When Care Leaves

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brittanybrittanylove --

brittany1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
britt2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

brittanyThis of which the family that lived in the mansion surrounded by forests had no conception of. Love was a foreign word not to be spoken in the pristine walls of the mansion. Depression and anger permeated the residence, the woman and man living there consumed by the emotions. The place was supposed to be untainted by emotions of joy or happiness . . . and all that they entailed.


brittanyAt the sound of her alarm clock, the girl quietly gets up to shut it off, running her fingers through her hair and biting her lower lip in the hopes that her parents didn't hear the obnoxious ringing. If they did, she shakes her head at the thought, rolling her shoulders, trying to loosen the tense muscles in order to relax into her daily morning routine.

brittanyClosing her eyes, she takes a deep breath before heading into her adjoining bathroom, grabbing a towel from the cabinet, she lays it on the small counter. Turning, she stares at herself in the mirror before her. A semi tan face greets her in response to the movement, eyes trailing up to meet the person, the stranger that stares back at her, she studies the large, doe eyed chocolate brown eyes, trailing over the petite nose, and ending at the light pink, plump lips that quirk into some semblance of a smile.

brittanyHer eyes having skipped over the black bruise that mars her left cheek, settle there, the area slightly swollen and red at the edges. A cut slices through the bruise, only a small laceration that she knows from experience won’t scar. Striping out of her pajamas she glances down at the bruise covering her right ribs. Her fingers instinctively reaching down to ghost over the outline. Biting on her lip once more, she turns around, head craning to look over her shoulder at her back. A bruise shows its existence on her upper right shoulder blade. Sighing, she turns her back on herself, shame lingering in her brown eyes.

brittanyHaving thoroughly inspected her new bruises, she wanders over to the water valves, flipping on the perfect combination of hot water and cold water to get the warm median between the two. Stepping in the encasement of glass, she lets her senses shut down and her body to soak under the calming spray of water, thoughts being washed down the drain.

brittanyStepping out of the shower when the allotted fifteen minutes are up, she wraps the towel around her slim body, flitting out of the bathroom to gather articles of clothing. Throwing all the necessary items on, she fits her body with a pair of tight, acid wash skinny jeans and a white tee shirt with black faded lips on the front. Staring at herself in the full length mirror, located on the inside of her closet door, she slips on the bright red converse, adding different accessories into the mix.

brittanyRe-entering the bathroom, she begins the tedious process of beautification. Taking the blow dryer to her light caramel colored locks, she flips her head upside down, trying to achieve volume. Flipping back over after about ten minutes, her hair seems to be dried. Running a brush through it and fixing her bangs off to the side with a bow. Setting down her hair supplies she grabs her make up bag, digging through it in order to find cover up strong enough to cover both the bruise and the cut. Smearing it on like its another layer of skin, she moves onto eyeshadow and eyeliner, putting both on thickly, she drops the four or so items back into the bag. The girl then proceeds to reach for her mascara bottle, smoothing it on her lashes, she adds lip gloss to seal the deal. Eyes taking into account her appearance for the last time she nods her head in silent approval.

brittanyExiting out of the bathroom, her eyes dance over the objects inside of the room, she grabs her beaten up backpack, snatching both her cell phone and her iPod from the bedside table, she silently declares herself ready. Sneaking from her room, she bolts for the staircase, trying to avoid anything that even resembles her parents. Having successfully gotten to the downstairs portion of the house, she heads to the kitchen area. Grabbing a bagel from the bag she pops it in the toaster to warm as she gets a glass of milk. Taking the blueberry bagel just plain, she downs the milk quickly before glancing at the clock.

brittany7:10. Smiling at her timing, she unhooks her keys from the key holder located at the entrance to the garage and heads for the car parked furthest away. She averts her eyes from the shiny, expensive vehicles that come in line before it. Reaching the door, she lifts the handle of it but before she can climb in and start the engine the door that she entered through slams open. Her eyes going wide, and her jaw clenching up in fear as the rest of the her body tenses. Slowly, she turns on her heel to look at the figure in the doorway.

brittany“Mistyque!” The shrill voice peels at her ear drums, causing the girl to cringe and take a step back into her car, bumping a sore spot she didn’t realize she had.

brittany“Yes?” Her voice squeaks out, sounding frail and broken even to her own ears. Years earlier, when she still cared, when the fight was still in her, her voice would have come out stronger, healthier and put an infuriated look on her mother’s face. But the times changed and the beatings grew progressively worse as they finally saw her spirit, her will, breaking before their sadistic eyes.

