‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu


A/N: Before any of you mention it; I realise 'Coldness' isn't even a word [at least I don't think it is]. I just have a habit of sticking '-ness' on the end of words :)

Michaela’s P.O.V

My mind was drowning in thoughts as we drove home. I could hardly believe she had done all of those things to herself, to my dad and to her own daughter. Okay, maybe she was young at the time but she had spent years living the party life.

I felt like such a failure inside.

I must have been a bad daughter if my own mother rejected me.

I looked over at my dad while he drove and for the first time a feeling other than love filled my heart. I actually started to doubt that he took me in because he loved me. I started to think that maybe he took me in because he felt he had to, so I didn’t end up like my mother.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I felt like such a failure.

I should have told her sooner.

As soon as we got home, she mumbled a ‘goodnight’ to me and Frank and went upstairs to bed. It was only 7.30. She didn’t even go to bed that early on a school night.

I sighed and flopped onto the couch beside Frank, trying to figure out where I had screwed up.

“Gee, are you okay?” He asked, looking at me. I didn’t look back and nodded my head. It was no use. We had been friends since we were kids, he knew me inside-out.

“What did you say to her?” He asked, pulling me round to face him.

“I told her the truth.” I said quietly. “Now she hates me.” I sighed again and looked up at Frank.

“Why would she hate you? You raised her alone, you supported her through everything, and you two are like that.” He said, crossing his fingers.

A tear leaked from my eye as he said that.

“I know that’s why I can’t understand why she’s suddenly not talking to me.”

“Gee, maybe she just needs some time to think about all of this? It’s not every day you’re told your mom rejected you and 5 years later killed herself.” Frank said, pulling me into his arms.

“I can talk to her if you want? Maybe that’s what she needs, to know she’s still loved?” Frank said to me. I nodded and watched as he stood up and walked upstairs. I loved him so much and couldn’t help but feel he was too good for me.