‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


Michaela’s P.O.V
Matt was so nice to me; he drove us straight to Sunset boulevard and basically let me do whatever I wanted.

I felt like a kid in a candy store, and I exploited Matt for everything he had. It was so much fun to drag him first to Starbucks, and then to the beach and just walk around in L.A.

“I don’t know how you cope on tour, especially when you’re on one side of the country and your friends and school is on the opposite side.” Matt explained. I kicked a pebble and watched it fly through the air and land softly on the golden sand ahead of us.

“It’s pretty easy, I love my dads and it’s so much fun, but my friends are just a phone call away if they need me and we all know it.” I told him and took a mouthful of my mocha.

Starbuck’s mochas were to die for, I didn’t really like mochas, but I would sell my soul for a Starbucks one.

“You’re only 17, though, you need to live your life, rather than follow your parents on a tour bus.” Matt told me. We stopped as a dog ran in front of us, chasing a Frisbee, and a small boy ran after it. I smiled and we continued walking.

“It’s only for the summer vacation, Matt, I tend to let myself go every other time. If anything, I need to live less.” I mumbled and threw my empty cup into a trash can as we walked past one.

“I’m just saying…” He defended and I laughed. Just as I was about to reply, my cell screamed out at me.

‘I don’t love you, like I did, yesterday…’

Matt raised an eyebrow at me as I pulled my cell from my jeans pocket. And I shrugged my shoulders. Hey, it was the only song I found that would fit in as Max’s personal ring tone. I grinned to myself and flipped the phone open, answering the call, and turned my back on Matt.


“Hey baby, how have you been?”Max asked and I could hear the smile through his happy voice. My heart leapt as his deep voice hit me; I loved it so much.

“Oh, you mean since you called yesterday?” I asked sarcastically and kicked some sand as I waited for his answer.

“I had to ask, gets me brownie points with the girl I love. Just don’t tell her that, though…”He joked and I flopped onto the sand, looking out to the sea, with Matt pacing aimlessly beside me.

“I won’t, I promise. Thanks for asking, though," I said and smiled to myself. I missed him so much.

“No worries, I just miss you so much. What are you up to then?” He asked and I grinned.

“Hold up…” I told him and pulled the phone away from my ear.

“Matt?!” I called and Matt wandered over.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can I borrow your cell a second please?” I asked sweetly, and he nodded and gave it to me. I gave him the thumbs-up and shoved my own cell to my ear as I fiddled with Matt’s.

“Sorry about that, Max, just getting something off Matt…” I explained.

“That’s alright, and you didn’t answer my question.”

“I’m sitting on a beach, at Sunset Boulevard, looking out to the sea.” I told him and held up Matt’s cell. I took a quick photo of the view and sent it to Max, I knew his number off by heart and I had done for about a year. I threw the phone to Matt while I waited for Max’s response on that.

“Wow, you’re so lucky. Are your dads there?” He asked.

“No, they’re doing a show tonight. I left the venue about an hour ago, with Matt, and I’m sitting on the beach drinking a mocha.”


“You know me too well.” I laughed and Matt waved his hand to get me to hurry it up.

“Hell yeah I do…”

“Max, sorry, but I have to love you and leave you. Matt’s waiting and we’re going to Hollywood, and maybe Santa Monica, Boulevard, so we’ve got a lot to do.” I explained and stood up to brush sand off me.

“Alright, be safe. I love you.” Max told me. I grinned, from ear to ear, and sighed.

“I love you too, take care.” I replied and hung up the phone. Matt rolled his eyes as I shoved my cell back into my pocket.


“You’re a typical woman; you taking ages on the phone.” He teased and nudged me. I pouted and raised my eyebrows in mock shock.

“Oh really? Would the typical woman go behind her dads backs and get her lip pierced then?” I asked and pointed to a tattoo shop across the street.

“Nope, but a typical teenager would. Let’s do it.” Matt urged and dragged me, by my arm, towards the shop.

God, Frank and dad were going to kill me when I got back tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so that was just a little filler to give you insight into what Michaela was doing while Frank and Gerard were freaking out...

...and it would have been better, but I wrote it in school yesterday and a few nosy friends were snooping...