Status: In a working progress

For the first time

Your Nametag says a Lot

“Sophia, wake up and get dressed!” Her mother’s voice came on the intercom, “We have the orientation today and you need to be early.”

She lied awake on her back, just staring up at the ceiling. Last night, she had spent that night texting Nick. Leaving about a hundred messages in her inbox.

“SOPHIA!” She shouted once again and Sophie slowly slumped out of her bed and dragged her feet over to the intercom.

“I’m up,” She replied softly.

“Finally! Hurry up. You don’t have any time to eat so I hope you aren’t hungry,”
That was the last thing on Sophie’s mind at that point of time, but as she walked to her closet her stomach started to growl. Putting on the outfit her mother prepared the night before, her phone once again started to buzz.
Good Morning –Nick

She smiled sitting down to text back.
Morning –Soph

“Are you done yet?” Her mother barked.

She didn’t even take time to reply, yet started to change into the business looking clothes. As she finished up, she received another text.

How are you? –Nick

Tired. Lol. –Soph

“Sophia!” It was now thirty minutes ‘til eight in the morning and the orientation started at nine.

: ( Sorry 4 keepin you awake –Nick

No problem. Hey got to get ready for orientation. C ya there-Soph

C Ya –Nick

After quickly spraying perfume she ran downstairs to see her mother with that expression on her face, the one that said, “You should have been here ten minutes ago.” Instead, not a word was said and the two started into the car.

Her mother never looked at her, which was slightly annoying. Once the motor was killed, she got out fast and proceeded to the auditorium.

SOPHIE! I missed you!” The voice of her friend Jenna screamed.

“I missed you too Jenna,” Sophie hugged her softly.

“Okay, you will be in charge of the guys sign in sheet and after they sign in you look for their
name in this folder case and give them the folder, then send them to get name tags. There is also a sign in sheet for some activities we will be doing later on,” She said all cheerfully.

“Cool,” Sophie said simply sitting behind her station.

“Cool? I say all of this exciting stuff, like you’ll be sitting behind the GUYS SIGN IN SHEET
and all you say is cool?” She folded her arms.

“I’m sorry, I just had a bad morning. Let me redo that okay,” Sophie took a pause for dramatic effect, “Ahem, Jenna I totally thank you for letting me be behind the guys side! This
is awesomely cool. Better?”

“Much,” Jenna smiled and left to her place.

“Attention ladies we’ll be opening the doors now so let’s have a good day!” Our teacher announced and everyone put on a smile.

There weren’t too many people who showed up early. It was mostly guys and some girls because they were brother and sister.

Sophie sat there bored when no one seemed to show up and finding a clean sheet of paper, she started to doodle.

“Hello,” She heard a deep voice.

“Name,” She replied finishing up part of the drawing.

“Guy Insuit,” He replied.

Her eyebrows furrowed together and looked up to find Nick smirking at her, “I don’t think I have a name under that,”

“Well how about Nick Jonas,” He countered.

“That might be in here somewhere. Sign please,” She smiled while looking through the
folders while he took the pen and started on his name.

“Here you go sir,” she handed while he let the pen gently down on the table, “We have some sign-up sheets for activities over there and make sure you get your name tag at the table over there,”

“Why thank you miss…?” He dragged out the last letter in hope for a name.

“Sophie,” She replied smirking.

“You know, you should put a nametag on. Someone might like you and they would never know your name,” He said starting to back away to head to the other side, “Bye Sophie,”
She waved in reply and rolled her eyes to his silliness.

“You know who that is?” Nicole asked me.

“Uh, his name’s Nick Jonas,”

“Yeah, of the Jonas Brothers,”

“Oh, are they a band?” Sophie asked.

“Yes, the hottest band ever!” She pretended to die, “He is so adorable,”

“You should hang out with him today. Seems nice,” Sophie suggested.

“No, he doesn’t have time for any of us. He likes those celebrity chicks probably,”
Sophie shrugged and went back to her drawing. As the time grew closer to the actual time of the orientation, Bryan didn’t seem to come. He wasn’t the only one, Sophie still had some
extra folders left..

“Okay ladies, you can fill in the back of the room. I know we might not fit and there are some extra seats with the boys so please feel free to make a new friend, but don’t talk while I’m talking,” Our advisor told us.

“We won’t,” The girls chorused and they all took a seat.

She took a seat in the back row with some of her friends and watched intently at some of the boys’ expressions to a girl next to them.

Nick surprisingly wasn’t the only one without curly hair, yet he was still able to stand out. He wasn’t next to any girls though, Sophie saw the jocks next to him.

As the orientation began, yawns started to arrive throughout the auditorium.

“Now, we have a game to wake everyone up,” the advisor announced.
You could hear more groans from the guys then from the girls.

“Oh come on! It’s fun!” She exclaimed and started to explain the rules. The game dealt with picking a paper from a hat that was being passed around and you had to make the sound of the animal on your paper. Unfortunately, the catch was the lights were off and all you could do was hear and make noise.

“This should be interesting,” Marie mumbled sitting next to me.

“On the bright side we’ve already played this game,” She smiled shrugging. Her animal was a monkey and she had to think hard to come up with a noise.

“Ready! Go,” The words were said and the jungle erupted.

Sophie didn’t concentrate on saying it, rather more on listening. Chicken, no. Elephant, no. Dog, no!

“OOOH OOOH AHH AHH!” She heard repeatedly and now she stood in front of the shadow that was making the noise.

