One-off scenes

So, yeah. I get bored (Doesn't everyone?) and i write... I have a few one off scenes that I've been wanting to post for awhile... just wasn't sure how to do it...

some of them will be kinda long (or short) and just so you know, they probably aren't related unless noted. so don't bother asking if they are. If they sound related and they don't say they are, chances are, I've either forgotten (SHOCK! HORROR!) to write it, or they just plain aren't.

Okay, enjoy... some of them are just nameless, faceless, so just pretend it's you if you really need to imagine a name or face. seriously. I will not put a character in there just cause one poor person can't get the gist of it without a face to put to the nameless random.

Okay... Enough of my ranting. READ!

BTW its all original. the inspiration is from material I've read or seen in films so enjoy...
  1. Gunnin' Promises
    Scene #1
  2. Adopted Disaster
    Abi's strangely normal night turns into a horrible discovery.
  3. World Endy Goodness
    a story I wrote while on holiday this year.