‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

Saving your sanity

Gerard’s P.O.V
I stumbled onto the bus; my ears ringing, my head buzzing and my whole body trembling from the adrenaline rush. The bus was dark and quiet, not that I expected there to be a party in full swing, or anything, I just wasn’t prepared for the sudden silence.

I thought Michaela would at least be watching TV or something, but, then again, it was 11.30. I had spent some extra time in the dressing room fucking about with the guys. I didn’t really expect my daughter to sit up for us guys, but she usually stayed up later than this.

I flopped onto the empty sofa and sighed, my eyes slipping shut as I heard someone else enter the bus.

“I need to get laid.” I mumbled, the adrenaline making me twitchy. I was desperate to get rid of some of the energy that had built up from the show.

“Hmm, gladly.” A deep voice spoke through the darkness and I felt someone straddle me and brush their lips against mine. If it wasn’t for the fact that I felt the coldness of a lip ring against my warm skin, and that the voice belonged to Frank, I would have freaked out and vented my energy by murdering some horny fucker for trying to rape me.

Nope, instead, I kissed back forcefully and trailed my cold hands up to Frank’s warm back. He jumped in shock and hissed.

“Bunk?” I whispered against his lips and he didn’t give a verbal answer. Instead, I lost the feeling of him on my lap and he dragged me down the dark bus and to the bunk area.

“Your bunk…” Frank demanded and I nodded just as he planted his lips to mine again. Just as Frank left me and pulled himself onto my bunk, the sound of approaching footsteps hit me and I winced as the light flicked on.

“Holy shit!” Mikey squealed and jumped back in surprise; obviously not expecting me to be standing in the middle of the bunk area.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Frank, who was grinning above me and licking his lips seductively. I leant in and was just about to kiss him, when Mikey spoke again.

“Gee, I hate to break your moment, but is there a reason why your daughter’s bunk is empty?” Mikey asked. My eyes snapped open and I whirled around. My eyes hit the top bunk on the other side of the bus and I saw it was, indeed, empty. The curtains were open and the bed was messy from that morning.

“Fuck…” I gasped and reached into my back pocket for my cell.

“Gee…” Frank spoke softly and his hand reached my shoulder as I brought up Michaela’s number and called it.

I didn’t get far, just an answer phone.

“Hey, this is Kayla…Ouch, Frank, stop it you moron …I’m not here, be thankful, your sanity just got saved…”

I sighed and flipped the phone shut, my nervous energy switching to worry straight away.

“Gee?” Mikey asked and Frank jumped down from his bunk. I sighed and looked from Mikey to Frank.

“No answer. Where the fuck is she?” I demanded and pushed past them, on a mission to find Brian and someone from security as fast as I physically could.
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So it wasn't long, but I didn't want to join the next one to it, because then it would have been too long...

...next update should be Christmas Eve...