‹ Prequel: My Unintended

Déjà vu

Matt Pellissier

Michaela’s P.O.V

I shoved my bag on the floor in the hallway and gestured for Max to do the same.

“Dad?” I called through the house. I heard a muffled reply from the basement and grinned at Max. The basement was where Frank worked with ideas for the band and his company. If dad was down there too, it usually meant they were designing some new thing.

I stood in the kitchen with Max and started to tell him about how I felt like I knew the substitute teacher when my dad came in.

“Hey Max. How was your day Kayla?” He asked, walking to the coffee maker.

“Pretty average,” I answered and decided to tell him about the teacher. “We had this new substitute teacher today dad.” Max and I sat at the table and dad looked up from the coffee maker.

“Oh yeah?”

“I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Like I had met him before and…oh it’s hard to explain.” I said, trailing off. Dad looked at me thoughtfully.

“Kayla, we live in New Jersey, there’s millions of people here!” Max said, grinning. As he did, something stirred in my heart. I loved his grin.

Wait, was I falling for my best friend?

“He’s right. You probably just saw him on the street on your way to school. What was his name?” Dad asked, taking a mouthful of his coffee. God, he worshipped the stuff.


“Matt? What like Madonna? What was his surname?” Dad asked. Max laughed.

“It was Matt Pellissier.” He said. The cup slipped from dad’s grip and shattered on the floor. I stood up and noticed his face was a lot paler than usual. I heard Frank call dad’s name and he came in the kitchen.


Gerard’s P.O.V

“Matt Pellissier.”

Those two words echoed around my head endlessley, like a stuck record.

I didn’t care that the floor was covered in what remained of my coffee cup.

I didn’t care Michaela’s friend was witnessing me freak out.

I didn’t even care that Frank had his arms around me and was forcing me to sit down.

All I cared was that he was back.

I hadn't seen him since the night Melissa died and I was unsure how he would act around me knowing I had witnessed the death of his cousin.