“Are you a monkey?” Sophie asked.

The figure nodded and lowered closer to her ear, “You just couldn’t keep away huh?”

The whisper made her shiver a little and she was happy that the lights were off. Playing it cool she replied, “Oh yeah. The same for you right?”

The figure laughed and she could see the curls bouncing up and down, “This is silly don’t you think?”

“Yes, but you are having fun correct,” She countered.

The lights suddenly turned on and Nick had a smile on his face, “Okay everyone please take a seat,”

Smiling Sophie started to walk away back to her seat before feeling a tug on her hand. She turned around, “Do you want to sit with me?”

She looked over to the area he was sitting remembering the jocks, Sophie looked back at
him , “Not with all those jocks,”

“Don’t worry about them. They’re uhh kind of cool,” He laughed hesitantly.

“I’ll be the only girl there though,” She whined.

“Then I’ll convince them to leave,” he pouted while her heart melted.

“She’ll go,” Marie came up behind her.


“You’re going to sit with him,” She grinned.

“Don’t you need my help though?”

“Soph, I will cover your position if Rita needs you okay,” Marie soothed.

“Fine,” Sophie shrugged while Nick mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Marie.

The walk over was nerve racking for Sophie. She knew guys sure, but she knew jocks were jerks too. A reason why Jordan never allowed her to tag along to the parties he went to.

“Look here guys, Nick brought me a girlfriend and she’s hot,” A guy named Keanu announced.

“First of all, no girl will ever be interested with you,” Nick defended, “And second, she’s not interested in douches like you so I suggest you shut up now or sit somewhere else. Third I really don’t think Jordan would like that,”

“You’re going out with Jordan?” The teenager questioned.

“No, he’s my older brother,” She responded.

“Oh, uh sorry. You don’t have to mention this to him right?” He asked hesitantly.

Sophie looked up to Nick for a response, “I think Jordan has a right to know correct,”
Keanu nodded and slumped down in his chair, head bent over ashamed.

Nick motioned Sophie to sit down with a smile and protectively put an arm behind her chair, “We are talking about something later,” She whispered so the jocks wouldn’t hear.

He nodded and the two continued to listen to the advisor. The orientation was a two day thing. Today, they would just get to know one another and hopefully become a ‘family.’ Yet, on Monday, it wouldn’t be as lenient because it was going to be a long lecture on how to behave at school. Thankfully, only new students had to attend and Sophie could stay home.

“As I end our day today, I’d like to thank all of you for coming and join us for a light lunch down in the foyer,” The principal invited and before you knew it there was a mob exiting the door.

The two comfortably sat down watching everyone else leave, “Do you want to go and get food?” Sophie asked.

Nick nodded while Sophie got up and started to walk over to the doors that lead down to the foyer. She noticed though that he was walking to the back doors instead of where the table with food.

“Nick, where are you going?” She asked.

“We’re getting food?” he raised an eyebrow confused.

“But the food is that way,” She pointed back.

“Oh, you thought we were eating here? That wouldn’t be much of a date with all of those people around,” He smirked.

She smiled and glanced one more time to the line of people knowing her mother was in there somewhere. She turned to Nick and nodded, “I guess not,”

He took her hand and they walked to his car where he opened up her door and acted like the boy his mother raised him to be.

“So you knew that this whole lunch thing was happening?” She asked still amazed.

“That was a coincidence which I’m totally thankful for,” He smirked, “But I did plan a date for today,”

“Oh really? So what are we doing Mr. Jonas?” She asked.

“Like I would ever tell you,”

“Fine then,” She rolled her eyes playfully.

“So the jocks weren’t so bad,”

“No,” She replied softly, “May I ask why they back down to you like you’re the king?”

He shrugged innocently and didn’t look at her, “They are human beings Sophie. If you ask them nicely they’ll do something,”

“Nicely? You nearly barked at that guy,”

“Really, I was just…never mind,” He added.

“You were what?” She slightly smiled trying to get the truth out.

“I was just….protecting you,” The small shrug came once again.

“From what?” she wondered getting cozy once again in his leather seat.

“Those guys, weirdly my friends, can be real jerks sometimes,” He said slowly.

“Yet you hang out with them because?”

“I’ve known them since we were in pre-school. Weirdly enough that guy who I told off was my best friend back then, I still think he thinks he is though,”

“You’re Mr. Popular now,” She whispered.

He turned to her as they came to a red light, “I think it’s just ‘cause I hang out with your brother a lot. I can tell them to go away,”

“No,” she replied, “it’s just weird”

“What?” He questioned stepping easily on the gas.

“I wouldn’t expect you to have jerks as friends,”

“You’re not a jerk,” He replied smiling while she just stuck her tongue out, “Again, they’re only a bit perverted and sometimes ignorant yet at other times they’re nice people who don’t pig out on junk food,”

“Whatever you want to say,”

“Okay well we are here,” Nick said pulling up to what seemed to be a restaurant next to
some boats and the ocean.

“It’s so cute,” She awed.

“Good, you like the outside,” He made note stepping out of the driver’s and opening the passenger side, “Mademoiselle,”
“Merci,” she responded stepping down.

“You like sea food right?” He asked.

“As long as you don’t open your mouth and literally show me your food,” She smiled.
He rolled his eyes, “Only you would think like that,”

She stuck out her tongue and linked arms with him, “Seafood sounds great!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I have wifi in my house
So I'm able to put updates up quickly now,
since I write at night.