front door to see dad sprawled on the floor, beside the amp and Frank’s guitar box, Frank sitting on the stairs crying with laughter and Freddie attempting to lick dad’s face.

I couldn’t help but laugh, as I imagined dad tripping over either the amp, the guitar, or both, and he mock glared at me through his own laughter.

“Freddie!” I called, gasping for air as my dog left dad and bounded past me and outside, where Max caught him.

I walked over to dad and helped him up, still laughing mainly because Frank kept laughing and his laughs got me every time.

Dad nodded his thanks at me and playfully slapped the back of Frank’s head as he took the stairs two at a time.

Frank looked at me as if it was my fault.

“Hey, don’t look at me, you knew what you were getting into when you married him.” I reminded him, defending myself with a grin and he rolled his eyes and stood up.

“I also know what I got into when I accepted you as my daughter. I could have slapped you 6 months ago, when you called me dad on Christmas Day.” He joked, edging past me to retrieve his guitar.

I took him by surprise and threw my arms around his waist, making him abandon his mission of picking up the case, and he put his arms around my back, squeezing me closer to him and he put his head against my shoulder.

My dad being quite tall himself, I had inherited that and was 3 inches taller than Frank, so hugs were a bit weird, but unique.

I let him go as dad came down the stairs with a rucksack and prodded me side.

“Ready to go then?” He asked and I nodded, turning to grab my own bag.

I looked at Max and smiled, threw my bag over my shoulder and hugged him again.

“If anything happens to Freddie while I’m gone, I will kill you.” I warned.

“I think I can handle looking after your dog, while you run off over the country with your parents.” He argued and I let him go, smiling and waiting for dad and Frank to leave the house and lock up.

“Just don’t forget, she’s coming to stay with you for 2 months until we get back. We’ll call you in August and let you know when Kayla’s flight is and stuff.” Dad told Max, slapping his shoulder and he leant down to clip Freddie’s leash onto his collar and handed the end to Max.

“Hey, my memory’s not that bad.” Max defended and we walked down the path to the car, where Frank was standing and shoving stuff in.

“We might even be able to drag you down with us for a couple of weeks, depends where we are and if your parents let you.” Frank told him and I threw my bag onto the back seat and turned to look at them.

It was hard saying goodbye to Max, but I loved going on tour with dad and Frank. They did the occasional long tour where I had to stay with my grandparents and go to school, while MCR rocked out in Europe. I loved it when they toured America, because I usually got to go with them some of the way, like this tour.

*I am so so sorry for not updating sooner, everything was just crashing around me and I ran out of pre-written stuff.

(I kept on updating Secrets and Fears because I had chapters already written.)

But, it's officially my school holidays, so expect more update in the near future...*