brittanyA happy, sadistic smile curls Anne’s lips at the sight of her terrified daughter. If a smile couldn’t be both sadistic and happy at the same time, the woman pulled it off none-the-less. Her daughter’s eyes stare at her as if she had just filleted her puppy in front of her eyes, her voice shaking and trembling as her body instinctively hunches back into the vehicle behind it, trying to become invisible. The teen is the prey, the mother the predator in the situation, as it always should be. “You’re father has a very, very,” Anne purrs the words, letting them hit her daughter like blows to the chest, “stressful meeting today, so please be home by four.”

brittanyFear strikes the teens heart, her eyes already watering around the edges in anticipation of the thing that awaits her in the afternoon. Not even seven-thirty in the morning and her whole day has been ruined by the woman, if she could be called that, that torments her at home. School, her safe haven, where most kids dreaded the seven hour long event, Mistyque craves it like an alcoholic thirsts for alcohol. The one place she could be herself, the one place where people knew nothing of the home life she led, the one place where she could escape her tormentors, was officially ruined through the words the woman spoke. The thoughts of what could happen that night would torment her throughout the day, letting anxiety and apprehension grow to tremendous heights.

brittanyProud of her morning accomplishment, the woman turns on her heels, heading back into the house and leaving her horror stricken daughter to stand by her car, frozen in fear. Muscles finally unfreezing, the teen mechanically climbs into the car, revving the engine and pulling out of the opened garage door, heading off to the one place she can hide, but not be worry free, so it seems.

brittanyPulling into the parking space, she grabs for her backpack, slinging it over her good shoulder she heads across the black asphalt to the double doors that lead into the crowded school.

brittanyMisty!” Is called from somewhere within the crowd, before a red head pops up, her bright green eyes shining happily. Grabbing onto the quiet girl’s arm she drags her to her own locker, leaning off to the side as she gathers the books needed for her morning classes. “You would not believe it!”

brittanyRolling her eyes playfully at her friend, “What wouldn’t I believe, Kristie?” Easily falling into the laid back, care free, playful roll she portrays at school. Her mother’s words still lingering deep in the back of her mind, but for now she ignores them, hoping to go through the day as if she wasn’t given the orders.

brittany “Don’t give me that look! I’m serious,” Kristie whines, giving the teen next to her the pout. The pout that’s renowned around the school. Giggling at the look she is given in return she carries on with what she was about to say. “Ian broke up with Kelsey today!”

brittanyHands slipping on the book that she held, Misty turns her shocked face to her friend. “No fuckin’ way.”

brittanySeeing her friend’s frozen expression, the red head’s eyes glued to the spot behind her. Slowly turning to face the other direction, her eyes come face to chest with a beautiful male specimen.

brittany“Hey, Mistyque,” Ian drawls her name, his luscious lips forming the words, and the deep voice mesmerizing her.

brittany“Hey, Ian,” she says, a smile curling her lips upwards, her eyes shining happily. He smirks back down at her, eyes studying every inch of her skin

brittany“Kristie,” he says in acknowledgement of the friend standing next to the beautiful blonde, her eyes capturing him. A blush forms over the red head’s cheek. She mumbles a greeting before turning to Misty.

brittany“I’mma, uh, go join Christopher, talk to me at lunch!” She calls, running off down the hallway, bumping into different people not able to take her eyes off the most popular and coveted guy in school.

brittany“What class do you have first?”

brittanyPulled from her thoughts by the low voice, Misty takes a moment to think about her first class. “Uh, shit, what was my first class?”

brittanyChuckling under his breath, “It’s not that hard, you have been coming to this school on this schedule for the past five months.”

brittanyWrinkling her nose and giggling, she swats at his chest. “Shut up, it’s morning! But anyways, I have World Cultures”

brittanySmiling, he reaches into her locker and plucks the book from the top shelf of her locker organizer, “I’ll walk you to class, mine’s not very far from there.”

brittanyA blush rising on her cheeks, she swings the rest of the contents of her backpack onto her back and slams the door to her locker shut. “Thanks.”

brittany“The pleasure’s mine,” Ian says in return, flinging his arm over the frail girl’s shoulders. He notices her wince at the contact and his eyes cloud with worry before he brushes it off, thinking she might have knocked into something. Little did he know . . .


brittany“Bye, Misty,” Ian says, leaning his body into the beautiful girl’s to brush a kiss across her cheek as she leans against her car. Breathing no longer a functioning process, her ‘bye’ in return comes out as a fragile breath. Chuckling he tucks another piece of hair behind her ear. “I”ll see you tomorrow.”

brittany “Yeah, tomorrow,” she says as he walks away, her eyes glued to his back, a dreamy sigh escaping her lips. Snapping out of her trance she turns to her car, opening the door and sitting in the driver’s seat for one moment before turning the ignition to make the dreaded trip home.
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