‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


Frank’s P.O.V
Gerard found Brian and the head of security but he didn’t find Michaela. It was hard enough for all of us to not know where she was but what made it harder was Gerard’s reaction.

Every single time he tried to call her, he got no answer from her cell and just fell into a fit of tears.

I don’t think anyone slept that night, we were all just waiting for either Michaela to answer her cell or for her to ring back and let us know she was alright.

*Time elapse*

Gerard’s P.O.V

3 fucking days.

She was missing for 3 days and my heart felt like it was going to burst from the pain and misery. We cancelled the 2 shows we had to play, I couldn’t get up onstage and sing if my life depended on it; I was a wreck. I just wanted my baby back.

Basically all I did, from when we realised she was missing, was try to call her, bitch, sulk and try to call her again. I think I slept maybe 7 hours in those 3 days, it made me feel like shit but I just couldn’t rest knowing my daughter was out there in the world without her family.

She had Matt, but he wasn’t exactly trusted to begin with. He was my main suspect. He had been with her before she vanished and it just so happened he had left tour. Yeah, we had called him and he answered his cell. Apparently he had gone to New York because his mom was sick. I personally couldn’t check that out, not having Matt’s mom’s number, but we got security to do it and she was actually sick.

I just don’t believe in coincidences.

“Gee.” Frank called and prodded my arm. I groaned and turned, onto my side, to face him. He had his face poking into my bunk and was holding my cell out to me.

“Yeah?” I asked sleepily.

“You missed a call. It was a private number.” He explained. I took my cell from him and shoved it onto the bunk beside me. Frank gave me a little smile and brushed some of my hair from my face.

“We’ll get her back, I promise.” He whispered and planted a kiss on my cheek before turning away. Just as he turned, my cell went off again which made him stop.

It was a private caller again and I flicked my phone open quickly.



I shot up and jumped off the bunk, panic rising through me.

“Kayla? Baby…” I whimpered and Frank turned to me with wide eyes.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I should have stayed on the bus…Ow, stop.” She pleaded and I felt a few tears fall from my eyes.

“Baby, where are you?” I asked, not bothering to wipe my tears away.

“I don’t know, he blind-folded me, but he gave me a message…” Michaela explained. I felt like my heart was going to be ripped from my chest and Frank must have seen it, because he placed a hand on my back and tried to calm me.


“He said history is repeating itself. Dad, I’m scared.” She confessed. I grabbed a random pen and looked for paper, to write the message down.

“Baby, I know, I’m scared too.” I replied and decided to just write the message on Frank. I grabbed his right arm and Sharpie-d the message onto him.

“Dad, I love you, tell Frank I love him too…and the band…Ow, stop it.” She whimpered and I heard her let out a sob.

“Who’s got you?” I asked firmly and Frank frowned as I released his arm and he read the message.

“No, let go…Matt!” She cried and the phone went dead as she let out another sob. My blood went cold and I stumbled. Frank caught me and I sank to the floor in tears.

“Gee? What’s going on?” He asked, rubbing my back as I cried.

“Matt’s got her. She’s scared…” I couldn’t carry on and let out a loud sob.

“Guys!” Frank called, I could hear the pain and worry in his voice along with the approaching sound of our bandmates.
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I'm dedicating this chapter to Faith, who is going through a tough time and is very sick. She might not make Christmas, so please visit her profile, send your love and pray she doesn't suffer anymore than she already has...

...Merry Christmas, anyway, guys!