‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

I'm worried about her

Gerard’s P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see Frank standing there with his eyes staring unfocused at the washing machine, his arms folded over his chest. I could tell he was deep in thought.

It looked painful.

I wrenched open the fridge door, frowning as the door got stuck again.

Fuck! Gee, where did you come from?” I heard him say as I scanned the fridge and saw nothing I wanted to eat in there. I shut the fridge and turned to him, smiling.

“Upstairs. Do you need any pain killers?” I asked him. He looked at me confused. “You were thinking. Did it hurt?”

“Actually, no, it didn’t.” He answered.

I smirked and pulled him into my arms. I loved the way he smelt in the morning; a mixture of coffee, smoke and shower gel, the smell of which varied and today smelt of mint.

I pulled away and opened the cupboard for some food. Any food was welcome. My eyes lit up as I saw we still had Coco Pops left.

*Time lapse*

I leant back in my chair, watching the last Coco Pop float around the bottom of the bowl in the tiny amount of milk I had left, and looked up at Frank who was drinking from a large coffee cup.

“What were you thinking about by the way?” I asked casually, standing up and placing my empty bowl and coffee cup in the dish washer.

“Michaela,” he replied simply.

“Why, what’s wrong with her?” I asked, concern filled me as I switched the dishwasher on and turned to face Frank.

“What’s wrong with both of you?” He asked. I sat down at the table again.

“What do you mean?” I asked, faking curiosity.

“Come on, Gee, you’re both really pale and you both always look tired as fuck.” He said. I smirked up at him.

“That’s my look, Frankie.” I pointed out. He tilted his head to one side and grinned.

“True, but I’m pretty sure it’s not your daughter’s look. I’m worried about her.”

“Frank, I’m fine, I keep telling you that.” A voice behind me said. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and I smiled.

“’Morning Kayla,” I said, watching as she walked around me and pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.

Her hazel eyes shone happily at me and I tried to see what Frank was talking about. Maybe he was right. She did look a bit pale, but she was like me and Mikey. I guess pale skin ran in the family.

“Don’t listen to Frank, baby, just go and enjoy your day.” I said, hugging her as she walked past me.

“I will dad.” She answered, poking her tongue out at Frank and leaving the house.

“You're so horrible to me!” Frank called out to her with a grin on his face.

I smirked before walking out of the kitchen and up to our room.

I hesitated before sitting on the bed.

I felt really childish, but to me it seemed like the bed stored my dreams and whenever I laid on it the mattress released the same nightmare into my head.

It felt like it was trying to take over my life, but I had sworn never to let Melissa do that ever again.